The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 418 Xiao Lu 1 hand

Chapter 418 Show off a little bit


Obviously, Jay Leno didn't notice Hayden or realize that Hayden and Anson knew each other. He still followed his habit and cut into the show naturally.

Jay Leno did not come out, but he stood behind his dark brown wooden desk, stretched out his right hand, shook hands with four people respectively, and said again, "Thank you for the performance just now, let us support the band again Give me a round of applause.”

The whole place was filled with thunder, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Blair finally found her "comfort zone" where she could call out a name without any scruples.

"Anson! Ahhh!"


The heart-rending scream was not out of place among the bustling thunder. She could shout out the wildest and boldest thoughts in her heart without worrying about shyness or embarrassment.

Turning his head, Blair saw Karen with a helpless face, but the two exchanged glances and laughed nonchalantly.

Then, Blair shouted even more crazily and selflessly, firmly grasping the opportunity, and pouring out all his thoughts at once.

Miles has been to Carnegie Hall before, but the applause at Carnegie Hall was quiet, polite, and enthusiastic; while the cheers in front of him were crazy, flamboyant, explosive, and overwhelming. The air waves blew the heart up into the sky, as if it were walking on clouds, which had no sense of reality.

Turbulent, surging.

With great difficulty, Jay Leno finally controlled the situation, and the applause and screams calmed down a bit——

"Anson, marry me!"

A scream exploded like thunder on the ground.

Hula la.

All eyes in the audience turned to Blair.

Blair was stunned for a moment, and it took him a full beat to realize what had happened. His body stiffened: Oh, Jesus Christ, why do you treat me like this? Is this called extreme joy leading to sorrow?
Hula la.

All eyes in the audience turned to Anson.

Anson was about to take a seat when he turned back and looked at Blair, "How much are your assets?"

One second, two seconds——


The laughter of the roaring mountains and the tsunami.

This joke has an allusion.

In 1996, at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, Stefanie Graf, the world number one in women's singles and the greatest player of all time, was preparing to serve during a match, and all the spectators were silent. down to ensure that it does not interfere with player competition.

At this time, in the silence, a man shouted, "Steffi, can you marry me?"

It was like thunder, making the whole audience burst into laughter.

Graf was also very surprised. She paused her serve and shouted back, "How many assets do you have?"

Center Court at Wimbledon erupted into incredible applause, laughter and whistles in what has become one of the most iconic scenes in competitive sporting history.

And now?
Anson responded with a masterful reference to Graf's classic lines, and the wit he picked up at his fingertips was really eye-opening.

The frenzy stirred up by the exciting performance had not had time to completely calm down, but Anson's answer once again caused waves.

Karen even looked at Blair, who had blushing cheeks, whistling and cheering, "Ho, ho, ho, ho."

The person involved now regrets it very much.

Blair wanted to dig a hole and bury herself. She was just yelling, but the noise at the scene suddenly quieted down and exposed herself. She had realized that something was wrong and was about to stop, but she rushed out with words. I really want to swallow my tongue.


The whole audience was whistling and cheering, and it was extremely lively. Blair took a deep breath, straightened up his chest, mustered up the courage to look at Anson, and saw the slight upward curve of the corner of Anson's mouth.

Suddenly, my cheeks turned so red that I could almost fry an egg.

Now, the only thing Blair can be thankful for is that Anson doesn't know him, thank God!

On the side, Jay Leno watched this scene the whole time, with a hint of surprise in his eyes——

This is a talk show, mainly light-hearted and humorous.

The show is often not good if it relies solely on the support of the host. Jay Leno also needs the response and cooperation of the guests to create sparks.

Anson's response was not only witty but also humorous.

On the front foot, Jay Leno was surprised because of the band's performance; on the back foot, he was surprised again because of Anson.

It seems that the next recording may have some unexpected results.

Amid the commotion, Jay Leno also joked, "Remember to make more."

This sentence was obviously said to Blair.

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Blair was now in a state of giving up, lying flat and letting herself be laughed at. Subconsciously, she raised her hand and made a gesture of counting money with her fingers.

Only a small portion of the audience saw this scene, but the effect was absolutely outstanding. The audience was laughing and joking, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

Then, Jay Leno made an invitation and asked the four young people to sit down on the four high stools on his right.

The seats had been arranged before recording, with Anson closest to Jay Leno, followed by Lily, Miles and Connor, all lined up.

After a moment of hesitation, Jay Leno showed a confused expression.

"Wait, let me confirm, you still haven't released an album?"

This entry point?
Anson immediately understood what Jay Leno meant and chuckled, "Yes, no."

really. Jay Leno raised his hands with regret on his face, "Who can tell me what's wrong with the current record company? We need this kind of music."

Haha, the studio scene was filled with laughter and cheers, and the atmosphere immediately became heated.

Seeing that Jay Leno had already taken control of the rhythm, but unexpectedly, Anson added, "But this is also the reason why we can be here, so I won't complain."

Jay Leno was a little surprised by Anson's answer, "Oh, why?"

Anson spread his hands, "Indie rock band, released an album? I don't think the 'Tonight Show' will be interested. The reason why we can appear here is because we haven't released an album for the time being. Although the order is a bit confusing, But I really have nothing to complain about.”

One second, two seconds...


To be honest, Blair was still a little shy and embarrassed, and his heartbeat was beating like a drum. Just three to five seconds was not enough to calm down.

But he didn't expect that he didn't need to calm down at all, and his thoughts were immediately involved in the conversation again. Anson seemed to have such a charm, and he could easily grab attention——

At least it was Blair's.

Blair couldn't help but think of the Emmy Awards. It was Anson's first major awards ceremony, but Anson still stole the spotlight.

The same is true in front of me.

Blair didn't have time to think about the embarrassment just now, he was already amused by Anson's response, and laughed happily like the audience in the studio.

Karen's eyes were full of disbelief, and she mouthed silently to Brian, "Oh, God, God, God."

Without any dialogue, Blair knew that Karen thought Anson was a musician - a handsome musician, and such geniuses often have unique and strange personalities that are difficult for ordinary people to understand; but obviously, it was only the beginning, Karen The stereotype in my mind was overturned again.

Surprise, absolutely surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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