The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 355 Personal Certification

Chapter 355 Personal Certification
Not only the Chanel show, but the entire Paris Fashion Week scene was in shock and astonishment. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe it.

Anson actually modified Carl's design, actually!
Moreover, at the Chanel fashion show, after Karl issued an unprecedented personal invitation, Anson actually slapped her directly in the face.

So, is this audacious or brainless? Doesn't this mean he is here to cause trouble? Although everyone knows that a vase has no IQ, and a good-looking skin does not mean a good brain, but what is Anson's empty brain thinking about, and what is he still looking forward to? Is it possible that Carl still smiles and applauds everyone?
Ha ha.

Just think about it with your knees:
No good ending.

Not to mention Anson, even Anna would not easily change Karl's design.

Because Carl's ability to stand in the industry for many years is due to his strength, and he has polished his prestige through repeated tests. Now Anson is actually doing whatever he wants to do and showing off in front of Guan Gong?

Haha, laugh out loud.

For a moment, people didn’t know how to look directly into Anson’s eyes. If it was said to be arrogant, Carl had not even begun to dote on Anson; if it was said to be a surprise victory, how could Anson, a layman, think of such an incredible idea? What about the most stupid strategy?

So, who gave Anson the courage?

Envy, jealousy, hatred, in addition to these looks, there was also gloating and fear. The people who were eating melons were stunned when they saw the disaster scene in front of them, which was even more shocking than seeing the river of blood.

Edgar and Eddie, who followed into the show, also saw this scene, and they both froze. No matter what they thought before, standing in front of Karl at this moment, their legs couldn't help but feel weak, and their knees were shaking slightly.

Don't talk about them anymore, even Anna became quiet and didn't speak.

It's one thing for Anna to appreciate Anson, but it's another thing to offend Carl for Anson. Anna and Karl also respect each other's professionalism, and she will not easily break up the relationship before Karl, the designer, expresses his opinion——

What's more, today was originally Chanel's day.

The gaze quietly flowed between Anson and Karl.

To be honest, Anson was also a little worried——

Such dressing took place after 2022, and Karl sadly passed away in 2019. In other words, this was an idea that Karl did not come up with, but it has now come out twenty years in advance.

Anson was also unsure of Carl's attitude.


Anson knew what he was doing and had already thought clearly when he made the choice in the hotel. Now was the time to face the result calmly. No matter what the result was, this was his choice and his decision, and he was willing to bear all the consequences.

Confident, calm and calm.

Anson met Caldo's gaze and quietly covered Eddie behind him.

He wasn't worried about Karl's ban. At worst, he could go back to Hollywood and continue making popcorn; but Eddie couldn't. Eddie's fashion career in Paris had just begun.

Quietly, Anson straightened his waist slightly, showing an inviolable posture.

Karl paused for a brief moment, looking up and down at Anson, carefully, earnestly, and comprehensively. However, the condensation in the air made the entire atmosphere stiff, as if he had entered the cold winter of the Arctic Circle in a second.

"I like."

Karl finally spoke.

One sentence was short and neat, but it caused ripples and shocked the whole audience.

The crowd of people's eyes were all swarming towards Anson inconceivably.

Wait, what just happened?
As they looked at each other, their brains couldn't react and couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

ha? What did Carl say?


How can it be?

How can it be!

The whole place was silent. It was so shocking and shocking that even a sigh could not be uttered. My mind went blank and the whole world fell silent for a short time.

But Carl and Anson, the initiators of everything, seemed much more relaxed.

Karl slightly nodded his head once in a while, "You are the first person to modify my design." The smile rose, "Good modification. Anna said that you made some remarks about fashion last time, and the clothes were not worn before they were worn. Just a pile of fabric?”

Does Carl like others modifying his designs?
No. of course not.

Karl himself is a designer. If others modify the design, it means they are dissatisfied with the design. How could Karl like it?

But this time things are different.

From Dior's catwalk to Anna's chatting, a few strokes outline an image of Anson, giving Karl a new perspective on his work.

This is also the fundamental reason why Karl invited Anson to come to the Chanel show——


Seeing Anson today, Carl was overwhelmed with inspiration. He truly understood the meaning of what Anson said to Anna. The so-called clothes are just a pile of fabrics, but they are endowed with souls because of people. People's pursuit of fashion and trends is often also about a person. A person’s pursuit of a lifestyle.

The Anson in front of him perfectly explains this point——

It’s not that Anson shines because of Chanel, it’s that Chanel shines because of Anson.

People will not marvel that Anson wears a set of luxury goods and are so envious; but people will sigh that Anson's outfit interprets a new soul.

Fashion and trends are injected with new vitality.

Carl liked that.

So if modifying the design was a necessary step toward self-adjustment, Carl could accept and even appreciate Anson's taste and color.

Although this is Chanel, wearing it on Anson is a different story.

Involuntarily, Karl looked at it a few more times, inspiration flowing from his mind. He exchanged glances with Anna, and both of them laughed.

However, Karl is Karl. No matter how much he likes or praises, he will not lose his composure, but two brief sentences are enough. Karl personally stepped forward to welcome Anson into the show.

Edgar and Eddie exchanged glances. Eddie was still shy and reserved, but Edgar's palms were soaked with sweat. It was only now that the two of them breathed a long sigh of relief and regained some of their strength. easy.

This test was passed just like this, but their steps failed to find their center of gravity. They still couldn't believe that they passed the test like this.

And the excitement of the entire show has just begun.

In the blink of an eye, the news spread throughout Paris——

Anson changed Carl's design, but received Carl's personal approval.

This time, it was completely fried.

If before Anson's debut today, the expectations had climbed to eight or even nine out of ten, then Anson's actual appearance was so unreasonable that it completely overturned the entire evaluation system and gave a brand new answer.


One hundred and twenty points. Not on the same level at all, Anson once again shook up the entire fashion world in his own way.

Not only was it amazing, but it was also shocking, and the discussion could no longer stop.

After Dior, Anson shines again at Chanel.

Under the spotlight, Anson had just sat down when he noticed the half-asleep woman on his right. The memory of meeting Anne Hathaway on the plane came flooding back——

Wait, can he change positions?

(End of this chapter)

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