The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 364 VIP Treatment

Chapter 364 VIP Treatment
Everything is new and strange.

For Edgar, it was no exception. Although he was excited, he was inevitably a little uneasy.

Generally speaking, agents don’t care and shouldn’t care about actors’ psychological difficulties. They should work hard to convince actors to focus on money——

It is precisely because of this that from the late 1990s to the early 21st century, countless top Hollywood stars went to Japan to shoot commercials.

The endorsement fee is extremely generous.

Including but not limited to top-tier stars such as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, etc., and even European actors represented by Alain Delon have gone to Japan in large numbers to shoot advertising endorsements.

Such actions are often despised or even ridiculed in the film industry. However, due to the underdeveloped Internet, those Japanese advertisements rarely reach European countries and the United States. Agents use this as a reason to encourage actors to accept Get off work and laugh once for pay.

At this time, Edgar should do the same, after all, the check has been received.

But Edgar did not, because he had higher expectations for Anson's career as an actor, and because he knew that Anson was a person with the ability to think independently.

Therefore, Edgar did not preset an answer, but asked a question.

"Are you worried?"

Anson looked away and was slightly startled. It took him a moment to realize what Edgar meant, and his smile rose, "No, I'm not worried at all."

"If there is such an opportunity in the future, we can still sit down and talk. After all, fashion blockbusters are much more respectable than endorsing diapers."

Edgar understood immediately, and a smile rose at the corners of his mouth——

The superstars who go to Japan to endorse may not really endorse diapers, but they often endorse daily necessities. There is some gap between their own images, which is really puzzling.

"We don't need to discuss art all the time. Art is of course important, but art without economic roots is just talking to itself. Everyone admires Van Gogh, but no one wants to be Van Gogh."

Vincent Van Gogh was poor and depressed during his lifetime, but he was only appreciated after his death, and his paintings were auctioned for sky-high prices——

Unfortunately, he himself will never know.

Edgar also relaxed, "Then what were you looking at just now?"

Anson blinked, "Oh, I'm just amazed at the photographer's ability. To be honest, I don't feel like myself at all."

"Wait, are you saying that they retouched the pictures a lot?"

Edgar, "Retouching? What retouching?"

Anson had forgotten that computer image editing technology is not that developed now. Photographers rely more on their strength, and models also rely on their strength.

"No. I'm just sighing."

"So, for the next three months, I will be the face of Dior. This feeling is not bad."

As Edgar expected, Anson's recognition and popularity skyrocketed.

Anson originally thought that maybe it was limited to the fashion circle, maybe it was limited to fashion week. After all, fashion is a small circle as big as a palm, and the noise and excitement are just the self-pleasure of fashion people. Once you leave fashion week, all the halo and The applause will disappear, just as Cinderella resumes after midnight.

However, it did not.

Bustling and dark, people with long guns and short guns are waiting for Anson in the check-in hall of the airport. This treatment is comparable to that of a superstar.

In 2001, airport photography had not yet become popular. Not to mention Paris, even Los Angeles was not so enthusiastic. Reporters would not go to the airport to surround artists to capture their postures entering and exiting the airport. Only a very, very few superstars could. enjoy such treatment.

And now, Anson saw this scene at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

"If you had just attended the Cannes Film Festival and saw this scene, it would be perfect; but there is no need to be picky, this is fine."

Anson joked, then got out of the car and got into the flashing lights.

Although it was his first time being blocked at the airport, Anson behaved calmly and calmly, continuing his upright attitude at Paris Fashion Week. "Anson, what is your relationship with Winona?"

"Did you guys meet before Fashion Week?"

"Have you exchanged contact information with her?"

"How do you feel about coming to the fashion week this time? Will we see you again at the autumn and winter fashion week next year?"

"Do you have any plans to walk for other brands? Like Chanel."

"Are you the third party to Winona's feelings?"

"What happened at the Chanel fashion show that day? Can you respond?"

Bah bah bah, one question after another rushed towards Anson's head, and he felt like he was surfing even though he was on flat ground. The waves were coming one after another and he couldn't stop at all.

However, Anson always kept smiling and did not respond to any questions - this was not a press conference, and he had nothing to clarify; but he did not leave in a hurry, but stood there and was baptized by the flash. His upright posture made all the reporters' attacks Return without success.

Be patient, calm, and calm.

Anson seemed to stay in place consciously, waiting for the reporters to throw out all the questions, allowing the jackals and tigers in front of him to vent for a while, and then gently nodded his head with a smile on his face, and then under the protection of Edgar and the airport security personnel Leave calmly.

Everyone was left looking at each other in shock——

Each and every one of the reporters was red-faced, sweating, and embarrassed; but the people they were attacking were calm, calm, and unrestrained.

Something seems a little wrong.

On the other side, Anson had already entered the airport clean and dry, and successfully completed the check-in, consignment and boarding procedures from the VIP channel, making the journey smooth.

Edgar couldn't help but let out a long breath.

No matter the time or the city, these media and the all-pervasive paparazzi are always the most troublesome. They did not expect that Paris would encounter such a situation, and they also did not expect that it would be solved with such an understatement.

Edgar looked at Anson, "If this continues, Eve will probably lose her job."

Anson shook his head slightly, "That's not necessarily the case. I'm good at improvising, and Eve is good at planning in advance and cleaning up messes. She's a strategist, and we always need a strategist."

Edgar's face was filled with astonishment, "Wait a minute, did you just use Sun Tzu's Art of War?"

"Hey, you actually know 'Sun Tzu's Art of War'?"

One second, Edgar had just discovered the New World; the next second, the initiative fell into Anson's hands, and Edgar was confusedly involved.

We had just boarded the plane and there were no other passengers in the cabin yet. The oncoming flight attendant smiled and gave us morning greetings.

"Good morning, Mr. Wood."

Anson was very surprised that the flight attendant could accurately say his name, but obviously, that was not all.

"We have upgraded you to first class. We hope you can enjoy a pleasant journey."

In fact, they were worried that Anson's appearance in the economy class might cause unnecessary commotion; but the airline's clever words can make customers feel special treatment.

Anson turned to look at Edgar, and Edgar was also confused——

They booked economy class, round trip.

But he never expected that there would be such special treatment for VIPs.

Seemingly aware of Anson's questioning gaze, the flight attendant added, "The same goes for Mr. Cook."

(End of this chapter)

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