The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 453 The pressure is off the charts

Chapter 453 The pressure is off the charts
May 1st, Wednesday.

Los Angeles is shrouded in golden sunshine, and the lazy and brilliant halo immerses the entire city in the comfort and comfort of the transition between spring and summer.

At the traffic light intersection, the vehicles slowly stopped due to the red light. One or two people opened their windows to feel the breeze blowing against their faces, and then they could see a stretch car also slowly stopping.

However, all the vehicles were parked in the straight or right-turn lanes, and the left-turn lane was empty, because the left turn was towards Hollywood Boulevard. Everyone knew that there was traffic control there today because of the premiere. It was so early for this scene. I'm already used to it, there's no need to go there and join in the fun.

At this time, looking at the stretch car parked alone in the left turn lane, I knew without asking that it should be a vehicle heading to the premiere——

Involuntarily, my eyes quietly gathered, trying to explore the figure inside, but I didn't know which actor or celebrity it was.


There was a sigh in the carriage.

After hanging up the phone, thinking about it carefully, and making sure that her arrangements were not missed, she let out a heavy breath, but she didn't expect it to be so loud. Eve was shocked, and she subconsciously looked up at Anson and Edgar.

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all stunned for a moment.

In the end, Anson couldn't hold it back and barely controlled the raised corners of his mouth, "Relax, Eve, relax, you have seen countless big scenes."

Now that she was discovered, Eve did not cover up and breathed out again, "I know, I know...but..."

Obviously, this is not the first time Eve has stepped on the red carpet since she became a publicist. Not to mention a premiere, it is also an occasion like the Oscars.

What's more, it's her job to deal with crises when faced with them.

However, today is still different——

The storm that has swept across the entire North American continent in the past three weeks is really crazy, and the burden of reversing the downturn of the entire film market is really too exaggerated. Everything seems to be thrown into a paper shredder.

Not only Anson, Eve and Edgar are also so busy that their feet never touch the ground. They sleep for an average of forty-five minutes a day and run all the way until now. It is estimated that caffeine is flowing in their blood now. They have become Even he didn't recognize himself and fell into a roar.

As a result, the heart was on the verge of bursting.

But it only lasted a short moment, and Eve immediately returned to her original state.

"all the best."

"Everything is going to be fine, we've done everything right and things couldn't be more perfect, so that's all."

Looking up, Eve saw Anson's eyes——

Calm and bright.

Anson nodded slightly, "Yes, you are correct, so we don't need to worry, just enjoy tonight."

Actually, that's it?

Eve was stunned, "But what if the movie's reputation collapses?"

Anson spread his hands, "Then we will accept the ending of the collapse calmly, Eve, which actor has not starred in two bad movies in one?"

Eve was stunned by that calm look.

"Ha." Then he laughed out loud and looked at Edgar, "What is needed is this kind of mentality. When everyone repeated over and over again that the important task of turning around the film market and saving the summer box office was placed on him, he did not I just didn't buy it, so I said, 'What actor hasn't starred in one or two bad movies?'"

They are nervous because the expectations and pressures in Hollywood have reached a critical point.

Anson is not nervous, but he is not ready to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the market.

Edgar also showed a smile, "So he is the superhero, and we are the followers next to him."

Anson shook his head slightly, "Superheroes are not just for anyone. Do you think other people don't want to be box office stars? No, everyone wants to be box office stars, but Tom Cruise and Will Smith But there is only one.”

"They become superheroes not because they want it more than anyone else, but because they are prepared and take advantage of the opportunity when it comes."

"Times make heroes." "So, what we need to do now is not to think about whether the opportunity in front of us is the moment to become a hero, but to be prepared to enjoy the moment."

"Hey, this is the summer season."

To put it simply, the mood was soaring under the California sunshine, the tension and apprehension disappeared, and there was finally some party atmosphere.

"Eve, trust me, you're ready."

Following Anson's gaze, Eve lowered her head and looked at her dress——

Red trousers, a red shirt, a red suit jacket, paired with black pointed-toe high-heeled shoes, but the real highlight is the ear-length short blond hair, tasseled black earrings, and bright red lipstick as the final embellishment.

Flamboyant, wild, like a ball of flame.

Eve shrugged lightly, "It was you who gave me the courage to let go."

Usually, agents, public relations people, managers, etc. tend to keep a low profile. Their appearance is not as good as that of movie actors. If they wear the wrong clothes rashly, it will not take away the spotlight. They may be more worried about falling into the spotlight. As a laughingstock.

But today, Eve didn’t—

Completely flamboyant.

Not only Eve, but also Edgar, who looked particularly bold in a navy blue striped suit. Edgar, who always looks inconspicuous, immediately stole everyone's attention, proving once again that a person depends on his clothes.

These are Anson's requirements. He wants Eve and Edgar to be public.

Anson showed a big smile, "So, you should enjoy the party and don't live up to this outfit, otherwise it will be a shame."

Eve and Edgar exchanged glances. They knew Anson's plan; but they were not sure of the effect of the plan, so they would still be nervous when things happened.

As he spoke, the vehicle slowly stopped.

Looking out the window, they had arrived at the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard, but the cars on the red carpet were queuing up in an orderly manner——

The Chinese Theater is about a hundred meters ahead. At this time, you can see the surging crowd at the entrance of the theater, and the flashlights are shining overwhelmingly.

There is no doubt that "Spider-Man" got the opportunity to hold its premiere at the Chinese Theater. To be precise, this is the only work that will hold a grand premiere this week, and this work has been watched throughout the summer.

And, a star-studded cast.

"We may have to wait a while."

Edgar was currently connected to the front line in real time, and his expression was slightly surprised.

"Here comes Tom. I mean Tom Cruise."

For the premiere of "Spider-Man", Sony Columbia gave it the highest level of treatment, and the Edgar and William Morris agencies also mobilized all their connections.

Guests such as Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt all appeared on stage, striving to make this premiere a feast for celebrities. .

One by one, the superstars all cheered for the movie.

At least in terms of topic, it creates an out-of-circle effect.

But I never expected that Tom Cruise would also show up.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Edgar and Eve exchanged glances quickly, but Anson seemed much calmer.

Seeing the vehicle stop at the intersection, Anson actually opened the door and got out.

Wait, what?
(End of this chapter)

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