Chapter 351 Earthshaking
"Knock knock."

In the early morning, the quiet knock on the door echoed muffledly in the hotel corridor, as if worried about disturbing the tired souls sleeping inside. Who should knock on the door and wait for a response?

Unexpectedly, after just waiting for a moment, the door to the room slowly opened, revealing Edgar's face that looked slightly tired but still couldn't contain his excitement.

Seeing the person coming, Edgar took a long breath and said, "Mr. Slimane, thank you very much for your willingness to lend a helping hand. Jesus Christ, my heartburn can finally calm down a little."

Eddie Slimane looked at the face in front of him that seemed to see the savior, and for a moment he didn't know where to start complaining.

"Eddie. Just call me Eddie."

In the end, I still swallowed all the other words and picked up the most important key opening.

Edgar smiled and said, "After yesterday, I think I need to express my respect."

Eddie shifted his gaze uncomfortably.

Edgar immediately decoded the message, without explanation or consolation. Without further words, he stepped aside and invited Eddie into the room.

Dior's fashion show happened the day before yesterday.

Then, for the whole day yesterday, I fell into madness——

Starting from France, media from different countries and regions have paid attention to it. From Europe to Asia, then to Oceania, then to North America and South America, and finally back to Europe, covering different time zones, there is constant heated discussion.

The first reports were not professional enough and did not go into depth yet. Detailed analysis and discussion still need to wait patiently for special reports in authoritative magazines, such as the November issue of "Fashion" magazine.

Nevertheless, first-hand information is still fully laid out.

"Eddie Slimane shines at Paris Fashion Week!"

“Men’s fashion faces a historic breakthrough: Dior leads the way.”

“The third day of Paris Fashion Week ushered in an unprecedented frenzy.”

"When men and fashion collide, Dior finally gives a different answer!"

“Dior’s Paris Fashion Week show received a fifteen-minute standing ovation.”

"The genius Eddie Slimane bravely breaks the framework and writes a new history of fashion."

It's eloquent and mighty.

Suddenly, it seemed as if Paris had become the center of the world, with thousands of eyes converging into a spotlight, illuminating the streets and alleys of the city.

Paris has always been the capital of fashion, and it has a unique position among the four major fashion weeks. From the popularity of discussions to the focus of attention to the overall leadership in audience traffic, Paris has long been accustomed to becoming fashionable this season every year. A hotly debated center in the field.

However, this time was different, completely different.

Even locals in Paris couldn't help but sigh: unprecedented.

Even the media that has nothing to do with fashion have smelled this trend and paid attention to it. Local newspapers in France, large and small, are overwhelmingly filled with relevant information. Everyone can feel that a change has quietly arrived. .

In 2001, it was still very common for people to read news through newspapers. Regardless of whether they were interested or not, everyone could see relevant news.

burst! burst! burst!
Among them, Eddie undoubtedly became the center of the storm, but he was not the only one.

"Anson Wood, the fashion leader."

“A rebel who dared to break the mold and break the mold: Anson Wood.”

"Why Anson Wood?"

"Who is Anson Wood?"

"Anson, the pioneer of the new generation of fashion trends? No, the pioneer who subverts the restrictions and constraints of men's fashion!" "The new idol who landed in Paris!"

"Inspiration, everything starts with him."

One after another, overwhelmingly, Anson’s name was all there.

In fact, Anson’s photo was the headline on the front page!
He made a powerful appearance with a devastating attitude, and you could see that face, figure, and name in every corner, and there was simply nowhere to escape.

Before, whether it was "Friends" or "GQ", Anson thought he had experienced the feeling of becoming famous overnight; but now he understands that the wave in front of him is truly crazy.

Imagine how Edgar felt when he saw Anson's photo on the front page of five different newspapers just fifty meters from the Four Seasons Hotel to the cafe at the end of the street?

Indeed... surrounded.

The feeling of immediate vision was so strong and shocking that my knees couldn't help but feel weak.

Twenty-four hours ago, Anson was a stranger in this city, and no one could name him; but twenty-four hours later, his face and name could be seen in the streets.

This experience of ups and downs is much more exciting than a roller coaster.

In just twenty-four hours, the world has changed drastically. Moreover, this is not the Internet era yet. It is just the paper media that has created such a noise.

No wonder Edgar couldn't help but sigh when he saw Eddie.

Looking back now, the huge crowd after the Dior fashion show was just a warm-up.

At that time, Anson became the absolute focus, because Karl Lagerfeld personally sent an invitation to Anson on the spot, inviting Anson to Chanel's fashion show, hoping that Anson could become a VIP guest in the first row.

This honor is eye-catching.

At the same time, Anna Wintour actually expressed her willingness to serve as a guide.

One is Lafayette and the other is the female devil.

The two major mountains in the fashion field are both looking at Anson with affirmative eyes, and even pursuing it, which is a typical example of Anson's position in the fashion field.

Today is the day when the Chanel fashion show debuts.

Although the Dior fashion show has detonated this year's Paris, strictly speaking, the real climax is still to come; now because of the emergence of Eddie, the focus has reached a new peak, and the scene is naturally different.

Karl Lagerfeld personally sent Anson matching clothes, but considering today's occasion, they still need to be prepared.

Making a prompt decision, Edgar got help from Anna and found a makeup and hair styling team for Anson, but this was not enough, so Edgar sent a signal to Eddie for help.

Like Anna, Eddie showed up at the Four Seasons without hesitation.

In fact, Anson was still sleeping at this time. The whole day yesterday was spent socializing and socializing. They didn't even have time to celebrate the successful audition of "Cat and Mouse Game". The new breakthrough in the fashion industry had already occupied their work schedule.

In order to ensure that he can continue the Chanel fashion show in the best condition in the afternoon, Anson needs to get enough sleep.

Eddie entered the room; after a cursory look, he made a rough judgment without asking about Anson's condition, and then his eyes fell on the clothes hanging neatly on the hangers.

"This is the clothing sent by Karl Lagerfeld. It was still ironed last night."

"But, I'm not sure, is it okay for Anson to dress like this, or does it need to be matched? Or do we need to improve it?"

Edgar is also aware of his shortcomings. Fashion is indeed not his field, but he doesn't mind admitting it and just accepts help calmly.

Eddie didn't reply, but looked at it quietly, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly:
Awesome, still awesome.

Karl Lagerfeld has been able to dominate the fashion field for so many years, and his reputation is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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