The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 410 Looking for someone

Chapter 410 The program is looking for people
In the past life, the Internet penetrated into every aspect of life, so much so that it was difficult to go out without the Internet without carrying a mobile phone.

Now, time goes back twenty years, back to the turn of the millennium. Although the Internet is still convenient, it has not completely invaded life. After spending the first difficult time, Anson likes the current life and tries to get rid of it as much as possible. Get rid of your mobile phone online and experience a tangible reality.

Naturally, when on vacation, there is no need to carry your mobile phone with you.

At this time, facing Edgar's complaints, Anson said calmly, "The phone is in the bedroom."

Edgar choked and couldn't refute.

In the end, Edgar shook his head slightly and swallowed the subsequent words. From the beginning, he understood Anson's personality, didn't he?
"It's Jay Leno."

Anson raised his chin slightly, "I didn't scratch his car, right?"

Edgar: Pfft.

Jay Leno is a talk show host and a disciple of legendary American talk show host Jonny Carson. He has been a guest on Carson's NBC ace talk show "The Tonight Show" since 1987. Substitute; and defeated David Letterman in 1992 to become the new host of "The Tonight Show".

"The Tonight Show" is the undisputed king of talk shows. Since Johnny Carson took over it in 1962, it has never lost its throne as the late-night talk show ratings champion for thirty years. It is not only NBC's absolute ace, but also It is also a very important presence in American television programs.

In 1992, after his eldest son died in a traffic accident, Johnny Carson, who was disheartened and ready to leave the show, ushered in his farewell show on "The Tonight Show". The show was broadcast late at night, but it still attracted five people. With tens of millions of viewers watching, it has been an unsurpassable peak for a long time.

Of course, Jay Leno also performed well as his successor.

Since taking over in 1992, although the glory of "The Tonight Show" cannot be compared with that of Johnny Carson, Jay Leno has still created his own style and characteristics. For the past ten years, "The Tonight Show" has still been the king of talk shows. No one can shake the ratings championship.

Jay Leno created his own era.

As the current king of talk shows, Jay Leno is also well known for his personal hobbies. He likes to collect antique cars and motorcycles from the early 20th century.

Hence, Anson’s joke just now.

Obviously, killing Edgar by surprise completely dissipated the slightly serious and sad atmosphere, allowing Edgar to regain his composure.

"I hope not." Edgar also joked, "In fact, to be precise, it should be the program team who contacted me."

Anson raised his eyebrows slightly, "'The Tonight Show'? But, why?"

With all his plans in mind, Anson has been in Hollywood for two full years. However, he has never been on the talk show radar.

In the United States, talk shows are one of the most important types of television programs.

Since the talk show officially landed in the United States in 1954, it has become the most important part of television culture and entertainment culture. Almost every TV station has a signature talk show that has been passed down for more than or even years.

NBC's "The Tonight Show."

CBS's "Late Night."

There is also "The Daily Show", which has risen rapidly since the turn of the millennium and changed the landscape of the entire talk show industry. It is produced by the American cable channel Comedy Center.

The American talk show is a very special program format, which can basically be divided into several parts:
The host's stand-up, live music performances, guest interviews; and occasionally interaction with the live audience.

However, the most special thing about talk shows is that their topics are often based on current trends and criticize current affairs. It is a tradition to criticize and ridicule politics and politicians. This makes talk shows not only a part of society, but also a part of life.

According to surveys, during the 2008 general election, nearly half of young people aged to obtained election-related political information from political talk shows; more than a quarter of adults obtained voting-related political information. Sometimes I was influenced by talk shows.

Among them, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" was selected as the most trusted news source by the American people, surpassing traditional authoritative media such as "The New York Times" and "Wall Street Journal".

From this set of data, we can see the special status of talk shows.

Generally speaking, American talk shows are divided into daytime talk shows, evening talk shows, and later network talk shows that entered the public eye with the rise of the Internet.

The broadcast time of daytime talk shows is concentrated on weekday mornings. The main audiences are the elderly, women and students. The topics are also focused on health, emotions, family life, etc., with Chicken Soup for the Soul as the main focus.

"Oprah's Talk Show" and the later "Ellen Show" that rose to prominence are among the best.

Evening talk shows are concentrated in the late night period, at ten and eleven o'clock in the evening. The audience is the middle class and office workers. Thanks to the particularity of the period, the style is mainly sharp, ridiculing, bold, direct, and humorous, with political The topic is always at the core and there are no taboos.

Over the past half century, countless outgoing presidents, presidential candidates, and politicians have appeared on talk shows.

Different from the mature and sensible image that Asian leaders strive to maintain, the American people care more about the demeanor and humor of politicians. Therefore, politicians have chosen the platform of talk shows to please voters.

During the 2000 election, Gore's campaign team personally admitted to the media that they spent time every day studying the content of several important talk shows, analyzing black spots, flaws, and hot spots, and then making corresponding adjustments to their policies and plans. , showing its influence.

It is no exaggeration to say that talk shows are an integral part of the process of understanding American culture.

It is precisely because of this that talk shows have become a crucial part of the Hollywood promotion process.

There is bound to be a talk show in the promotional schedule of almost every movie, every album, and even many Broadway plays.

Considering that a talk show is a show that deals with words, it not only requires the ability to talk and laugh, but also the ability to self-defeat, ridicule, and joke.

The most important thing is to take a joke.

Therefore, not just any newcomer can be on a talk show, or even strictly speaking, not just anyone can be on a talk show.

Otherwise, the effect of the program will not meet expectations, and the publicity of the work will have a negative effect.

Two years have passed since Anson first appeared on the scene. Although he appears in the center of topics every now and then, he has never been able to participate in talk shows.

The result, now?
The first thing that came to Anson's mind was, "'Spider-Man'?"

Indeed, judging from the timeline, "Spider-Man", which will be released this summer, is undoubtedly the biggest reason.

After the vacation is over, Anson will embark on a non-stop promotional schedule for "Spider-Man". This time, Anson will be the absolute main force.

Therefore, if you are promoting "Spider-Man", it is natural to go to the talk show.

Edgar shook his head slightly, "If it is true, then it should be the production crew contacting the program crew, hoping that we can be on the show to promote it. How could it be the program crew contacting us?"

(End of this chapter)

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