A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 540 Buddhism and Taoism quarrel between father and son, Taoist monk Kexia Huguo Temple

Chapter 540 Buddhism and Taoism quarrel between father and son, Taoist monk Kexia Huguo Temple

Prince Shi Sui's dissatisfaction with his father Shi Hu has reached its peak.

July th
Shi Sui claimed to be ill and ignored political affairs, but secretly led more than 500 palace ministers, civil and military officials who were usually dissatisfied with Shi Hu on horseback to the residence of Li Yan, a commoner, to drink.

At the banquet, Shi Sui took the opportunity to say to Li Yan and others:

"I want to kill Dongguan Gong Shi Xuan and Le'an Gong Shi Tao in Qingzhou. Anyone who dares not to follow will be beheaded on the spot!"

With that said, the guards of the East Palace rushed into the banquet hall with murderous intent, staring eagerly at the ministers present. The guards of the Li Mansion outside the door were also disarmed by the left and right guards of the East Palace.

The ministers who were still drinking, Nuonuo did not dare to say anything right, so they kowtowed and did not answer.

When Shi Sui and the others acquiesced, he asked the guards to escort them and move forward with him.

But after leaving the east gate of Luoyang and walking a few miles, everyone fled. The guards did not dare to attack these red- and purple-robed officials, so they had to let them go.

Shi Sui was very angry when he saw the ministers fleeing regardless of their status.

At this time, Li Yan knelt down and kowtowed, and tried his best to remonstrate, saying that it was impossible to do anything, but if he stopped now, he could still do it.

Shi Sui then pretended that he was drunk and led the team back to the East Palace in a daze.

Here, shortly after Shi Sui left, Shi Sui's biological mother, Queen Zheng, heard about this and privately sent people around her to question Shi Sui.

It happened that Shi Sui returned to the palace. He was depressed at first. Hearing the blame from the visitors, he killed the envoys in anger.

July th
Shi Hu heard that Shi Sui was ill and wanted to visit him, but was stopped by Fo Tucheng, whom Shi Hu trusted:

"Your Majesty has a conflict with the prince. The poor monk is plotting against your Majesty. It is not appropriate to go to the East Palace often."

In the end, Shi Hu chose to send his close and trusted female minister to investigate.

When Shi Sui saw that the visitor was the female minister who was favored by Shi Hu, he felt insulted. When he called her to come forward to talk, he took advantage of the situation and drew his sword to stab her.

Shi Hu was furious when he learned that the concubine he sent had been stabbed to death by the prince. He first arrested Li Yan and others for questioning.

Li Yan was so frightened that he could only tell the whole story. Shi Hu's face was so dark that it could drip water, which showed that he was extremely angry.

On the spot, he ordered the execution of Li Yan and thirty other officials in the East Palace, and ordered Shi Sui to be imprisoned in the East Palace.

However, he soon relented. After all, he was his eldest son, so he ordered his release.

Summoning him in Taiwu East Hall, Shi Sui felt resentful and left immediately without apologizing.

Shi Hu asked people to catch up with him and said:

"The prince was summoned to see the emperor, how could he leave so quickly?"

Shi Sui said:
"Even if tiger poison does not eat its children, I have never heard of a father imprisoning his son because of a doting concubine. How can he still be called a father?
It can be seen that the emperor summoned the prince just because of the prejudice of the world.

As the prince, I have already taken care of the country by going to meet him.

As a son, since my father doesn’t want to see him, why should I hang around in front of him and make people upset?
Besides, Your Majesty can even kill King Haiyang, so why would you care about the relationship between our father and son?
I did this not only out of resentment, but also to save my life. "

Shi Sui told the visitor this way, his original intention was to let Shi Hu understand his true thoughts through him.

Unexpectedly, Shi Hu was furious after hearing this. Based on Li Yan's confession, he believed that Shi Sui was suspected of usurping the throne and ordered Shi Sui to be deposed as a commoner.

That night, Shi Hu ordered the death of Shi Sui and his concubine Zhang, and buried them together with 26 men and women in a coffin. He also killed more than 200 followers of Shi Sui's palace officials, and deposed Empress Zheng as the empress of the East China Sea. Concubine.

Shi Hu appointed his second son Shi Xuan as the Crown Prince of Heaven, and Shi Xuan's mother Du Zhaoyi was named Queen of Heaven.

Prove to the world that he has many sons. If anyone dares to resist him, even his son will not be able to escape death.

The strange thing is that under Shi Hu's tyranny, there was not much rebellion.

Part of the reason lies in Fotucheng, who gave him advice before.

Fotucheng was a Buddhist eminent monk who was said to have attained Taoism in the Western Regions. He devoted his life to the study of precepts. He taught his disciples the method of "not drinking more than your teeth, not eating when you are guilty, and not taking the precepts unless you are precepted".

Later, he passed through the Hexi Corridor and entered the Central Plains to preach scriptures. He received courtesy from Liu Yao and his son from the former Zhao Dynasty, and was supported by Shi Le. He temporarily stayed at Baima Temple in Luoyang.

Master Puming, the host of Baima Temple, served him as a disciple. He specifically summoned Buddhist disciples from all over Zhao State to set up an altar in the western suburbs of Luoyang to preach.

Shihu happened to be in disguise and heard the scriptures. He was overjoyed and thought that it was because of him that a distinguished monk from Zhao State came to this world. So he built the Huguo Temple, adopted Buddhism as the national religion, Fotucheng as the national teacher, and built a ceremonial Buddha in the palace. The hall is for Buddha Tucheng to live.

Relying on Shi Hu's trust, Fotucheng and Puming continued to promote Taoism in various parts of the Zhao Kingdom. They left disciples in all the prefectures and counties they passed through and established Buddhist temples. In three years, 893 of them were built.

Shihu also used the special role of Buddhism to appease the people of Zhao.

At the same time, the imperial court of the State of Zhao practiced Buddhism very devoutly because of their faith from above and effectiveness from below. Therefore, Buddhism and belief in Buddhism prevailed in Luoyang, and the incense in Huguo Temple was extremely prosperous. In order to resist the continuous penetration of Buddhist beliefs from Zhao State to the north, Bai Shu issued an edict in the fifth year of Beiding and invited Zhang Mingli, a contemporary Celestial Master of Celestial Master Taoism, to come to Beijing to preach.

After listening to Zhang Mingli's sermon, Bai Shu was very happy on the spot and issued an edict to confer Bai Lang, the ancestor of the Tianshi Temple, to "subjugate demons and protect the Tao."

At the same time, in order to prevent the Taoist family from becoming dominant, it didn't take long before Bai Shu also invited Master Puming, the contemporary host of Liuli Temple, to set up an altar in the suburbs of Beijing to preach. The person who went there was Prince Bai Kai.

Bai Kai was also very interested in the whole process, so Bai Kai came up to explain that Buddhism and Taoism should be equally important, and one should not be praised at the expense of the other.

Bai Shu agreed with Bai Kai's suggestion and issued an edict to confer the title of Master Flan, the first presiding officer of Liuli Temple, as the "Buddha of Exorcism and Great Dharma".

Not long after, Bai Shu summoned Kong Xian, a descendant of the Kong family living in Qiyang.

Due to the turmoil in the world after the death of Confucius, many disciples of the Confucius family, led by their direct descendants, took shelter in the Bai Kingdom, one of the great countries where Confucianism was prevalent at that time.

And left a branch in Qufu.

However, the Bai Kingdom was destroyed, and the capital Taiyuan was burned by the Qin army. The Bai family itself could not be saved, so the direct line of Confucius who took refuge in the Bai Kingdom also suffered.

When the Bai family was revived, Emperor Gao granted him the title of Duke Bai and reestablished the Bai Kingdom. After many searches, the Bai family finally found a descendant of the Kong family who was teaching in a countryside in Hanoi County.

Through the statements of the descendants of the Kong family, the Bai family found his father in the existing Kong family genealogy, and finally determined that he was the only direct descendant of the Kong family living in the Bai Kingdom.

But at this time, the branch of the Kong family who stayed in Qufu was supported by Emperor Wu, claiming that all the direct lineages had been killed, and that they should be the direct lineage, and did not recognize the Kong family's son found by the Bai Kingdom.

This direct lineage dispute between Confucius and Confucius lasted for hundreds of years, and was even involved in the later Confucian classics debate.

As the biggest sponsor of Confucius and one of the seventy-two sages of Confucius, Bai had great say within Confucianism.

As for the Confucius family in Qufu, no matter how you say it, they are after Confucius. In the end, neither side could do anything about the other, and they both stopped and let the matter rest.

The direct descendants who were not accepted by the Kong family in Qufu could only live in Bai Kingdom, but they were determined that only Qufu, the place where their ancestors were buried, was their place.

Therefore, he has always been unwilling to be called the Kong family of Bai Kingdom or the Kong family of Hanoi. Instead, he calls himself the son of Kong family who lives in Bai Kingdom.

After Confucius visited Baishu, Baishu was covered with dust in Shenzhou. The Central Plains and even the hometown of Confucius were occupied by Jie Zhao. However, Confucius's knowledge has benefited many future generations.

An edict was issued on the spot, naming Confucius, the founder of the Confucian sect, as the "Forefather of Propaganda to Destroy Demons".

In the same year, Bai Shu decided to establish a Taoist and Monastic Department to manage the certificates of Taoist priests and monks in Xia, as well as the qualifications for opening Taoist temples and temples in various places.

The Dao Seng Ke is a fifth-grade rank and belongs to Zuo Mincao of Shangshu Province. The chief officer is Dao Seng Ke Langzhong, and the adjutant is Tao Seng Ke Yuan Wai Lang.

Under the Dao Seng Branch there are the Dao Lu Division and the Seng Lu Division, both with sixth-grade titles.

The chief of the Taoist Department is one on the left and right, one person each; the adjutant is on the left and right, one person on each side, and they are all of the sixth rank.

The chief of the monk registration department is the left and right Shanshi, one person each; the adjutant is the left and right Yanfa, one each; both are of the sixth grade.

An imperial edict was issued to confer the title of Celestial Master Zhang Mingli of the Tianshi Mansion, Pu Ming, the abbot of Liuli Temple, and Kong Xian, the direct successor of the Kong family. They were all great national masters and enjoyed the same treatment.

And twenty miles west of Qiyang, between Gongxian County, a site was chosen to build a Huguo Temple, whose full name is "Daxia Huguo Temple", covering an area of ​​about 100 acres, and was named by Bai Shu himself.

There are four halls in the temple: the middle, the north, the east and the west. Each of the three families sent people to take care of the incense, and the imperial court funded, built and maintained them.

Among them, the middle hall is enshrined at the same time as the "Heavenly Lord of Conquering Demons and Protecting the Way", the "Buddha of Exorcizing Demons and the Great Dharma", and the "Forefather of Propaganda for Conquering Demons". Each of the three families sent people to worship and clean it.

As for the east, west and north halls, they each have their own offerings.

Among them, the north hall belongs to Taoism, the west hall belongs to Buddhism, and the east hall belongs to Confucianism.

In addition, in addition to three huge statues, the middle hall will also enshrine heroes and heroes of Xia Kingdom with posthumous titles for the world to look up and worship.

According to estimates by officials from the Craftsman's Department, the Craftsman's Office, Du Zhicao, and the Prime Minister's Office, it would take several years to build the temple.

And there is not a small amount of money that needs to be invested in the follow-up. In terms of materials, labor, etc., it is no less than building a big city.

At the same time, more than 100,000 people, tens of thousands of craftsmen of various kinds, and billions of money were needed, which was nearly three years of Daxia taxation.

However, Bai Shu believed that promoting culture, educating the people, and laying the cultural foundation of a place would be beneficial to all generations and an important means of shaping the civilization of the Xia Dynasty. We should not be short-sighted, and leave regrets in future generations because of looking forward and backward.

Considering that the place will naturally form a city because of the Huguo Temple, it is better to build it in advance to facilitate planning.

Then he ordered to build a small city not far from Huguo Temple, named Xuanhua, and the level was county level. Huguo Temple belonged to Xuanhua territory. After it was built, the county magistrate and a number of officials were selected and dispatched.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of Huguo Temple and Xuanhua, try our best to reduce corruption.

Bai Shu appointed Prince Bai Kai as the general manager of Xuanhua, and appointed Yushi Zhongcheng Xian Yuxun as the supervisor. Both of them performed their respective duties and were fully responsible for the construction of temples and cities.

(End of this chapter)

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