The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 456 The only focus

Chapter 456 The only focus
Jay Leno doesn't like movie premieres -

It was purely a promotional occasion.

If you want to watch a movie, the premiere is obviously too noisy, so you might as well find another time to go to the cinema to contribute to the box office; if you want to promote the movie, the "Tonight Show" is enough, and agreeing to go to the premiere means accepting Coming down may require traveling to other premieres.

After all, carrying water is also an art.

Of course, living in this circle, Jay Leno still inevitably needs to go to premieres to support him, occasionally, very, very occasionally.

However, this time it's a little different.

Jay Leno promised Anson to go to support "Spider-Man", and he didn't want to break his promise; although he didn't think that going to the premiere would bring any positive publicity effect, he was still curious about Anson's performance. As an actor, what Anson could bring What surprise?
So, here he comes.

At the Chinese Theatre, everything is the same as the imagined picture. There is no difference or difference. Hollywood summer movie premieres are all the same. The increasingly noisy and grand ceremonies are all the same routine. Change a batch. The guests can immediately hold the next premiere by changing a batch of backgrounds.

In Jay Leno's opinion, the same will probably be true for the premiere of "Star Wars Episode 2" next week, and there will be no difference.

Standing on the red carpet, buttoning up his suit, Jay Leno was about to take a step forward to say hello and greet Tom Cruise.

But at this moment——

The breeze brought some abnormalities, trivial and light. It did not take away the charm of Tom Cruise, but it was like the breeze blowing over the San Fernando Valley, gently bringing the greenery of spring and the splendor of summer to Hollywood Boulevard. After wrapping it up, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Then Jay Leno saw Anson.

It's incredible, even Jay Leno himself couldn't believe it, but it happened just like that. Anson's position was locked at a glance in the surging crowd. Everything seemed so simple and clear.

Anson was walking along the street, taking his time, taking his time, looking into the faces in front of him, looking into each pair of eyes with a smile, nodding and greeting.

Occasionally, he stopped to talk; occasionally, he raised his right hand and high-fived the crowd.

Occasionally, I take photos with movie fans; occasionally, I return to the middle of the road to pose and wait for the flashlight.

The road in front of him is still an asphalt road, there is no red carpet, and the cars are parked neatly, but for Anson, this is part of the stage.

Looking carefully, the faces are completely different, but they are exactly the same in their excitement, excitement and happiness, and they collide with each other.

As a result, the air became slightly restless.

Maybe, not everyone likes Anson; even, not everyone knows Anson, but the wonderful place is here, and no one can refuse Anson.

Jay Leno made up the scene in his mind, and a certain audience member resisted with a look of disgust on his face, "Who are you?" So, what would Anson's expression be?

Thinking of this, Jay Leno couldn't help but smile. Anson is Anson after all. Such a cookie-cutter premiere can actually play tricks. The red carpet extends, turning the world into a stage. The actors and the audience stand on equal footing. By interacting with the location, the entire atmosphere instantly becomes completely different.

Wait, "Spider-Man", Peter Parker, this scene in front of you?
Jay Leno was indeed very quick-witted and completed the association in one go. His eyes lit up slightly, but then he felt a little embarrassed——

The atmosphere is there, but what about the popularity of the premiere?
Just now.

"Anson, ah!"

A scream exploded above the eardrums, advancing layer by layer like a rolling wave. The ripples turned into a storm, and the whole world spun.

Jay Leno immediately noticed the movement of the flash. The first reporter noticed the movement behind, and there were the second and the third——


The heat wave climbed up bit by bit, raging in the air. In the crowd, this scream was like a wave of air, surging toward Blair with claws and teeth, firmly grasping her ankles and quickly falling towards the ground. There were waves of excitement, and the emotions and blood boiled together. They were suppressed and suppressed, controlled and controlled again. The energy also broke free from its constraints.


Finally, Blair screamed too.

Turning his head, Blair saw the same Karen, the same dazed, excited, and excited. The two exchanged glances, then both screamed, and the smiles climbed to the corners of their mouths, blooming wantonly.

Anson also noticed it. He not only noticed Gloria, but also noticed Eve leaving gracefully, with a smile on his lips.

Ah, ah ah ah.

Gloria's eyes met Anson's, feeling nervous, excited, excited and crazy.

Although this group of friends is small in number, they are all supporters of Anson and support Anson unconditionally. They have been planning a support event for today's premiere. Even if their power is meager, they hope to add some color to the premiere. .

Now, they are noticed!

Before he realized it, the scream had broken free, climbed two steps, and instantly detonated the whole place.

The wave swept across the entire place in a devastating manner.

And it's still heating up a little bit.

The reporters responded quickly and noticed the situation at the scene immediately. They immediately captured Anson's figure. Their minds were filled with questions, as if they saw a passerby on the F1 track and were completely unable to understand what was going on. But, unfortunately, in front of them, This scene does not seem to be inconsistent.

As a result, no one paid attention to the car, and everyone focused on the intruder.

Click, click, click, click.

The sound of the shutter was accompanied by a silver flash, which swallowed up the Chinese Theater in an instant.

On the stage, Tom Cruise was startled by the instant release of energy. He reflexively turned around and looked over, but there were no clues within his sight, leaving only more question marks.

Not to mention Tom, Jay Leno witnessed all this and was still frightened by the heat wave surging in the audience, and his heartbeat rhythm was completely disrupted.

For a moment, Jay Leno burst into laughter——

The heat is there too.

This is also true. The premiere of "Spider-Man" has undoubtedly become a hot topic. Even if the movie's reputation has not been released, reporters can't wait to create passionately and praise the surprise of the premiere.

Originally, people were worried that the gossip would steal the focus of the premiere; they never expected that even the gossip about Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt being in the same frame could not steal the attention and become a foil.

Everyone is talking about Anson.

Whether it was Anson's unconventional appearance or the presence of top stars because of Anson, all topics revolved around Anson, pushing the frenzy of discussion since "The Tonight Show" to a new level.

This was something that people did not expect. It was not clear for a while whether it was because of "Spider-Man" that they paid special attention to Anson or because of Anson who became interested in "Spider-Man"; but is it important?
No, it's not important at all.

What's really important is that all eyes are focused on it, and the heat is far beyond imagination.

So, what about "Spider-Man"?

(End of this chapter)

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