A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 382: Seclusion to show off one's power, yesterday's rebels and today's thieve

Chapter 382: Seclusion to show off one's power, yesterday's rebels and today's thieves

When Dong Zhuo entered Chang'an, the imperial court sent Guang Luxun Xuanfan to hold the throne, and on behalf of the emperor, Dong Zhuo was granted the title of Grand Master. His status was higher than that of other princes and kings surnamed Liu, and equal to that of King Bai.

When he went to court on the second day, Dong Zhuo also named his younger brother Dong Min the general of the left, and his nephew Dong Huang as the minister in charge and the captain of the central military school. All members of the clan, both inside and outside the clan, entered the court as officials.

In order to demonstrate his authority, Dong Zhuo violated the rule of ministers and ordered a chariot with a green cover and gold flowers, and two claws painted on it. He called it "Qinghu" and wanted to compare himself to the emperor's chariot "Chariot".

It was stipulated that all ministers who visited Dong Zhuo were required to get out of their cars and kneel in obeisance, but Dong Zhuo did not need to reciprocate; all important departments in the court (such as Cao Shangshu) were required to report to Dong Zhuo's Taishi Mansion.

He also built a Wubao in his fiefdom, Xi County, where he stored a large amount of looted property and had enough food reserves for the entire Wubao army to serve for thirty years.

After the Xiwu was built, Dong Zhuo proudly said to his surroundings: "The Xiwu is really strong. Only this Grand Master in the world can gather so many people and money to build it.

At that time, after I have conquered Guandong, I will be able to dominate the world here. It is not a bad idea to sit facing the south. Even if I fail, I will be able to stay in Xiwu until I grow old, and the thieves in the world will not be able to do anything to me. A little bit of Taishi. "

Just when Dong Zhuo was doing whatever he wanted in Chang'an and enjoying power. Troubles in Kanto also appear to be becoming more frequent.

Earlier, Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, died in the Yellow Turbans, leaving Yanzhou without a leader and each fighting on its own. As a result, the Yellow Turbans were rampant and the prefects of various counties were miserable.

Nowadays, the imperial court has closed its doors to the affairs of Guandong, and reinforcements have become futile. If we ask for help from heroes from other states, we are afraid that Yanzhou will be occupied by them.

Due to the particularity of Han politics, except for the prefects, county magistrates, and state ministers who were appointed by the court, all their subordinates, officials, and government officials needed to be recruited by the prefects and county magistrates themselves, and in principle they must be locals.

This resulted in many governors being coerced by powerful local families. This is also the reason why the counties in Yanzhou would rather die and destroy the city than ask for help from foreign counties.

Because their officials were afraid that when troops from other counties entered the state, the discipline of the army would become a big problem because they were not in the state.

It may turn into reinforcements and become a bandit army. Furthermore, if another state helps put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion and does not leave later, people from other states will inevitably be used in order to control Yanzhou. This is intolerable to the powerful people in Yanzhou.

However, the people in Yanzhou have limited abilities and are in urgent need of a tough leader who can win the hearts and minds of the people of Yanzhou.

Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin stood up at this time and said to the other governors: "Cao Cao, the governor of Dongjun, is a true hero. He defeated the Black Mountain bandits in Dongjun at the beginning of the year. He must have some experience in dealing with the Yellow Turban bandits.

As you all know, I joined the Kwantung Allied Forces to challenge Dong. I originally hoped to do my part to save the Han Dynasty from disaster. Who knew that the heroes of the Kwantung were all corrupted by the Han Dynasty.

There were many spectators, including prefects, governors, governors, and even Zhou Mu generals, but no one was really for the Han, only Cao Cao and Donglai Gong Baidian.

However, Donglaigong's residence is far away, and there are as many yellow turban thieves from Qingzhou as many as ants in the middle, beyond our reach, but Cao Cao is right beside us.

It would be too much of a waste of natural resources to let talented people go unused. Why don't we jointly declare Cao Cao the governor of Yanzhou? This will not only express our intentions, but also make his actions more legal. "

Everyone agreed with Bao Xin's opinion and jointly signed a letter to the court, expressing Cao Cao's appointment as the governor of Yanzhou in order to pacify the Yanzhou Yellow Turbans.

Although the world was already in chaos at this time, the imperial court still had its role. Even if Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou by shady means, he still needed to request the imperial court to reissue his Jizhou pastoral edict.

In order to maintain the apparent unity, the imperial court basically gave and asked for the actual controllers of various states and counties. As long as you really occupied the local area, the imperial court could officially grant you the positions of local governor, governor, and state pastor.

This was also the idea that Shangshu ordered Li Ru to come up with for Dong Zhuo, that is, to control the issuance of edicts and let those in Guandong kill each other, so that they could not care about things in Guanzhong.

This is also the reason why, last month, Yuan Shao's appointment of Zhou Ang as the governor of Yuzhou was quickly approved.

No, Sun Jian had already given up chasing Dong Jun in Yinnei, Henan, and launched an attack on Zhou Ang's tribe occupying Luyang for his own retreat.

Zhou Ang was successfully driven away by Sun Jian's army, but it also allowed Sun Jian to see through the true face of the Kwantung Allied Forces, and he returned to his Changsha County in despair.

At this time, Qingzhou, except for Donglai County and Beihai County, was basically reduced to the private territory of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, and even spread to the surrounding Jizhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou.

In addition, although Dong Zhuo was in charge of the court at this time, he was still able to give his own suggestions on some basic government affairs.

Therefore, after learning about the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou that were ravaging other states and counties, the imperial court agreed to Cao Cao's request to be the governor of Yanzhou, recommended by the governors of Yanzhou, and issued a formal edict.

In order to prevent the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans from breaking through Xuzhou and getting further out of control, the imperial court appointed Xuzhou Governor Tao Qian as Xuzhou Mu, responsible for pacifying the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans.

Bai Dian, the governor of Donglai, was appointed as the governor of Qingzhou, responsible for pacifying the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou.

Under the joint attack of Cao Cao and Bao Xin, the Yanzhou Yellow Turbans defeated the main force of the Yanzhou Yellow Turbans in Shouzhang County. The Yanzhou Yellow Turbans were pacified. Cao Cao also received more than 300,000 surrendered soldiers, and more than a million people followed.

However, due to Cao Cao's carelessness and mistakes, there was a gap in the connection time between the front and rear armies. After Cao Cao's front army cavalry arrived in Shouzhang, the rear army's infantry did not arrive for a long time, causing the front army to be attacked by hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans. siege.

In the rebellious army, Cao Cao was in desperate situations several times. Fortunately, Bao Xin led his army to rescue him and held on until the rear army arrived and defeated the Yellow Turban Army.

However, Bao Xin was killed while rescuing Cao Cao.

After winning the war, Cao Cao offered a large reward and searched for Bao Xin's body on the battlefield, but could not find it. In the end, in extreme sadness, Cao Cao had to order someone to carve Bao Xin's appearance out of wood and shed tears in memory of him. In order to resettle these more than one million people, Cao Cao, on the advice of his official Zao Zhi, cultivated these more than one million people.

These people were divided into several farming camps by military means, and Diannong captains were set up to manage them, and farming was carried out on barren fields.

Among the 300,000 surrendered soldiers, elite soldiers were selected and organized into a Qingzhou army of tens of thousands, with his cousin Cao Hong as the chief officer.

The Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou were also incorporated into the common people of Xuzhou with the help of Tao Qian, the Mu Tao Qian of Xuzhou.

As for Jizhou.

After capturing the northern part of the Bohai Sea, Gongsun Zan continued to rely on his superiority in cavalry to cover up and kill tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans all the way to the bank of the Yellow River. The Yellow Turbans in Jizhou were so frightened that they fled. Gongsun Zan also took advantage of this to capture Qingzhou. The plain country in the north.

In order to deal with Yuan Shao and his ally Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan appointed Yan Gang as the governor of Jizhou and Tian Kai as the governor of Qingzhou.

Since Pingyuan Kingdom belongs to the Qingzhou sequence and is south of Bohai County, it is close to Cao Cao in Yanzhou, but it is too far away from his headquarters in Liaodong.

Furthermore, now that winter has entered, it is unrealistic to mobilize troops in order to preserve these territories after he leaves.

Gongsun Zan led his troops to guard the Bohai Sea with Yan Gang, the governor of Jizhou, and Tian Kai, the governor of Qingzhou, to guard Pingyuan. He also appointed his younger brother and Sima Liu Bei as the prime minister of Pingyuan to assist Tian Kai.

Liu Bei initially won the title of County Lieutenant of Anxi County due to his military exploits in the Yellow Turbans. Later, he was promoted to Prime Minister of Xiami County for assisting Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, in putting down Zhang Chun's rebellion.

Then he successively served as Gaotang Wei and Gaotang County Magistrate.

Since the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans had never been pacified, the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans once attacked Gaotang County.

At that time, the Kwantung Alliance was joining forces to attack Dong Zhuo, and all the eyes of the world were on Henan Yin. Liu Bei was isolated and helpless, and was finally captured by the 30,000 Yellow Turban Army.

Under the desperate protection of his sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he escaped and ascended to heaven. However, his cousin Bai Jin and his friend Jian Yong and others were all lost in the rebellion. In the end, he had to go north to join his senior brother Gongsun Zan.

He was appointed Sima of the other departments by Gongsun Zan, a position he has held to this day.

While the two younger brothers Liu Bei, Guan and Zhang, and a Sima Zhao Yun, whom they had met under Gongsun Zan's tent, were drinking heavily in the mansion, someone from outside announced that an old friend wanted to see them.

Liu Bei let the three of them continue drinking and walked out of the door to greet them. He saw the weather-beaten Bai Jin and Jian Yongzheng standing in front of the door with a smile.

Liu Bei couldn't control it for a moment, and rushed forward and said with joy: "My dear brother, Xianhe, you are all right. It's great. I thought you guys, oh, let's not talk anymore, go back home quickly, I really want to I know how your days are going."

Back at the mansion, Guan and Zhang were very happy to see Bai Jian and Bai Jian. They talked non-stop with them and introduced Zhao Yun to them.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Bei learned from the two people how they survived.

Thanks to Liu Bei's benevolent government in Gaotang County, Liu Bei's reputation is very good in Gaotang. The people in the county all praised him with thumbs up: "With Liu County Magistrate, Gaotang has been at peace since then."

But after all, it is a county and cannot stop the attack of tens of thousands of Yellow Turban troops. The people do not blame Liu Bei in their hearts. After all, Liu Bei did not abandon them.

Instead, they led hundreds of county soldiers and some volunteers to resist in the small Gaotang County, although the final result was not satisfactory.

Today's Yellow Turban Army is different from the Yellow Turban Army in Zhang Jiao's time. The Yellow Turban Army in Zhang Jiao's era is indeed an army with basic morals and beliefs, but it lacks training and weapons and equipment.

Today's Yellow Turban Army, except for a few that have not deteriorated from Zhang Jiao's era, such as the Black Mountain Army, Baibo Army, etc., the rest are a group of thieves, carrying out plunder under the banner of the Yellow Turban Army.

This is also the reason why the Black Mountain Army in Changshan County and the Baibo Army in Hedong County no longer carry the banner of the Yellow Turban Army.

It was precisely because of Liu Bei's reputation that Bai Jin and the others received the protection of the local people and escaped the pursuit of the Yellow Turban Army.

They didn't come out until the Yellow Turban Army plundered the next county town. Later, because they couldn't get any news from Liu Bei, they had to stay in Gaotang. Relying on Bai Jin's relationship, they hooked up with the wealthy businessman Mi in Xuzhou and started a business in Xuzhou. Business in the Plains Country.

Two days ago, I heard that the Prime Minister of Pingyuan was named Liu, and he was a subordinate of General Gongsun. After asking around, he confirmed that it was Liu Bei, and then he came from Gaotang.

After Liu Bei heard this, he couldn't help but sighed: "Bei is the magistrate of Gaotang County. It is the duty of the county magistrate to serve as an official for one term and to benefit the whole country. However, I don't want to be so loved by the elders of Gaotang. I really don't deserve it."

It just so happened that Liu Bei was the Prime Minister of Pingyuan, and Gaotang was a subordinate county of Pingyuan Kingdom. Liu Bei allocated a lot of funds to Gaotang to repair houses and provide water conservancy.

No matter how Tian Kai and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao game and fight. Under the governance of Liu Bei, the Pingyuan Kingdom actually showed a trace of its prosperity.

This also made Liu Bei's name widely spread in Qingzhou. Everyone knew Liu Bei was a kind man.

(End of this chapter)

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