The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 371 Beauty is a disaster

Chapter 371 Beauty is a disaster
The development of things gradually started to become interesting.

On the front foot, rumors about Winona and Anson having an affair have been circulating. The gossip media and the public are eager to sort out the timeline, trying to find out who cheated on Winona or Matt first.

On the back foot, the paparazzi broke the news that Winona and Anson had no connection at all. Paris Fashion Week was the first time the two met in their lives. The so-called scandal was just someone behind it to whitewash Matt.


Rumors surrounding the crossover of Matt, Tom, and Penelope's timelines are abuzz, while the two victims, Winona and Nicole, have quietly withdrawn from the public eye.

If things only progressed to this point, it would be just another polygonal sadomasochism in Hollywood. Gossip, gossip, and bloodshed would be all.


The excitement of the news did not last long, and the wind direction changed quietly. More and more scandals surrounding Tom and Penelope were revealed, but Matt gradually became invisible——

People thought that Matt would play the victim. He fell in love with Penelope, but they didn't expect that Penelope would fall in love with Tom as soon as she turned around, and Matt would end up like Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror and not being a human being.

Matt, no.

In the uproar of news, Matt has taken a back seat, with no explanation, clarification or update. It is as if he has withdrawn from the scandal and is not important at all. All reports are weakening his existence.

The focus, quietly and completely, fell on Penelope:

She destroys other people's feelings, starts chaos and gives up, rides two boats, flirts with people and plays with the world. Her charming and sexy image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. All criticism, ridicule and attacks are directed at Peine. Lopu swarmed away.

Outsiders are just watching the excitement, but insiders can see it——

The "Boston Gang" took action.

After the public relations team made repeated mistakes that caused Matt to fall into trouble and slide into the abyss, the situation became increasingly unfavorable for Matt. Seeing that the strategy of framing Anson failed and caused a lot of trouble, they made a quick decision to withdraw.

The firepower also poured into Tom Cruise.

Outsiders may be curious, can't Tom Cruise suppress Matt Damon?
From the perspective of industry status, Tom is higher than Matt, and it is still much higher. At least in 2001, this is still the case.

But Tom is fighting alone, while Matt has the support of the entire Boston gang. In the struggle of connections, resources and power, Matt does not need to be afraid of Tom at all.

What's more, scandals are just diversion of trouble, not groundless slander.

Tom could only swallow this dumb loss, so that later people did not remember the scandal between Matt and Penelope at all. When they mentioned it again, they only remembered Penelope and Tom filming "Vanilla Sky" Sparks fly and become the trigger for Tom and Nicole's divorce.

So, what did Tom do?
The strong man cuts off his wrist and sacrifices Penelope.

After all, Penelope is a Spanish actor who only officially landed in Hollywood after winning global attention with "All About Mother" in 2000. She basically has no foundation to speak of; in addition, in such scandals, women are always easily exposed. Labeling it "beauties are a disaster" can easily shift the focus of the public opinion storm.

Then, that's what happened.

The scandal has been going on for a while, and the bustling discussions can't stop at all. People who eat melons are absolutely full of gossip this time, and they are rushing towards the end of the year.

So, what about Anson?

After standing at the forefront of the storm for a short time, he was unable to continue to lock in the heat and slowly withdrew from the public eye, and life calmed down again. The hustle and bustle of Paris Fashion Week seems to have become extremely distant——

Actually, that's not entirely the case.

At the end of October, the November issue of "Vogue" magazine debuted in a shocking manner. Although it was not the cover, Anna Wintour made a bold and crazy attempt this time to fully display Anson's fashion concept and to be authentic. As the theme, it is a rare touch into men's fashion.

There was an exclamation.

Originally, in 2001, there were not many platforms to showcase men's fashion. Even magazines like "GQ" that focused on men's fashion always lacked a complete concept. The target readers have been swinging between elite men and fashionable women. Obviously, they still have Not enough to take on the responsibility of changing the structure of the entire fashion field.

But now, "Fashion", the industry leader that has always focused on women's fashion, is paying attention to men's fashion for the first time; and what's even more incredible is that Anna actually gave the initiative of "showing" to Anson!

Of course, the first reaction of people in the industry is doubt.

We are all professionals. No one should be naive enough to think that "fashion" is Anson's own taste and sincerely believe this nonsense, right?
But after carefully inquiring about news in the industry, I found that this time it seems to be true.

Because Anna is not only preparing to do one special issue, but also plans to do at least three more special issues, corresponding to the seasons of winter, spring and summer. Such treatment is definitely a very rare scene in "fashion" magazines.

Could it be...?
No way!
The hot topics that have continued from Paris Fashion Week have once again ignited attention. The Anson shown in "Vogue" magazine is once again eye-catching. Unlike Dior and Chanel, Anson once again shows his ever-changing temperament.

There is no doubt that Anson has once again become a hot topic in the fashion circle, and the popularity is off the charts. He is undoubtedly the hottest figure in the fashion circle this fall.

Just look at the sales figures and you will know——

This issue of "Fashion" magazine surprisingly sold 2001 copies, breaking the highest sales record of all magazines in with an absolutely strong attitude.

Although Anson is not on the cover, industry professionals know that Anson is the key. After "GQ", this is the second time Anson has proven his influence in the fashion field with practical actions, and this time he has gone to a higher level. It really raises eyebrows.

Suddenly, Anson became the first in the list of invitations to shoot inside pages of major magazines; there were also invitations to shoot magazine covers, which was really rare for Anson who had not had any starring films released so far.

Perhaps no one expected that this trip to Paris Fashion Week would actually become a turning point in Anson's career, creating far more waves and popularity than any previous work, and becoming a new generation of fashion leader——

A new male god is being born.

But what was even more unexpected was that Anson rejected all these invitations.


Edgar did not hide it, saying that Anson is currently preparing for his next work and needs to focus on his performance, looking forward to the next collaboration.

Hollywood is well-informed. After a little inquiry, everyone was shocked by the result. It was actually the work of Steven Spielberg?

When did this happen?

And the partner is still Tom Hanks!
Now, it’s lively.

(End of this chapter)

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