Chapter 346 Comfort Area

People rely on clothes.

Everyone has heard this truth; but without seeing it with your own eyes, it is often difficult to believe that a person's temperament can change drastically due to different outfits and styles.

It is precisely because of this that in movies such as "Pretty Woman" and "The Princess Diaries", people always like to see the moment when the ugly duckling transforms into a swan. Cinderella's story can also become the most adapted fairy tale in film history. Likewise Classics that never seem to go out of style.

The same is true in front of me.

Anna's eyes lit up slightly——

Pairing a leather jacket with a shirt is similar to Anson's flight jacket with a shirt that day. He boldly breaks the rules and changes his temperament with a seemingly simple but actually outrageous mix and match. Using a simple item adds an element of uncertainty to daily fashion wear. It's eye-catching.

But whether Anson got inspiration from Eddie or Eddie got inspiration from Anson, one thing is certain:

Dior men's clothing is indeed eye-catching.

Behind the bold rebellion and subversion, the lines and proportions that can be seen everywhere perfectly show the beauty of a man's figure. Compared with other models who are thin to thin, Anson's strong and well-proportioned streamlined muscles completely demonstrate another charm of the design, which words cannot describe. Charm.

Rarely, Anna showed a hint of appreciation in her eyes.

Loyal readers who are really familiar with "Fashion" magazines should know that this is a fashion magazine for women.

From the cover to the inside pages, women's clothing occupies the absolute leading role, and occasionally men's clothing is also included, but there are not many cases where 100% of the clothing is worn by women.

This is why Steven and Tom rarely give interviews to Vogue.

Because of this characteristic, "Fashion" has also encountered some controversy and criticism. However, as the editor-in-chief, Anna has always gone her own way and adhered to the style of the magazine. This has also made "Fashion" an incredible success, and it is still an unshakable existence at the top of the pyramid. Way ahead of the competition.

This time, Anna took the initiative to invite Anson to collaborate on a special topic, which is indeed very difficult and rare.

Essentially, it is because Anna felt the changing direction of the trend, keenly captured the key, and took the step to try.

Now, Anna is thinking that maybe she should be more decisive in her steps.

Subconsciously, Anna turned to look at Steven and lowered her voice and said, "This is the matching style you saw in the studio that day."

Steven:? ? ?

It can be seen from Steven's eyes that he obviously has no impression.

This made Anna shake her head helplessly. Is it too late for her to change seats? The most important show in the fashion industry for ten or even fifteen years, and she ended up sitting next to two guys who didn't understand the style?

It’s just playing the piano to a cow!
Steven chuckled.

Although Steven couldn't give Anna a response, he really had no idea about fashion. He couldn't see the reason for the show in front of him. He couldn't even understand the design and matching of some clothes. Others didn't know. Anyway, he didn't know. He would dress like this; but he also has his own perspective.

Steven couldn't confirm whether his preconceptions were causing trouble. He could always catch a hint of childish stubbornness in those clear blue eyes, proudly and lonely hiding his wounds with his sharp edge——

"Isn't this little Frank?" Steven couldn't hold it back after all. He leaned slightly in the direction of Tom and sighed in a low voice.

He also needs to communicate and share, otherwise the turbulent emotions in his mind will almost explode, and the surging passion and excitement may blow out at any time.

Fashion people have a fashion person's perspective, and movie people have a movie person's perspective.

Steven got no response. Turning his head, he saw Tom's smiling eyes.

Catch it right away.

Tom also lowered his voice, "So, this is the little Frank Abagnale we are looking for?"

Steven could read a hint of schadenfreude from the smile in Tom's eyes, which made him a little depressed. He was so stubborn that he didn't want to admit it; but he couldn't say anything to deny it, which made Steven want to roll his eyes.

Tom could tell, but he was an honest man and he knew when he could joke and when he couldn't, like this.

So, instead of teasing, Tom went back to the topic, "I think he is very malleable, and he is two different kinds of actors from Leonardo."

"Of course, we can choose Leonardo and wait patiently for 'Gangs of New York' to be completed. Leonardo is absolutely the wrong choice."

"But we can also choose Anson, take a risk, let Anson explore and explore, create a brand new character, and then see how it works. It may succeed or fail."

Tom, very bold and straight to the core.

Steven did not speak, but shifted his gaze to look at Anson on the catwalk quietly.

Tom sighed inwardly.

Tom understands Steven. Steven is an excellent director, but conservative and mediocre in his casting choices. He has his own comfort zone, and after achieving great success in the past ten years, he has become more and more popular. The more accustomed you are to staying in your comfort zone and refusing to take risks.

Therefore, Tom did not continue to analyze from a professional perspective, but changed his approach, "Steven, when was the last time you hired a newcomer who had no experience and no successful works?"

"'Purple', or 'ET'?"

"The Color Purple", a 1985 work, was Steven's bold attempt to switch from business to art. Adhering to the mentality of neither breaking nor establishing, he used a completely new team to shoot a black movie. Even now, it is still a shocking move. .

"ET", a 1982 work with children as its main cast, is an important attempt by Steven to recall his childhood.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen years have passed, and Steven seems to no longer have such courage. His choice of actors and casts has become more and more conservative, narrow-minded, and increasingly dependent on star power.

So, is it laziness, or fear?
Steven admits that he has never thought about his work from this perspective. After all, actors are really not his focus as a director.

When Tom pointed it out, Steven subconsciously wanted to refute, "'artificial intelligence'!"

Tom looked at Steven helplessly, "Hailey? Jude? Or Frances?"

"Artificial Intelligence", this summer's work, is also Steven's latest work. The cast and cast of this work are also worthy of attention.

Haley-Joe-Osment has become the most popular child star with "The Sixth Sense".

Jude Law, British actor in "The Talented Mr. Ripley", "Sense Game", "Wilde", "Gattaca" and other works.

Frances-O'Connor is an up-and-coming Australian actress, but has also appeared in "Madame Bovary", "Manfield Park" and other works.

A retort made Steven stunned. His reaction was temporarily blocked. He was slightly distracted, and his eyes slowly moved along with Anson's footsteps.

Involuntarily, he fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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