Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 116 Huitai Ji bears the humiliation

Chapter 116 Huitai Ji bears the humiliation (Part )
The emperor issued an edict to Huitai Jisultan of the Huite tribe:
Hutai Jisultan of the Erut Mongolian Huite Tribe, who thought he was in trouble and had a perverse temperament, took in the rest of Lin Dan Khan's tribe without authorization and married Qi Ketun. In the past, Lin Dan Khan was rebellious and was defeated by me, chasing him to Qinghai. Do you want to follow suit and bring about your own destruction? His saintly benevolence spreads his fortune, so he can rule over all nations. I originally wanted to raise an army to attack, but I thought that I was a Buddhist, so I took Nihan's widow in. I also felt pity for her as a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty. I did not intend to offend the power of God, so I will not pursue it for the time being. You should pay tribute as soon as possible and join the vassal list, live in peace and harmony, and end war forever. I have inherited the legacy of my ancestors and used it to control the world. No matter how long it takes for heaven and earth to change, I will always respect my orders. Anyone who dares to disobey me will be punished according to law. Therefore.

October 18, the second year of Chongde

Gang Lin read out the imperial edict calmly and calmly observed Sultan's reaction.

On the surface, this Huitai Ji looked calm, but in fact, he was filled with anger and sent greetings to all the elders in Huang Taiji's family. Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji, who are you? How dare you send someone to point fingers in front of me!
Return anger to anger and endure it!

He ran to Gang Lin, knelt down, and burst into tears: "The emperor admonished me, and I must have listened to the villain's slander. I think Huite is just a small tribe, how dare I fight against the Qing Dynasty?" Enemy. I will send an envoy to plead guilty to the emperor, and ask the angel to speak kindly for me in front of the emperor."

This kneeling was a loss of dignity, but it also made Gang Lin feel elated, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously as if he were an imperial envoy of the Celestial Empire. What's more important is that if Huitaiji of the Huite tribe is also willing to send envoys to submit, plus the Junggar tribe and the Heshuote tribe that have already submitted, the powerful tribes of Erut Mongolia will all become the Qing's. Domain. As for the Durbot tribe, it has been torn apart and moved to the vicinity of the Seven Rivers Basin; the Turgut tribe has moved further, so it can be ignored. If he has completed his mission beautifully this time, the emperor will definitely be delighted. After returning to the capital, he will be promoted and make a fortune!
He suppressed the joy in his heart and said triumphantly: "I know Huitaiji's grievances. Don't worry, you will write a statement of apology first, and then send an envoy to Beijing to declare himself a minister and pay tribute. I will show it in front of the emperor. Speak kindly to you!”

Suletan's heart was full of words, but his face showed an expression of great joy, "The kindness of the angels to my Huite tribe is as great as the sky. If I can save the danger this time, I will be very grateful!"

As soon as he heard that he was thanking you profusely after everything was done, Gang Lin's black face became more rosy and he smiled and said: "Huntaiji, you are so polite. We are all friends. There is no need to say thank you. Let's stop standing here. You are not We have prepared a banquet, how about we go into the palace and have a drink?"

"Oh, I was negligent. I was too busy talking to the angels and forgot about this. Angel please," Suletan said with a happy face.

"Huntai auspicious invitation", the spring breeze in the forest fills the face.

The two walked into the hall hand in hand and enjoyed the delicacies of the mountains and seas, the singing and dancing of the beauties, as if they were brothers.

After drinking, regardless of the lingering odor of alcohol, Suletan asked Xue Zongzhou, the right minister of the Ministry of Industry, to help him write an apology form. This man was born in the Xue family of Hedong, a wealthy family, and his writing skills were excellent.

"Xue Qing, please think carefully about how to write this apology form for me so that the Qing Dynasty can rest assured."

"Yes, Huitaiji".

Xue Zongzhou didn't refuse. He picked up his pen and wrote an "Apology Form" in a moment.

Huitaiji Sultandon of the Oirat Mongol Huite Tribe paid homage to His Majesty the Kuanwenrenrensheng Emperor of the Qing Dynasty for the first time:
I heard that the emperor's kindness was great, that he gave birth to many people, and that his virtues spread overseas, and all the barbarians were convinced. Your Majesty, who respects Heaven and the Patriarch, works diligently and loves the people, eliminates stubborn evil, and appeases the people, is the true Lord of Yao and Shun! Although this small country is located in the west, it is still blessed with holy virtues.

I am a barbaric man, ignorant of etiquette, and I admire the Heavenly Dynasty. Today, when I am ignorant, I suddenly hear the chapter of Wanyan, which is like falling from the sky. I read it over and over again, feeling extremely frightened. In the past, Lin Dan was stubborn and used his mantis arm as a chariot. He was destroyed by heaven and his remaining troops were scattered in all directions. Ke Dunna Muzhong led the remnants of his troops to surrender. I felt sorry for him as a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty, and felt sorry for his loneliness, so he married into the door to appease him. Unexpectedly, His Majesty was suspicious.

Alas, upon hearing this edict, I feel ashamed and ashamed. The earth and the sky are collapsing, the rivers and seas are drying up, I feel like I am mourning my heir, and I am terrified and uneasy! No one has a king, no matter the barbarians. Although I am a vulgar minister, I am still willing to send my envoys to obey my words and always respect my teachings. However, the long journey and internal disputes made it difficult to make the trip. On the day when I heard His Majesty's announcement to the temple, the purple clouds were as thick as a canopy, and I prayed that the text would rise to the sky, and all eyes would look forward to the great event. Tens of thousands of Nanzi came out of the river to help build the palace. Isn't it God's will! When the minister heard about this grand occasion, he looked eastward at Shengjing and cried with joy. Now Luobuzang, Muren and others are sent to the capital with the angels to pay tribute and ask for the emperor's favor. I am willing to exert all my strength, continue to be loyal, bow to the death, and fulfill my integrity. Being loyal and loyal can shine through the sun and the moon. But Your Majesty has clearly learned from it.

After reading this "Apology Form", Suletan nodded. Well, Xue Zongzhou's statement was quite good. He was flattering and flattering to the extreme! I think Huang Taiji will feel relieved after reading this article!

However, just writing an "Apology Form" is not enough, you also have to use money to clear the way and spend money to eliminate disasters. This is the principle!

He ordered people to send a large number of gifts to Ganglin, Youqiku and other officials of the Manchu mission, including gold, silver, jewelry, rare furs, etc. He entertained this group of people with delicious food and drinks for more than a month, which made all the Manchu uncles happy.

It's a pity that no matter how happy you are, you still have to go back to work. On this day, Ganglin said goodbye to him, "We have been harassed by Hutaiji for his kindness. We plan to set off in three days and return to Shengjing to resume our duties. I wonder if Hutaiji's apology form has been written? Has it been arranged? The envoy will follow me to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit and pay tribute?" After saying this, he stared at Sultan with bright eyes. This was forcing the Huite tribe to surrender to the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Although he received a large number of gifts and involved national interests, the imperial envoy was still unambiguous.

"Don't worry, angel. I have ordered Luobuzang and Muren to be ready and set off with you in three days." Sultan said with a smile. "It is a small country in the wilderness and does not know etiquette. Please ask the angels for help when the time comes."

"Huntaiji, don't worry. You and I are as close as brothers. After the mission comes to Beijing, I will arrange it properly." Gang Lin took care of everything.

After sending Ganglin away, Sultan summoned his confidants Luobuzang and Muren to explain, "After you two enter the capital, you must be careful, make great efforts to make friends with the Manchu dignitaries, spy on the intelligence of the Qing Dynasty, and secretly record the land and terrain. Do you understand?" "

"Yes, Huitaiji, we've written it down," the two of them responded.

"Well, step back," Suletan said softly.

As soon as the two retreated, a figure suddenly flashed across the screen, and it was Qianhu Hada, the Wuyi Guard.

"How did you go about doing what you were told?" Suletan asked leisurely.

"Huntaiji, I have bribed Gang Lin's followers to serve as our spies," Hada said.

"Very good, for this mission to Shengjing, I have arranged for some capable people to go with Luobuzang and Muren. They must take root in Shengjing and report the intelligence of the Qing Dynasty in a timely manner," Suletan said coldly.

Huang Taiji, there is gold under this man’s knees. As soon as I kneel down, one day I will pay you back with interest! Someone screamed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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