The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 379: Delicate Eyes Chapter

Chapter 379 Details of Eyes
Anson was stunned, staring silently at the checkbook in his hand.

In the previous life, my father just disappeared without a trace.

deny. anger. argue. Frustrated. accept. He also went through this stage, trying to make excuses for his father, trying to retain a glimmer of hope in the predicament, trying not to be completely swallowed by the darkness, but in the end he failed.

Because my father never showed up.

At this time, the checkbook in his hand contained only fifty pages. It was so light that it had no weight, but it was heavy on his chest. He thought he would be happy, happy and powerful, but the reality was full of bitterness.

Uncontrollably, he began to worry about his father——

The bank has rejected my father's loan application, and now my father is applying for a checkbook. Will this get my father into trouble? My father says there is twenty-five dollars in the account. Where did the money come from? Should he believe his father?
Confusing thoughts surged in my mind.

He was stunned like this, staring quietly at the checkbook in his hand, but inadvertently showed a trace of confusion.

In front of the monitor, Steven couldn't help but slow down his breathing, for fear of disturbing the scene in front of him. Christopher was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't take his eyes away from Anson.

On his body, it was neither sadness nor joy, nor struggle nor loss, but a gentle tug of bitterness that was difficult to describe in words, and a touch of warmth and happiness swelled in his chest like marshmallows.

It turns out that performance is powerful.

"Here's fifty checks, little Frank, which means that starting today, you join their little club."

Old Frank stood behind him. He couldn't see Little Frank's expression, so he had no way of knowing what his son was thinking. However, he could still tell that Little Frank was distracted. He put his hands on Little Frank's shoulders and gently exerted force to pull the little guy away. His attention was brought back to reality.

Little Frank turned back and looked at his father.

However, his expression has returned to normal, and he carefully conceals his emotions. The corners of his mouth rise, regaining his sixteen-year-old spirit, and his smile slowly blooms.

“I joined their little club.”

Old Frank nodded gently, "With the check, you have everything."

Little Frank turned his head again and continued to look through the checkbook in his hand, "It even has my name on it."

One picture after another, watching my name evolve into black fonts, it felt a little strange.

Old Frank, "one step to the top."

Little Frank lowered his voice and murmured softly, "You can reach the sky in one step."

Ha ha.

A soft laugh came from deep in his throat, but it dissipated in a blink of an eye like smoke. He stared at the checkbook quietly, the raised corners of his mouth slowly calmed down, and the focus of his gaze slowly disappeared on the checkbook.

Mixed and feeble emotions flickered in those blue eyes.

There was obviously no opening or dialogue, but the halo of light in those eyes made the whole room completely quiet, allowing his thoughts to soar in his imaginary world.

They can feel that a storm is approaching and the world is crumbling, but they just hold on to the moment of dawn and refuse to let go, convincing themselves over and over again that this is hope, this is the turning point, everything will be fine, and their worries will not To evolve into reality, you should have positive and optimistic thoughts.

But in the brief moment when the smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, his eyes and soul condensed——

I couldn't help but be in a trance.

It seems that at this moment, the coldness of reality slowly grasps the heart.

In that clear blue, there was only confusion.

What could he, a child who had just turned sixteen, save?

Helplessness and timidity spread out in the center of collapse.

The whole place was silent.

Even the trivial sound of air movement seemed to have disappeared.

"Stuck!" Until Steven broke the calm.

The sound of a long exhalation could be heard in the space. The air flow surged, but it calmed down in an instant and was quietly hidden deep in his brain.

Steven is no exception.

He was stunned for a moment, because he saw his former self in those eyes, and he had experienced all that, and he had also faced those confusions, those complexities and vulnerabilities, which he thought no one would ever understand.

However, he was wrong.

Unable to help himself, Steven looked at Anson again, recalling that look——

It turns out that one look can really hide a whole world.

Steven was startled by his own thoughts. He wanted to capture that look just now again, leaving little Frank room to show his psychological changes.

However, Steven stepped on the brakes in time to control himself and kill the idea.

It's not that Anson is bad. In fact, Anson's performance is really outstanding, and his scenes opposite Christopher are actually able to express emotional levels; but it is precisely because of this that Steven needs to hit the mark.

Steven is not good at capturing the highlight moments of acting, and this is not his strength; he still focuses on the audio-visual effects of the film. From this perspective, he should not let the performance break the flow of the narrative.

Especially commercial movies.

Everything needs to be just right, and if you don’t know moderation and propriety, it will be a disaster.

Anson's performance just now was very good, very good, and the camera has already captured it, so he should not be greedy and continue to refine and capture it, stop when it is good, and let the camera stay in this state.

Steven was still experienced and could control himself in time, but he still couldn't help but admire Anson's performance which really made people shine.

"The youthful youth and the vicissitudes of maturity", two completely different textures are intertwined. Is this possible?


Steven let out a breath. He knew that all the staff were waiting for him to give orders. He quickly calmed down and said, "There is no problem with this plane. Let's move on to the next plane."

Over and over again!

They exchanged glances in the narrow room, and it was unusual for such a difficult scene to be passed in one step, even in Steven's crew; but the strange thing is that no one found it strange, and there was a surge of emotion in their eyes. It was more about wonder and excitement, uncontrollably jumping for joy.

And what about Anson?

I was a little dazed, a little tired, and even after the shooting, I was still a little dazed.

It’s unimaginable to feel tired even though you haven’t done aerobic exercise. You can feel the energy consumption, but you can’t describe it accurately.

Then, a call came from the front.


Anson raised his head suddenly, looked over at the sound, and saw Steven's calm face at a glance. He thought Steven had eyes on the next camera, so he quickly collected his thoughts and regained his attention.

Steven paused.

"The performance just was great."

After saying that, Steven gave a thumbs up, but did not stay any longer. He turned around and started busy with the staff. From his sight, he could see many staff members smiling at Anson and giving a thumbs up. Although There are no words but you can still feel the change in the atmosphere.

A little cheerful, a little excited.

Anson was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Christopher patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good performance, keep up the good work."

The smile stayed at the corner of his mouth for a short while, and finally rose.

So, is this what acting is like?
(End of this chapter)

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