Chapter 344 Amazing time
Boyd appeared on the stage, wearing a red suit with similar styles but different details. The gorgeous and flirtatious red color broke into the catwalk like an outsider.

Calm. Calm. Calm.

Boyd kept reminding himself, but it was still difficult to control his nervousness. After all, this was the first time in his short twenty-year life that he had appeared under so many eyes. His mind went blank, and then he saw Anson.

Different, completely different, this was not the Anson Boyd knew. The completely different temperament even made the facial features of his face different.

Boyd was slightly startled.

He secretly reminded himself to stay focused, but his peripheral vision still couldn't leave Anson. Subconsciously, without even noticing it, he opened a slight distance, just an invisible half step.

However, the space on the catwalk has undergone subtle changes.

Anson, was turning back.

Anson took his own right-hand passage, and Boyd also took his own right-hand passage. When they came towards each other, the tracks were just staggered, so there was enough space for both sides to walk, and there would never be a fight.

But now I can faintly notice that the passage on Anson's side has expanded slightly.

Moreover, the Crimson Tide, led by Boyd, showed a slightly erratic pace, which was in sharp contrast to Anson's calmness and determination, and the gap was highlighted.

The delicacy of loneliness, desolation, and fragility is amplified silently.

A black face faces the red wave, fighting against the tragedy and confusion of the world, but incredible energy bursts out from the stubborn and strong back, filling the air with fullness and turbulence.

Time seems to be slowing down and slowing down again.

A moment, condensed into eternity at this moment.

To Steven, this is a movie scene -

Soundtrack. Scenes. color. Scheduling. actor.

Everything is perfect, from hearing to vision to all-round experience, creating an incredible impact and reinterpreting fashion.

It turns out that fashion can still be understood this way?

It was an eye-opener for Steven.


At the same time, in the background, Eddie was holding his forehead, his face full of annoyance.

Boyd was off the stage, and his steps were still too light, unable to suppress the clothes and the catwalk. Such detailed deviations may not make a difference to outsiders, but they are indeed torture for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The catwalk director had already begun to curse, and immediately told the models behind him who were preparing to take the stage:
Don't be led into the ditch.

Eddie's temples were beating wildly, and the swear words were stirring in his chest, but he didn't say them out after all. His personality didn't like those swear words.

Looking carefully, Eddie noticed subtle changes in the atmosphere of the show——

Deviations are indeed deviations, but such deviations create different effects by accident. Anson relied on his own understanding and adaptability to control the scene, and the black color actually burst out with a powerful and aloof aura.


Eddie couldn't help clenching his fists and cheering silently.

Then, Eddie had an idea and stopped the catwalk director in time.

"When Anson returns to his seat, who will take the stage?"

The catwalk director knew the order of appearances and pointed out the corresponding models at once.

Eddie nodded and said, "If you go astray in the front, go astray. If you make a mistake, continue it. Start from here and adjust it back. Then the effect will be fine." After a short exchange, the catwalk director understood what Eddie meant and nodded in agreement.

Who would have thought that Dior's most important and critical men's clothing product line would have an accident when it debuted on the catwalk for the first time, and then it would turn out to be something else by mistake?
Steven was a layman and couldn't see it. He didn't understand fashion anyway. He just looked at the scene in front of him from a movie perspective. But he never expected that other professionals wouldn't be able to see it either.

In fact, not only Steven, but everyone in the entire show couldn't help but hold their breath.

Including Anna Wintour.

As an industry leader, Anna is not easily fooled. She can see the essence through phenomena and will not be easily surprised, shocked or shocked.

At its core, Eddie Slimane's attempt is to disrupt masculinity.

It has always been assumed that men need to be strong, tough and responsible. Naturally, men's fashion is also constrained by traditional temperament. What Eddie did was to break this framework and expose vulnerability.

Rebellious. free. Lonely. thin. Innocence.

And so on and so forth.

The simple summary is that men are allowed to be vulnerable and men are allowed to be lonely. Relying on this concept, Eddie completed the design of a new product line.

There is no doubt that this is a new definition of men's fashion, a shock.

Of course, Anna also agrees that concepts are concepts, and it is not difficult to talk about it on paper; Eddie’s excellence lies in evolving concepts into designs, showing these ideas with lines and proportions, and successfully creating impact.

Eddie deserves this award.

Anna believes that Dior can indeed subvert the existing fashion pattern and let people see the possibilities of the men's clothing market; but if it is just that, it is far from being epoch-making. They need to observe Eddie for another two to three seasons. Only the best design——

It’s not a flash of inspiration, it’s not like a shooting star, but it’s really being able to form a series of ideas and continue to develop them on a quarter-by-quarter basis.

In addition, it also depends on the acceptance of these designs and styles by ordinary people. From high-end to popularization, this is the only way for every epoch-making fashion trend. Those high-end designs are an attempt to test the trend and inspire inspiration. , and finally applied to actual operations.

At this point, both Dio and Eddie still have a series of tests to face.


Anna also held her breath at this time, and the reason was Anson.

Now Anna finally understands why Eddie chose Anson as a model:
temperament. Aura. tolerance. inspiration.

Eddie keenly and accurately captured the complex and contradictory qualities of Anson, injected design concepts, and evolved into a set of gorgeous costumes; from the Emmy Awards to the premiere, it developed step by step, and then evolved into this show. Every detail fits perfectly.

A shock, a shock.

Now in 2001?

This is indeed an epoch-making moment, just like when Michael Jackson played the music video for "Thriller", no one knew what happened and no one realized what was about to happen, it was just a simple... Shock and shock.

Not to mention other people, even Anna was imagining the effects of these designs on ordinary people, and they spread across the men's clothing market.

Incredibly, Anna thought of Anson's words again: clothes, before they are put on, are just a pile of fabric.

The general public likes trends and fashion. They often like to be a part of the trend. They often hope to get closer to the people they admire through fashion. They often hope to get closer to their dreams in this way.

And Anson?
Now he is giving the clothes soul, letting fashion and trends evolve into his style, and making it desirable——

Anson did not shine because of Dior. On the contrary, Dior regained its vitality because of Anson.

(End of this chapter)

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