Chapter 110 Book Valley, Burning Books

Zhang Liang and Wang Zhang waited in the mountain village for five days before their identities were identified.

On this day, someone came to tell the two of them: "I have a noble person to invite me!"

The two of them followed the visitor and walked to an inconspicuous house. As soon as they stepped into the door, they saw a dozen heavily armed sergeants inside.

"You all go down first! I'll have a chat with the two of them alone!"

The sergeants went out to be on guard, and only then did Zhang Liang and the two men see clearly the person who was speaking. He looked about the same age as them, but the bright divine seal between his eyebrows showed his identity.

"Sister Bai?" Zhang Liang asked in surprise.

This person was Bai Qing. After hearing that someone introduced the two people into the mountains, and combined with the issued order of the world, Bai Qing understood that these two people were the warriors who attacked the Qin Emperor's convoy.

He introduced himself to the two of them: "I am Bai Qing, now the head of the Bai family."

Wang Zhang returned the greeting and said: "The current head of the Xinzheng Wang family, the Bai clan, Wang Zhang, pays homage to the clan leader."

Zhang Liang also introduced himself: "After the Korean Zhang family, Zhang Liang met Bai Gong."

Bai Qing asked the two of them to sit down and said, "I, Bai, have planned many assassinations, but never got close to the convoy. But now you two not only smashed Ying Zheng's carriage, but also escaped unscathed, which is enough to be called Be brave and resourceful!”

Zhang Liang said modestly: "I would also like to thank Bai Gong for his support along the way, otherwise we would have been captured by the Qin army."

Bai Qing waved his hand and said: "Leave aside the fact that Wang Zhang belongs to my Bai family, I am really impressed by the feat of the two of you in attacking the convoy. If it weren't for your own important relationship, I would have wished to go into battle in person to avenge the destruction of the country." My father’s hatred!”

Speaking of this, Bai Qing couldn't help but feel sad.

Zhang Liang replied: "My condolences to Duke Bai. Everyone in the world thought that the Bai family had been extinct since the battle of Taiyuan. Now that I see Duke Bai, I know that there are still heirs of the Bai family in the world. Why don't you announce this to the world and inspire people?"

Bai Qing said: "The time has not come yet! What's more, the Bai Kingdom has been destroyed, and the Bai family has been severely weakened. Now the Qin Dynasty is at its peak and the First Emperor is still on the throne, so we can't start trouble lightly.

Our current task is to continue to build up our strength, preserve ourselves from the Qin Dynasty's raids, and give the First Emperor a little shock to the Bai Kingdom from time to time. When the time comes, the Bai family's flag will be raised. We are not sure about other places, but as far as Hanoi County and As far as Dongjun is concerned, it will definitely be easy to win. "

Zhang Liang realized that he was too anxious, so he complained to Bai Qing. Bai Qing said to Zhang Liang:
"What's the crime of Zifang? It's just that he misses his motherland too much! Let's do this. Now that the world is searching for you, you can't wander around in the world anymore. It just so happens that I, the Bai family, have thousands of books. You can go there. Enrich yourself.”

Zhang Liang said in astonishment: "I heard that Bai's collection of books was burned in the Battle of Taiyuan, didn't it?"

Bai Qing said: "This is the foresight of our ancestors! But in order to keep it secret, I need to cover your eyes. I'm sorry."

Zhang Liang agreed, so someone stepped forward and covered Zhang Liang with a black cloth and took Zhang Liang to Book Valley.

Along the way, Zhang Liang only felt that he was climbing over mountains and flowing into water. Finally, he only heard the rumble of the stone door opening. He walked in again, and soon the unique bamboo fragrance of the letters hit his face. He took off the cloth strip. , I was a little uncomfortable with the light at first. After covering it with my hands, it took a while to get used to it.

Then he saw a scene he would never forget. The entire valley was filled with open letters, some hanging on trees, some spread on stones, and some spread on roofs.

It turned out that today was a day for displaying books. Zhang Liang walked forward cautiously, fearing that he would step on any of the slips. He looked at the slip next to him and saw that it read:

"Yu left Jiuzhou Island, followed the mountains and dredged the rivers, and paid tribute with the soil. Yu spread the soil, planted trees with the mountains, and laid the foundation for the mountains and rivers..."

This is Shangshu. Continuing forward, I saw a slip spread out on a piece of bluestone that read: "If you turn a blind eye, your name is Yi; if you don't hear it, your name is Xi; if you cannot fight, your name will be small." These three You are not allowed to question..."

Zhang Liang thought to himself: "This is Laozi's masterpiece!"

Then he looked at the letters scattered all over the mountains and plains, as if he was really in a sea of ​​books. At this time, a book boy next to him asked Zhang Liang: "Is this Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Liang answered exactly, and the boy said, "Sir, please come with me. The tribe has arranged for you to live in a hut. You can read the slips in the valley at will, but be careful not to damage them."

As a result, Zhang Liang stayed here. He spent the whole day either accompanying the others and taking out the letters to dry, or immersed himself in reading, as if the hatred between his family and his country had been forgotten.

The thirty-second year of Qin Shihuang

The emperor went to Jieshi Mountain and sent Lu Sheng from Yan to look for the two immortals Xianmen and Gao Shi. Later, Han Zhong, Hou Gong and Shi Sheng were sent to find the elixir of immortality.

The emperor then visited the northern border and returned to the capital via Shangjun.

In the same year, the emperor sent General Meng Tian to mobilize 300,000 soldiers to attack the Hu people in the north and captured the Hetao area. Thirty-three years of Qin Shihuang

The emperor ordered to recruit prisoners who had fled abroad, men who had married into their wives, and merchants to attack the Luliang area. Guilin County, Xiang County, and Nanhai County were established there, and 400,000 troops were stationed there. At the same time, criminals were sent to garrison.

Expelled the Xiongnu in the northwest. From Yuzhong along the Yellow River to the east, all the way to Yinshan, forty-four counties were set up there, and cities were built beside the Yellow River as fortresses.

In the same year, the emperor sent Meng Tian across the Yellow River to occupy Gaoque, Yangshan, Beijia and other places and build fortresses to drive away the Rong people. Relocate the relegated prisoners and let them enrich the newly created county.

This year, in order to guard against the attacks of the Huns who came and went like the wind, the emperor ordered the conscription of corvees and the construction of the Great Wall. It was lengthened and deepened based on the original Great Wall of Yan and Zhao. The built Great Wall started from Lintao in the west and ended in Liaodong in the east. , blocking the Huns' large-scale southward movement.

And stationed 350,000 troops along the line,

This year, the emperor issued a ban prohibiting folk sacrifices.

Thirty-fourth year of Qin Shihuang

The emperor held a banquet with wine in the Xianyang Palace. Servant Zhou Qingchen and Dr. Chun Yuyue made suggestions to the emperor and persuaded him to allocate land to the descendants of the clan.

At this time, my minister Li Si said: "In the past, the princes fought side by side and recruited scholars who traveled around the country with generous treatment. Now that the world has been peaceful, your majesty has issued laws uniformly. The head of Guizhou should work hard at home and work hard, and the scholars should learn the law and avoid it. ban.

Today's Confucian scholars do not study today's laws but study ancient systems in order to criticize contemporary politics and confuse the head of Guizhou.

Minister Li Si risked his life and said bluntly: In ancient times, the world was divided and chaotic, and no one could give unified orders. Therefore, the princes stood side by side, advocating praising the ancient doctrines that harmed the present, and using hypocritical remarks to cover up the true nature of the matter. People praised their favorite doctrines. This is an accusation against the system created by His Majesty.

In addition, I believe that running a business privately will lead to criticism of the country's laws. After people hear the orders, they will use their knowledge to discuss. When entering the court, they will criticize in their hearts, and when they go out, they will discuss in the streets and praise the Lord to gain fame. Express dissent to promote yourself, and lead others to spread rumors and cause trouble.

In the long run, if things like this are not prohibited, it will lower the prestige of the monarch above and form cliques below for personal gain. It is right to ban private schools.

Therefore, I request that all folk history books except "Qin Ji" be burned. Except for those who hold the official position of doctor, if anyone in the world dares to privately collect "Poems", "Books", and the works of hundreds of schools of thought, they will be handed over to the county governor and county lieutenant for centralized burning.

If anyone still dares to talk about "Poems" and "Books" occasionally, he will be beheaded in public, and those who use ancient systems to criticize today's laws will be exterminated.

Officials who knew about it but did not report it were guilty of the same crime as criminals. Those who did not burn books for thirty days after the order was issued would have their faces tattooed and be punished as Cheng Dan. However, what the ban does not require the destruction of are books on medicine, divination, and planting. If someone wants to learn the law, I think he can learn from the officials. "

After hearing this, Chunyu Yue immediately stood up and retorted: "Your Majesty, no, Li Si's words are so heartbreaking! What is the difference between this kind of action and King Zhou Li's blocking the mouths of the countrymen, let alone burning books, these are the first The wisdom of man!”

Li Si sneered and said: "Only useful doctrines can be retained. What is the use of useless doctrines that only incite the leaders of Guizhou? Apart from shaking the rule of our great Qin, is there any use at all?"

Chunyu Yue retorted: "Are you just using the words of your Legalist family? Now that the world has just ended from the war, the people are eager to live a stable life. Instead of caring about the people, you have increased taxes on the people. Isn't this shaking the foundation of the Qin Dynasty? ? Now that the Book of the Six Kingdoms is going to be burned, and I don’t know how much blood will be caused, how can the world be stabilized?"

Just when the two were quarreling, Qin Shihuang interrupted the two and said: "I think the Prime Minister's words are more beneficial to the future of Qin, so I have decided to burn all folk ideas except "Qin Ji" Philosophical Tablets.”

Chunyu Yue still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Qin Shihuang, saying: "There are still letters from Xianyang! How can we talk about severance?" Then he ordered: "Any valuable letters found in various counties and counties will be sent to them." The Xianyang inventory can be regarded as preserving the cultural context!"

As a result, a vigorous book-burning movement was launched across the country. Although the emperor ordered that valuable books be handed over to Xianyang, how did the lower-level officials know which slips were valuable? Anyway, as long as they were not written in Xiaozhuan, they were all burned.

Guan Bai and Guan Qing, father and son, put dozens of volumes of "Bai's Spring and Autumn Annals" into a wooden box, then dug a hole in the yard, pushed the wooden box in, and buried it.

After doing all this, the father and son had time to rest. Guan Qing said, "Father, why are you burying me?"

Guan Bai said: "Who knows? There was a sudden order from above to burn all written tablets, except for legal documents. Fortunately, my father got the news quickly, otherwise these dozens of volumes of tablets would definitely not escape the fate of being burned."

Guan Qing said: "No one knows that our family has "Bai's Spring and Autumn Annals"?"

Guan Bai said: "Don't worry, I haven't told anyone, and by the way, don't tell anyone in the future, otherwise it will be a disaster for our family!"

Guan Qing nodded, and then said: "Father, the superiors have recently asked me to serve as corvees again, and this time I have to go to the north."

Guan Bai had no choice but to say: "Fortunately, you have become an official and don't have to do corvee service. Otherwise, my family will not survive. You still have to be careful about this matter and don't arouse people's anger. You have to put everything in order." Push it to Xianyang.

What kind of world is this? Finally, the world is no longer mired in wars and disputes. We thought we could live a more stable life, but in the end, we are forced to work again and again. How can we live in this way! "

(End of this chapter)

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