Chapter 430 Not a hero
Bass, four strings, low frequency, stable.

In a band, the bassist cannot stand in the spotlight like the lead singer, nor does the guitarist have the turbulent strumming, nor does the keyboard player have the dazzling operation, and even the drum kit hiding behind the shadows is not as easy as it sounds. Playing beach drums can easily lift the mood.

It is precisely because of this that the presence in the band is not strong, and it seems difficult to show off his skills, unable to blow up the scene, and unable to resonate with the audience even when standing under the spotlight. This makes the bass's status seriously underestimated.

In many bands, no one is willing to take the position of bassist, so they switch to keyboard or guitar to take the position, but this is obviously a misunderstanding.

In a band, the bass is the core of the rhythm.

Pink-Floyd drummer Nick Mason once said that the essence of the band is actually a drummer and a bassist, plus some novel performances.

In modern music, drumbeats are very important, especially playing an indispensable role in the band. They can control the speed and rhythm of the entire song. At the same time, the sound of drums is very domineering and is the most suitable instrument for expressing rhythm among all instruments. It can provide both high and low frequencies with outstanding penetration.

So, why do professionals often say that in most music, drums must also have bass, and the two are inseparable partners?

Because the shortcomings of drums are obvious:
It has no fixed pitch and cannot produce sustained sounds.

The bass plays exactly this role, providing pitch and complementing the continuation sound. The two instruments work together to create beautiful rhythmic lines.

For a band, the guitar is the skeleton; the drums are the muscles; the keyboard is the skin; and the bass is the blood——

Perhaps, the flow of blood cannot be seen with the naked eye, but that does not mean that it is not important.

In front of you, that's it.

After "Wake Me Up" surprised everyone with its cello opening technique, the band in front of them opened with a fretless bass that was unheard of.

All eyes fell on Connor.

Connor lowered his eyelids and concentrated all his attention on the bass. He gently plucked the strings with his fingertips. The low and heavy strings rippled gently with an ancient charm and melodiousness. The warm notes fell like moonlight. All over the floor.

Involuntarily, I held my breath.

Distantly, lightly, and transparently, the guitar strings sounded.

It's Anson.

Anson held the guitar pick in his mouth and stared at the strings intently. The clear sound of his fingertips hitting the strings gurgled out like a cold stream, dancing around the bass strings that firmly grasped the heartstrings. Different timbres alternated from time to time. The collision sometimes intertwined, firmly grasping the heart.

Buzz, buzz buzz.

Wait, that's...the cello.

Miles's bow slowly pulled on the G string, and the graceful and delicate string sound was released in an instant with a little vicissitude and tenderness. Notes of different levels and frequencies instantly filled every corner of the hearing, unknowingly. The whole heart is filled like this, filled with sadness and broken coldness.

Then, the tinkling wind chime melody jumped lightly between the strings.

Lily made no special movements and joined in the performance quietly, like a breeze blowing against her face.

Close your eyes and involuntarily wander among the notes and fly high——

Sit in a pickup truck and drive on the straight Route 66. Open the window and let the breeze carry the green trees, soil, streams, goshawks, blue sky, and corn fields all over the world. The entire carriage was filled with the pain and troubles of life slowly retreating under the crushing wheels. I couldn't help but stretch out my right hand to catch the traces of the wind, and carefully feel the vicissitudes of years passing through my fingertips, and my heart was riddled with holes. Stretch out little by little.

People always think that everything in life is fine. They are so busy day by day that they have no time to be sad, no time to suffer, and no time to think. But one afternoon, they sit in a daze while holding a cup of hot tea and take a short breath. , was hit hard by the note without any warning——

In fact, I am not good.

Those pains, sufferings and scars have not disappeared, they are just temporarily hidden in the corners of memory, penetrating and eroding the soul bit by bit.

Only you can understand what you have experienced.

Then, I fell into the gap of time. A gurgling melody. So simple, so light, yet so rich.

The sense of layering, the sense of picture, the sense of reality, just wrap the heart gently and tenderly, and pull it again and again. Before I realize it, I have slowly fallen, fallen into the long river of time, and fallen into memory. In the mouth, the bitterness of the five flavors spreads on the tip of the tongue.

Blair was stunned, just stunned.

Without warning, helplessly.

His eyes were slightly warm, as if he could see the golden notes flying out from the instrument, vibrating their wings, and finally falling carefully on his eyelashes.

Can't help but hold my breath.

Slowly, the performance calmed down, and the entire studio was silent, even breathing and heartbeat disappeared.

Even before the singing started, the whole audience was already in a state of collapse.

A spotlight fell on Anson, quietly and brilliantly, outlining the outline of his face bit by bit. His long and thick eyelashes cast a shadow, and his eyes were quietly hidden in it.


Anson gently plucked the strings, and all the other instruments looked at Anson quietly——

Just like their agreement before the performance started.

There is only a guitar, just a guitar. The clear and translucent string sound removes all impurities and complexity, returning to nature and restoring the simplest and most essential appearance of music. The eyes of the whole world fall on Anson.

He hummed softly.

"Let me go."

The breeze blows in, carrying the water vapor from the stream, the dryness of the sun and the fragrance of the grass. Just like this, we embark on a journey, running towards all the unknowns.

“I don’t want to be your hero, I don’t want to be a big shot, I just want to live a serious life like an ordinary person.” (Note 1)

Light and casual humming, no special skills, just a guitar and a voice. It seems that you can catch the gently raised corners of the mouth from the singing, which is the indifference and calmness after going through many vicissitudes and washing away the lead. , the bright voice quietly hides the fragmented sadness.

Fingertips fly over the guitar strings.

Anson hopes that the New York boy can watch this program. He hopes that the boy can hear this song, and then bravely turn around and leave, take steps to pursue an unknown, and not let the pain and darkness of the past bind him. Hands and feet, don’t slowly suffocate in the day-to-day life.

He doesn't need a hero or become a hero, he can still save himself.

He can still have an ordinary life.

Run, Jack.

Raising his eyes, Anson looked at the camera, smiled, and his eyes were slightly warm, but he still bravely looked directly at the camera and hummed softly.

"I don't want to be a part of the show off at your masquerade party. Everyone should have the opportunity to grow alone."

Run, Anson.

He said.

Note 1: Hero——Family-of-the-year

(End of this chapter)

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