Chapter 94: Love at first glance

The taxi's tires locked up and it stopped. Anson got in quickly.

"Burbank, Disney Studios."

"Please, as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

After saying that, Anson patted the back of the driver's seat and signaled the driver to set off.

The driver was an old man with a chubby beer belly and a simple Adam-Sandler smile on his face. He did not set off immediately, but glanced in the rearview mirror.


Anson was a little surprised. He looked down at his own attire. He didn't expect that the driver could see it. He smiled, neither admitting nor denying, "We need to speed up. Opportunities wait for no one."

The driver understood it——

Anyway, he firmly believed that Anson was heading to the audition.

Residents living in Los Angeles should know that the City of Angels is full of opportunities, but the competition is equally fierce. No one is irreplaceable. If you look around a little, the opportunity may fall into the hands of others. The God of Destiny will not. You won't favor anyone, you have to fight for and control everything by yourself.

The driver showed a naive smile, his face full of kindness, "You'd better put on your seat belt."

Anson blinked and fastened his seat belt obediently without asking why.


As soon as the accelerator was pressed to the bottom, the taxi jumped out like an arrow. With a sudden movement, Anson's entire back was pressed hard against the back of the seat.

Of course, Anson could have chosen to go home, shower, groom, change, and head to the audition; but he didn't.

The other party was in a hurry, which was the key reason.

Moreover, Anson believes that showing reality is also an important part of auditioning. Some people say that auditioning is like falling in love. You always want to show your best side in front of the other person; but whether it is auditioning or falling in love, authenticity is the key to finding a perfect fit. Be brave. Showing yourself is also a kind of charm.

With a sudden brake, the taxi stopped accurately on the side of the road. Anson almost flew out, but was restrained by the seat belt and pulled back again.

The driver showed his uneven teeth and said, "We're here."

Anson only had time to say thank you. After paying the fare, including a twenty-dollar tip, he got out of the car with his skateboard. After a pause, he realized that his internal organs were boiling and rolling. His feet seemed to be on clouds and his knees were shaking slightly. stand up.

Is that driver the real-life prototype of "Taxi Express"?
Turning around, you can see the driver leaning out with a bright smile, "Wish you good luck!"

Without waiting for Anson to respond, the driver put down the handbrake and drove away again.

Anson caught his sight, took a deep breath, adjusted slightly, dropped the skateboard, and walked forward on the skateboard, shuttling between the studios.

Although this is Disney, right next door to the Warner Bros. photography base, the street scenes, environment, etc. are all the same. Everything seems familiar. It feels like I'm back to the "Friends" audition, just as foggy and hasty. Going into battle is still full of unknowns.

The difference is, at least this time, he knows what he's doing.

However, others may not be so sure -

The secretary, or assistant, had peeked at Anson for the fifth time. Her eyes were always wandering. She couldn't believe her eyes, especially when they repeatedly landed on Anson's skateboard. She couldn't hide her confusion and astonishment. Just ask directly, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Anson seemed calm.

Then, the sixth time.

This time, Anson deliberately tilted his head and stepped forward with wide eyes. The secretary's furtive gaze caught Anson's eyes unexpectedly.

"Hey." He took a breath.

The corners of Anson's mouth slightly raised, and his eyes flashed with mischief, "Don't worry, I'm not the big bad wolf."

A joke made the atmosphere so relaxed that the secretary completely forgot about the skateboard and brought Anson to the door of the office in the blink of an eye. but!

Just when the secretary knocked on the door accurately, the office door opened first. It was very unexpected and sudden. A whirlpool-like air flow surged in. The secretary was obviously startled and took a small step back.


Marcia had just called, and she was stunned. Then she saw the two figures in front of her. She swallowed the words that followed. Then she noticed that the big boy was slightly forward, staggered half a step, and stretched out his right hand to protect the secretary behind him. action, looking over with clear and bright eyes.

The breeze carries the morning light and greenery towards our faces.

Marcia's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she didn't even need words.

"Ms. Marcia Rose? Good afternoon, I'm Wood, Anson Wood."

It is clear and clear, like a spring breeze.

Marcia didn't have time to think too much and got out of the way, "We are just waiting for you."

Anson smiled and nodded without explaining the reason for being "late". He walked into the office and saw Gary Marshall.

Gary was sitting at his desk. The desktop was dazzlingly piled with photos and resumes. The most numerous photos were Polaroids. They were not resume photos carefully taken by the actors themselves, but Polaroids with film grain. At a glance, it’s impossible to estimate how many photos there are.

Gary is like a historian who is studying unearthed cultural relics, wearing reading glasses and a magnifying glass, carefully examining every detail. His seriousness can be seen from the narrowed eyes and raised wrinkles.


Marcia called from behind.

Gary didn't respond, still studying the Polaroid in his hand.

Marcia hurriedly walked in and motioned for Anson to sit down opposite the desk; but then she noticed that Anson was sweating profusely, his expression was a little hesitant, and he inadvertently showed a little confusion. It was clear that he was reprimanding, but he still did it after all. Swallowed hard.

Marcia doesn't like sweating. Just now, a face-to-face meeting was regarded as a bonus point, but now it is regarded as a deduction. With each addition and subtraction, the impression begins to waver.

Then, Gary finally looked up and saw Anson.

He wears a mint green hooded T-shirt with denim shorts, white stockings and dark green skateboard shoes. He is holding a skateboard in his right hand. His whole body is steaming, his cheeks are rosy, and his short hair is wild and flamboyant, recording traces of the wind. Although there is not much sweat on his cheeks, But the sweat stains on his clothes that had not completely dried still reminded the young man that he had just finished exercising.

youth. Vigorous. A kind of hormonal handsomeness.

There was no anxiety or nervousness, as if he had no idea what kind of meeting this was.

There is no restraint, no awkwardness, and you don’t care about your casual dress at all.

The aura that exudes from the inside out immediately catches the eye.

After just one meeting, Gary realized——

That's him.

So clear, so definite, so certain, inspiration burst out in an instant.

When choosing a character, sometimes just one look is enough, and an unstoppable and irrepressible feeling completely occupies the brain.

The same was true when James Cameron was casting for "Titanic". 20th Century Fox wanted Matthew McConaughey to be the leading actor, but James fell in love with Leonardo at first sight. DiCaprio, and argued hard, and finally 20th Century Fox fulfilled James' wish.

Facts also proved that James was right.

Gary now has the same instinct that James had when he saw Leonardo.

 The fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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