The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 368 Xiami takes the helm

Chapter 368 Xiami takes the helm
Suddenly, a white light burst down, and the world briefly fell into silver, but before I had time to react, it was too dazzling and too dazzling, and it fell into darkness.

There was a vast darkness, and you couldn't see your fingers. You could only see flickering light spots moving and jumping in the darkness, not even an outline.


There was a commotion above the eardrums, the shutter sound mixed with the bustling roars and roars, splitting the syllables into countless crazy noises.

So much so that the ears cannot catch it at all, and even the buzzing sound has disappeared, falling into a kind of silence that cannot be described in words. It is obviously very noisy, but it is wonderfully outside of all sounds.

Vision, disappear.

Hearing disappears.

However, the sense of smell can still feel the raging smell of burning in the air; the sense of touch can still feel the burning heat waves jumping on the surface of the skin; the sense of taste can even feel the faint smell of blood.

Like a shark approaching.

one second.

In just one second, it hit his stomach like a heavy punch. All his internal organs curled up and he couldn't move at all.

Compared with the present, the battles of Paris Fashion Week suddenly became childish. As expected of Los Angeles, it showed absolute power from the beginning.

Although they had expected this scene, they were still caught off guard.

Now Edgar finally understood what Eve meant by "surrounding".

First, because of the Hexagon scandal.

Secondly, because of Paris Fashion Week.

Both events set off incredible storms on the North American continent, but they were intertwined and found a point of intersection in Anson.

Then the media went crazy.

Even Anson would inevitably be a little panicked and surprised when faced with such a battle.

When I encountered cyberbullying in my previous life, all those attacks were on the Internet. I could see and feel them, and there was an overwhelming sense of suffocation. But it was different in front of me. Everything was so real, and it actually penetrated the body along the pores, hitting and tearing it apart. The feeling of rupture exists at the same time.

I couldn't help but feel flustered——

The memories of the past surged up again.



Edgar was shouting at the top of his lungs, but his voice still couldn't break through the siege. He could only pull Anson's arm and prepare to leave the scene.

Not far away, Eve and the airport security team have also appeared together. They are preparing to escort Anson away. No matter how this matter is handled later, leaving now is the right way. There is no need to confront him head-on.

However, Anson refused.

Edgar's face was full of astonishment and couldn't believe it.

Now verbal communication is impossible, so Anson just patted Edgar on the shoulder, using this action to reassure Edgar.

Then, head high and chest high, face the flash craze in front of you.

Edgar was completely stunned and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, but in a flash of lightning, Edgar immediately made a judgment and choice——

Trust Anson.

No matter what the difficulty, no matter what the situation, he was Anson's backing.

Anson, what's wrong?
No, of course not.

Anson clearly knows what these media want. He is the fish on the chopping board, and their eager eyes are waiting to slaughter him.

Anson could choose to leave the scene and let the public relations team issue a statement, but obviously reporters would not believe it, and then the paparazzi would start a long and endless entanglement until he entered the "Cat and Mouse Game" crew. In fact, Anson doesn't mind this, since there is nothing to lose to him anyway; but in this case, the focus on Matt will be shifted, and then Winona will become another victim.

Regardless of the truth, Anson doesn't think Winona deserved to experience that nightmare.

In his previous life, when Anson was at his lowest, most helpless and most lonely, he wished that someone could stand up and tell him that everything would pass. Even just one sentence could become a ray of light.

But he never encountered it.

And now, he hopes to be able to say this to Winona, everything will pass. Even if it seems that this threshold will never be crossed at the moment, the reality is not like this, it will pass eventually.

Therefore, Anson is now in another way, staying and facing the media directly.

No need to play hide and seek, just face to face.

Even if there is a violent storm, so what?
Not far away, Eve led the security team who were struggling to squeeze into the crowd. After a lot of bumps, confusion, and pulling, they finally came in.


Eve looked at Luo Luoban's figure bathed in the overwhelming flashing lights, and couldn't help but be stunned, but then, a smile crept onto her lips:

This guy is indeed extraordinary.

There was no embarrassment, panic or uneasiness. The aboveboard and calm appearance had the courage to watch the storm with a smile. On the contrary, it made the bustling reporters in front of him look chaotic, ugly and cramped.

Click. Click, click, click.

The overwhelming flashing lights shrouded Anson in a pervasive manner, but slowly, slowly it calmed down, and both of them realized something was wrong.

According to common sense, Anson should run away and escape in embarrassment, so they need to seize the opportunity to press the shutter as soon as possible and capture the news photos as much as possible before Anson escapes, but now the person involved is standing in front of them like this, They keep pressing the shutter button and wasting film, as if they were stupid and had too much money.

Immediately, the shutter slowed down; even the voice of questions calmed down.

It was finally quiet at the exit of the arrival hall, and it was only then that we could see clearly. There should be about three hundred reporters in the dark area. It was not too many, but it was still very impressive, and they were crowded together.


"Why don't you run?"

A voice sounded from the crowd. Although the words were crude, they made perfect sense and made other reporters smile.

Anson lightly shrugged, "Because there seems to be nowhere to escape. For the sake of urban traffic safety in Los Angeles, there is no need for us to stage 'Fast and Furious', what do you think?"

What is this answer?
But it's a little funny, what's going on?

With a smile on his lips, Anson scanned the audience, "Wait, are you waiting for me? I probably didn't make an own mistake. Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt are just standing behind to enjoy this skit. ?”


There was a roar of laughter.

Who would have thought that Anson would still be so calm in the face of such a battle?
Whales fight, but a little shrimp stands at the front and controls the situation in the face of turbulent waves and storms. Is this normal?

It seems that many people must have forgotten the studio siege that was the first time Anson truly entered the public eye after his guest appearance on "Friends"?
Quietly, Anson had firmly taken the initiative in this meeting, "So, everyone gathered here not to congratulate me on winning an Oscar nomination, right?"

Everyone was laughing, and the atmosphere was completely relaxed.

"No, it's not." Someone in the crowd responded.

Anson spread his hands regretfully, "Okay, I also know the chances are slim. 'Princess Diary' still forced it."

There was another round of laughter, and then the reporter finally couldn't help but drop the bombshell.

"What's your relationship with Winona Ryder? Are you dating?"

(End of this chapter)

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