A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 533: Secretly releasing water to escape, and everything happening in the northern and southe

Chapter 533: Secretly releasing water to escape, and everything happening in the northern and southern kingdoms
Even though there were more than 10,000 enemy cavalry in front of him, Tuoba Yina had no intention of surrendering. At worst, he would die on the battlefield, because he knew that if he surrendered, there would be no way to survive.

Perhaps it was God's blessing that Tuoba Yina managed to break through the Yuwen Department's interception despite his desperate efforts to kill the enemy.

He took dozens of cavalry and left, preparing to defect to Murong's tribe in Liaodong.

Yan Qi was very angry and came to Yuwen Mogui and asked him why he let Tuoba Yina run away.

"Captain Yan, you cannot be unfair to us. We obeyed your order and came here from our distant hometown to show our loyalty to Daxia.

Now that Tuoba Yina has escaped, it is purely because our Yuwen Department's soldiers and armors are crude and cannot stand up to the elite of his personal guard camp. It is not that our Yuwen Department deliberately set off the cannons, and we dare not say nonsense. "


Yan Qi was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Although the main force of Dai's army wandering outside the city was eliminated, Tuoba Yina escaped in the end.

Bai Kai was very angry and sent an envoy to rebuke Tuoba Yihuai for his lack of intentions. He decided to tear up the agreement and storm the capital.

Tuoba Yihuai quickly sent someone to appease him and made more promises.

In the end, Bai Kai agreed to withdraw his troops after giving most of the pastures in Monan to the Ministry of Yuwen and giving Xia one hundred thousand war horses.

November 28

After nearly a year of war, the soldiers of the Xia army were finally able to return to the court.

Xia State and Dai State were restored and a mutual market was established in Guangchang.

The Xia Kingdom took back the two counties of Yanmen and Xingxing that were occupied by the Dai Kingdom.

He Lianmou, the surrendered general who was stationed in Yangqu, had not yet been promoted to official position when he learned that his old master had fled and the new master had given up on annexing the state.

On the same day, he surrendered to Bai Yi, Hu Yanying, Ma Xie and others who were approaching the city.

In the end, He Lianmou was imprisoned and executed in Jinyang for murdering Bai Wen and Ma Ji and aiding Zhou in his crimes.

Together with them, more than 20 generals who surrendered and more than 100 Bingzhou rebel generals who could not be captured, a total of more than 120 people, were all executed in Qiyang.

Beiding first year
The second day of the first lunar month
The remaining members of Cui Kun's party in Bingzhou were all exterminated by the court, and the rebellions in various parts of Bingzhou were basically suppressed.

Youzhou has also stabilized. Duan Xianbei of various tribes in Youzhou either surrendered or left. Only the two counties of Beiping and Liaoxi are still in the hands of the Murong family.

In order to manage the Hu tribes in You and Bing prefectures, in addition to relocating some Hu tribes and integrating the people into households, counties and counties were established.

The rest of the nomadic Hu tribes, including some of the Yuwen tribe with Shanggu, were established in Beijiang Prefecture, which managed the affairs of the Hu people.

Appointed the governor of Youzhou, the general who conquered the north, and the Duke of Xingguo Tian Tian as the general manager of the Northern Xinjiang Prefecture. He was relieved of his position as the governor of Youzhou and took charge of the Hu people in various places in Youzhou and Bingzhou.

At the same time, Zhendong General Hu Yanying was appointed as the governor of Youzhou;
Promoted Liu Cheng to the position of Governor of Northern Xinjiang and General of Zhenbei;
Bai Yong, the new king, went out to Zhenping City to guard Guangchang and guard Bingzhou;
Bai Lin, the king of Dongwu, came out of Zhuoxian to guard Guangchang and guard Youzhou.

Because Ma Xie was responsible for the loss of the city and the death of King Guangping, he was dismissed from the post of governor of Bingzhou and was imprisoned and tried;
Liu Min, the governor of Hedong, was also appointed as the governor of Bingzhou.

In view of Zhenbei General and Anci's many years of military service, he was specially promoted to Fanyang County Duke, hereditary.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month

Bai Shu's period of filial piety has passed, and the first thing he did when he came to court was to grant amnesty to the world.

Ma Xie was also spared death because of this amnesty, but was demoted to the rank of Cavalry Captain. However, he was not deprived of his title of County Marquis.

When the prince Bai Kai returned to the court with his troops, Bai Shu personally went out of the city to meet the army, expressed condolences to them, and rewarded the three armies greatly.

In addition to the merit lists of high-level generals that have been issued before, the officers and soldiers who have made meritorious service in this battle have all received reasonable promotions and rewards.

The reason why the Xia State was able to march massively to pacify You and Bing was that Shi Zhao in the south fell into civil strife and had no time to take care of the Xia State in the north and the Jin State in the south.

Since Shi Le became emperor, Shi Zhao has been involved in a dispute between his two sons.

Among Shi Le's disciples, Shi Hu was the most helpful to Shi Le's career. Logically speaking, Shi Hu should be Shi Le's heir, that is, the prince.

But unfortunately this was not the case. Shi Hu was just Shi Le's son, the son of his uncle, and was raised in Shi Le's home on his behalf.

Shi Le's eldest son was Shi Hong, so Shi Le established Prince Shi Hong, but promoted Shi Hu to the title of King of Zhongshan and Shangshu Ling.

But Zhongshan was in the hands of Xia State, so Shi Hu was very dissatisfied.

In addition, Shi Hong loved writing and respected Confucian scholars. He was not as strong as Shi Le and Shi Hu, although he was very close to Shi Le's advisers Xu Guang, Cheng Xia and others.

But they all believe that once Shi Le dies, Shi Hong will not be able to control Shi Hu.

And because there was a rift between the two and Shi Hu in previous battles, Shi Hu often resented the two, which made the two even more worried that once Shi Hu seized power, he and his clan would be killed.

So he made suggestions to Shi Le many times, asking for the strengthening of the prince's power, allowing the prince to be close to the government, and weakening Shi Hu's power.

After Shi Le thought hard, he decided to order the Crown Prince to approve the petition, and Yan Zhen, the permanent servant of the Central Committee, assisted in making judgments. Only major matters such as conquest and murder were sent to Shi Le for adjudication.

In other words, it strengthened the power of the East Palace and Yan Zhen, and weakened the power of the Shangshu Province where Shi Hu served, that is, Shi Hu's power.

However, since there was also the Xia Kingdom in the north and the Jin Kingdom in the south, Shi Le had to rely on Shi Hu's force, so he did not follow their suggestions to eliminate Shi Hu.

However, this move also made Shi Hu feel dissatisfied. In addition, it turned out that Shi Le favored Shi Hong and despised him, so Shi Hu was no longer as close to Shi Le as before.

Two years later, Shi Le became seriously ill.

Summon Shi Hu, Shi Hong, and Yan Zhen into the imperial palace.

However, Shi Hu corrected the edict and did not allow relatives and ministers including Shi Hong and Yan Zhen to see Shi Le, so that no one knew about Shi Le's condition.

Later, he ordered Shi Le to go to Puyang to prevent Shi Hu from becoming a foreign vassal. Shi Hong, king of Qin, and Shi Kan, king of Pengcheng, left them in Puyang.

Even though Shi Le immediately ordered the two of them to return to their base after learning about it, Shi Hu still refused to let them go back and even lied to Shi Le that the two were already on their way home.

Not long after, Shi Le died of illness, but left a testament:
"Brothers Shi Hong and Shi Hu should support each other. The Sima family cannibalize each other, which is a lesson for you. Shi Hu should deeply remember Zhou Gong and Huo Guang and not leave any excuse for future generations."

In the third year of Taikang, Shi Hu kidnapped the prince Shi Hong and brought him to the palace. He killed Cheng Xia, the official of Youguanglu, and Xu Guang, the secretary of the Zhongshu. Civil and military officials fled one after another.

Shi Hong was frightened and said that he was weak and wanted to give up his position to Shi Hu.

But Shi Hu refused and said sharply:

"After the king dies, the prince ascends the throne. This is the etiquette and convention."

Shi Hong was so frightened that he resolutely resigned with tears in his eyes, for fear that Shi Hu would execute him.

Unexpectedly, Shi Hu got angry and said:

"If you can't bear the heavy responsibility, everyone in the world will act according to the principles. How can we talk about it in advance!"

Later, with the support of Shi Hu, Shi Hong ascended the throne and granted amnesty to the world.

Upon hearing of the emperor's death, the clan general Shi Cong and the Qiaojun prefect Peng Biao each sent envoys to the Eastern Jin Dynasty to request surrender.

As for why Shi Cong asked to surrender to the Jin court, it was because he was originally a Han nationality and changed his surname to Shi because he was adopted by Shi Le.

The Jin court immediately sent reinforcements to respond, but before they arrived, Shi Cong and others had been killed by Shi Hu.

Then, Shi Hong worshiped Shi Hu, the king of Zhongshan, as Prime Minister, King of Qi, and Great Chanyu. He was awarded Jiuxi and divided into thirteen counties including Qi County as Shi Hu's fiefdom. He was in charge of all political affairs of the court.

After Shi Le's original civil and military officials were assigned to idle official positions, and Shi Hu's relatives were all appointed to important positions in the court, and completely controlled the government, Shi Hu returned to the feudal country and controlled the government.

At the end of the same year, Wang Shisheng of Hedong who was guarding Guanzhong and Shi Lang who was guarding Luoyang both raised troops to attack Prime Minister Shi Hu.

In order to obtain reinforcements, Shi Sheng was ready to defect to one side between Jin Ting and Xia Ting. However, at this time, Xia Ting was making all-out efforts to combat the rebellion in Duanbu in Youzhou and had no troops to support Guanzhong.

Therefore, Shi Sheng claimed to be the governor of Qinzhou and sent an envoy to the Jin court to request surrender.

Pu Hong, the commander-in-chief of the Di tribe, claimed to be the governor of Yongzhou and went west to rely on Zhang Jun, the king of Liang.

In the fourth year of Taikang, Shi Hu left Prince Shi Sui to stay in Linzi. He led 70,000 infantry and cavalry men to attack Shi Lang in Jinyong.

Soon, under Shi Hu's outstanding military capabilities, Jin Yong was defeated and Shi Lang was captured.

Subsequently, Shi Hu continued to attack Guanzhong and marched towards Chang'an, with Liang Wang Shi Ting as the forward commander.

Shi Sheng sent General Guo Quan and 20,000 Xianbei tribesmen as the vanguard to resist the enemy.

The two sides fought at Tongguan, and Shi Ting was severely defeated. He even died in the battle. Shi Hu returned to his army and fled to Mianchi. The bodies of the Qi army were scattered for more than 300 miles.

However, Shi Hu secretly contacted various Xianbei ministries under Shi Sheng and promised huge profits. In the end, the Xianbei cavalry that Shi Sheng relied on turned against Shi Sheng and attacked him.

Shi Sheng didn't know that Shi Ting was dead. He was afraid and fled to Chang'an alone.

Only Guo Quan stayed calm in the face of danger, gathered the remaining soldiers, retreated and stationed his troops at the bend of the Wei River.

Not long after, Shi Sheng gave up Chang'an and hid in Jitoushan.

Under Shi Hu's strong advance, Chang'an fell. Shi Sheng was killed by his subordinates and was rewarded by Shi Hu, while Guo Quan defected to Longyou.

Shi Hu prepared to continue his march against Pu Hong. Unexpectedly, Pu Hong led 20,000 households to surrender to Shi Hu. He said that Shi Hu had deceived him, otherwise he would not dare to fight against the heavenly soldiers.

Shi Hu was very happy with Pu Hong's assessment of the situation, and when the weather turned cold, he appointed him as General Guanglie and Colonel Protector.

When the Shizhao rebellion was basically put down, and only Guo Quan of Longyou was still defending, the Xia Kingdom's war to quell Youbian was also over.

Shi Hu was afraid that Xia would attack Qi while the army was in Guanzhong, so he immediately ordered his troops to retreat.

Since the Murong clan obtained Beiping and Liaoxi counties, as well as a large number of Duan tribes, Tuoba tribes and Xianbei tribes who defected, their strength has greatly increased.

It was actually able to pull up nearly 100,000 cavalry in an instant.

Because the two counties of western Liaoning and Beiping were relatively wealthy compared to eastern Liaoning, Murong Huang moved his administrative office from Changli to Beiping County to govern Xu Wu, and changed Xu Wu to Peiping.

Murong Huang made Peiping the capital of the country, called himself King of Yan, set up various official offices, appointed Feng Yi as the prime minister, and placed Shan Yutai in charge of the Hu tribes. The court had no right to interfere in Shan Yutai's affairs.

Because he was afraid of Xia's Northern Expedition, Murong Huang was in urgent need of external support.

At the same time, since the Jin court's ships arrived in Liaodong, Murong Huang could obtain the military supplies he urgently needed from the Jin court through sea transportation.

Therefore, Murong Huang sent Chief Shi Liu Xiang to offer victory to Jiankang based on his achievements in regaining the two counties of Beiping and Liaoxi. He also asked for the seal and ribbon of the fake King of Yan, and also asked for a large number of troops to pacify the Central Plains.

However, the Jin court did not agree to allow Murong Huang to become king.

However, Murong Huang learned that Yu Liang, an important minister of the Jin Dynasty, had passed away, and that his younger brothers Yu Bing and Yu Yi were in charge of the center of the imperial court and important places in Jingzhou, so he wrote to Sima Yan to learn from history, stay close to the virtuous, and not to trust his relatives.

He also wrote to Yu Bing, accusing him of holding the power of the court but failing to avenge the country's humiliation.

Yu Bing was very frightened after learning about Murong Huang's petition and letter. He felt that he had a long way to go and could not control him, so he petitioned to comply with Murong Huang's request.


Murong Huang finally received the imperial edict from the Jin court, which granted him the title of envoy Chijie, general, commander of all military affairs in Hebei, Youzhou Mu, and Great Chanyu, and he was granted the title of King of Yan.

This is why Murong Huang had no choice but to pull the tiger's skin under the pressure of Xia Guo.

At the same time, Murong Huang also sent an envoy to Shi Zhao to reconcile with Shi Hu, and set up a coastal mutual market in Donglai County, Qi State, with Murong Huang's help.

Dongmou of the Donglai Army became the hub of coastal trade among the three countries. At the same time, the maritime merchants of the Xia Kingdom also traded here.

Even if the four countries are at peace with each other, commercial exchanges along the coast are very prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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