The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 392 Behind the Scenes Game

Chapter 392 Behind the Scenes Game
In the eyes of the paparazzi, Anson is just a newcomer, and Edgar is also a rookie agent. They are working with big bosses like Steven and Tom, lest they become pawns abandoned by the crew at any time, and cannot bear the interference of any negative news. ——

Even if it's fake.

Because everyone understands that Vanity Fair never believes in the truth. Fame, image, and labels are just like product packaging. This is the focus of Vanity Fair.

My arsenic is your honey.

The same news may be of limited value to them, but it is worth thousands of dollars to Anson.

Therefore, he believes that Anson and Edgar will choose to cooperate, exchange a piece of indifferent news for a heavy bombshell or a favor, and lay the foundation for the future. In his opinion, this is the most sensible thing.

Similar things happen frequently in Hollywood.

I never expected that I would encounter a tough problem.

Not only tough, but also wise, clever, and astute.

Edgar dared to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, and Anson actually dared to trust Edgar fully. So the two lawless guys seized the opportunity to fight back and turned the crisis into a good opportunity.

While the paparazzi was drinking beer and waiting, Edgar was already taking control of the situation and quietly subverting the situation.

In fact, Vanity Fair is a game, a chess game, it depends on who can stay calm, who can see the overall situation, and who can take the lead.


When the paparazzi realized that he was being ignored by both Edgar and Anson, he also sensed danger. I'm afraid things were more difficult than he thought.

So, what should the paparazzi do?
Anger is anger, shame is shame, but the paparazzi can roll around in the industry like a cockroach, with incredible vitality, and naturally he also has his abilities.

Pass the crisis and the golden cicada escapes.

The paparazzi turned around and sold the photos to "Entertainment Weekly" to make a small profit. This was a response to Edgar. At the same time, he removed himself from the incident and evolved from a participant to a bystander, squatting and eating.


There is this scene playing out in front of us.

However, is there any need to worry?

No need.

Edgar has fully grasped the situation, Eve is busy on the front line, and there are two bosses, Steven and Tom, sitting in charge. Everything is fine.

Sure enough, as expected.

After "Entertainment Weekly" broke the news, Anson and the "Cat and Mouse Game" crew unexpectedly did not issue a response immediately. They still started working step by step, allowing those rumors to be noisy for a while, and the popularity continued to rise, even on NBC TV morning The “Today Show”, the king of news programs, also paid attention and had a serious discussion on the show, and then——

The heat is just right.

The reversal is coming.

The complete video, complete photos, and the testimonies of the parties and eyewitnesses are like a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece to piece together the whole story.

The truth came out and Anson was given a clean slate.

Not only should they not be sinners, but they should be heroes. The most important thing is that Anson never really threatened the driver from beginning to end, he just responded to the provocation head-on. The scene shown in the "Entertainment Weekly" picture has nothing to do with the truth.

Now, it’s lively.

Because of the accident, the conflict, and even the negative news, the truth after the reversal made the entire public opinion stand behind Anson without hesitation; and between the left and right collisions, we can further see the edges and corners of Anson's character, which is different from movies or Fashion Week quietly injects a touch of vitality.

One after another, in-depth exploration of the entire incident and news was carried out.

First, the old woman was interviewed in detail, describing the entire situation in just three minutes in detail; then, internal news from the crew came out, and only then did people know the whole story——

It turned out that Anson was filming a scene at that time. He was too deep into the scene and could not distinguish between reality and fiction. He was deeply trapped in the character's state and couldn't extricate himself. He fled the set and ran all the way. This was actually the character's state. The crew was originally preparing for the next scene. When filming Anson running all the way, Anson lost control and ran away before the cameraman and crew could keep up.

However, this run really allowed Anson to find himself and get into the zone, and subsequent filming went very smoothly.

"Winning a round of applause from the audience."

With just one sentence, it became a topic of conversation, the popularity further increased, and all eyes were focused on the crew of "Cat and Mouse Game".

Wait, when did Steven's works start focusing on acting? Moreover, he is also a super new acting star paired with Tom Hanks?

Originally, everyone thought that Anson was just a flower vase, and that he entered the "Cat and Mouse Game" crew purely based on his appearance, but now there is a surprise?
The topic exploded in all directions.

Now, the car can no longer be stopped.

Moreover, the focus has completely shifted. No one cares about the poor road rage driver anymore, and no one cares about the negative news about Anson anymore. All discussions revolve around the "cat-and-mouse game", and some people even speculate -

With Anson's normal personality, he would not even have a head-on conflict with a road rage driver. After all, who knows if that driver would go crazy and pull out a weapon? And Anson's loss of control that day was in itself a manifestation of being too involved in the drama, which once again proved the crew's rumors.

It is precisely because of this that Anson did not give any response when "Entertainment Weekly" first broke the news. To a certain extent, Anson expressed guilt for being too involved in the drama and losing control. Regardless of the truth, he really should not have had a conflict with the driver. This is in line with Anson's consistent image.

Now that things have developed here, the overall situation has been decided.

At this time, the paparazzi who broke the news realized what kind of trap he had stepped into. Fortunately, he cut off his tail quickly and was not greedy. Otherwise, after things turned around, he might have to bear all the pressure of accusation alone, and even become a Other colleagues chased and intercepted the prey.

And now?
The only one hurt was Entertainment Weekly.

Although "Entertainment Weekly" and "Us Weekly" have always been typical gossip magazines, attracting attention with all kinds of rumors, gossip, and bloody gossip, and becoming the target of public infamy every now and then, for them, this is already the same as Eating and drinking has become a daily routine.

However, there are not many cases of such serious failure. Without verification from at least two news sources, one jumps to conclusions easily and launches an attack hastily. As a result, he is slapped in the face and becomes an industry joke. It is not that everyone calls for a slap in the face. They were in such a state of embarrassment that they were really embarrassed.

"Entertainment Weekly": Just lie down and let me laugh.

Throughout the entire incident, Anson has been in the eye of the storm and never left Anson's lips. However, few people have noticed that Anson has not been interviewed from beginning to end——

Quietly invisible.

Is this possible?
But the reality is like this. Although we are clearly standing on the cusp of the storm, we have never really felt the crisis. Instead, we are just watching the excitement like an outsider.

After this battle, the image and label of "Cat and Mouse Game" in the public eye immediately changed, and the attention index continued to rise again; and the real beneficiary was Anson, who was no longer just a handsome guy and a vase, this public figure The paper figures inside slowly began to take on flesh and blood.

is this normal?
(End of this chapter)

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