The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 402 Tension Spreads

Chapter 402 Tension Spreads
Little Frank knew that his plan was full of loopholes and could not withstand scrutiny. Why was Mr. Murphy not wearing handcuffs, why was he sitting in the passenger seat, why was he wearing sunglasses and using a cane?

Etc., etc.

There may even be more than that. From the perspective of professionals and different people, we may be able to find more loopholes. After a little thought, we will be able to reveal the truth and the truth will be revealed.

However, an excellent magician has the ability to turn decay into magic. From the moment he inadvertently glanced at the Murphys outside the window to the moment he decided to use them to tell a lie, little Frank's brain began to work at high speed.

There were some real scenes and some added details, but this failed to convince Karl, at least not 100%. The FBI agents had been observing and sizing up, and it was only a matter of time before they discovered huge flaws.

make a prompt decision!

Little Frank walked around Carl, walked to the other side, and pushed open the window neatly.

First, distract the FBI agents.

Secondly, it interrupts the brain functioning of the FBI actors.

Three times——

Get the head start.

"Hey, Murphy."

Little Frank shouted directly.

Murphy was walking towards the driver's seat. Little Frank didn't know his name either, but "surname" was always unmistakable.

Sure enough, Murphy raised his head and waved to little Frank.

Little Frank continued shouting, slightly complaining.

"Call the LAPD again, I don't want anyone walking into my crime scene."

After saying that, little Frank lowered the curtains to block Murphy's reaction, turned around and entered the room, strode away and left the window.

If Murphy raises his voice in response, all bets are off.

But little Frank is betting--

Even if Murphy doesn't know why, the FBI agent still hasn't let down his vigilance and is paying attention to his actions. His steps may be regarded as a suspicion of escape, which will naturally attract the other party's attention and stop him from standing there. Pay attention to Murphy's follow-up response.

Life is hanging on the line.

Little Frank turned around and could clearly see the stiffness in the muscles of his shoulders and arms, and his walking posture could also be seen as a little awkward. His calm and calm expression finally showed a little panic when he turned his back to the FBI agent.


Little Frank coughed twice, cleared his throat, and walked towards the camera. But this time, he did not look directly at the camera, but slightly shifted his gaze.

This is a misalignment.

Judging from the monitor screen, Anson is walking straight towards the camera, but in fact, it is not a straight line, but slightly offset to the inside; however, the camera can see Anson's cheeks magnified in the camera.

There was no panic or fear, but this time, the lines on the face were indeed slightly tight——

And, the eyes.

Anson glanced at the door.

Steven noticed that Anson walked towards the camera head-on, from medium shot to close shot and then almost close-up. The processing of sight was clearly displayed on the screen. It would be strange not to notice.

It's just a visual processing, combined with details such as coughing, tight muscle lines, etc., the entire state is immediately conveyed through the screen.

He considered running away.

If this set of actions still failed to deceive the FBI agent, he was already preparing to escape. The exit was right in front of him, and he would be able to escape before his eyes.

However, he didn't.

At this time, after a slight delay, Steven realized the purpose of the cough.

Of course, you are nervous, and the scene just now was absolutely thrilling. It is a reasonable guess to use a cough to cover up your nervousness; but if Little Frank's cough is to cover up Murphy's potential response, interfere with Carl's hearing, and avoid the final What about falling short at the critical moment?


Steven's mind stirred up a storm - suddenly, Steven remembered the beginning of the scene, the sound of the toilet flushing in the bathroom. This was Frank Jr.'s deliberate action for Carl to discover, and it was also a detail they had discussed in advance.

But the next detail was not.

The unhurried and slow sound of water running from the faucet after the toilet is flushed shows little Frank's hand washing action. This detail is used to further confirm the action of flushing the toilet, emphasizing that he was indeed using the bathroom just now, rather than hiding in it secretly. crime suspect.

Look, here's the thing. Without these details, others won't be able to notice the abnormality immediately. They often need to calm down and think for a while before they can find it. But with the presence of these details, a reasonable picture can be coherently created in others' minds, and it will be subtle. It becomes easier to believe.

One step at a time, one step at a time, starting from the details. This is the fundamental reason why little Frank successfully concealed his identity in front of the FBI agents without changing his face.

Making a quick decision, Steven decided that after finishing filming this set of shots, he would reshoot a sound track of Murphy raising his voice to ask about the situation, so that this sound track would overlap with Little Frank's cough——

Maybe in a movie theater, the audience won't notice such details at all, but the audio-visual experience brought about by their presence or absence can create different feelings.

Ahead, some sounds, a look.

Now, one cough, one look.

There are so many details in these performances that make the scene in front of me make sense.

Steven's mind was filled with turmoil, but the scene in front of him only lasted a brief moment.

Little Frank glanced at the door.

But it was just a glance. His footsteps were still heading toward the dining table, not facing the door. He refused to expose his flaws easily until the last moment.

In this short electric moment, the atmosphere in the whole room became tense to the extreme——

At the touch of a hair.

The identity and atmosphere that had been painstakingly created before are about to fall apart. It can be clearly seen in the camera that little Frank is holding his breath.

In fact, it was only a short moment, but it was like the moment before the start of the 100-meter decisive battle in the Olympic Games. The air condensed, the heart stopped beating, and the tension was extreme.


After a pause, little Frank was already standing at the top of the fork in the road.

Karl's voice came from behind.

"I had no idea that the intelligence service was involved."

He believed it.

at last.

Little Frank's footsteps paused for a moment, walking left to the fateful fork in the road that led right to the right, and finally left, heading towards the dining table.

Even though the escape exit was close at hand, he couldn't use it after all.

In one step, little Frank came to the door of the dining table, picked up the water glass, poured a glass, and poured it down his throat. However, he needed to be distracted and restrain himself, not to appear too eager or embarrassed. The extremely tight string in his brain was slightly loosened. I felt relaxed, but I didn't dare to relax completely.

"Don't worry."

This is about forgiving the other person's vigilance and caution, and then carefully launching a counterattack.

"What's your name?"

The FBI agents had completely let down their guard and even put away their guns.

"Hanratty, Carl Hanratty."

The nerves have finally relaxed, so what’s the next step?

The cold water flowed down his throat and moistened his lungs, and his burning brain calmed down. Although he wanted to leave now, impatience and anxiety were taboos.

So, putting down the water glass, little Frank straightened his waist slightly, turned to look at Karl, tilted his head, his eyes fell on Karl lightly, and he looked at him roughly.

"Sorry, can I see your ID?"

Things have turned, and the situation has reversed.

 On the last day of the double monthly pass, Qimao shouted: Please give me a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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