Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 135 Yuledusi Fengxiao

Chapter 135 Yuledusi Fengxiao (Part )
"Hutaiji, why did you withdraw your troops?" Dayan Eqil Khan asked Batur Hutaiji. He inherited the martial prowess of his father's national advisor Khan, but did not learn how to build his father's city. As an Oirat Khan, he still lacked some experience.

"Great Khan, I just observed the battle situation carefully. Although this city is small but strong, it will probably take several months to defeat it. If it continues for a long time, it will give Yingsagawa City time to prepare. It is better to send a partial division to monitor this city. City, the army is going to attack Ying Sachuan." Batur was not in a hurry, he was calm and relaxed, showing his kingly demeanor.

Dayan Ezier was so angry that more than 800 Heshuote warriors were buried under the city of Little Yuledus, including my seventh brother Hullumush. Now you are telling me not to fight, was it just a test just now?
He was angry, but he knew in his heart that Batur's words were right. Yingsochuan City was the capital of the Huite people, and conquering Yingsochuan would be fatal to the Huite people.

After the two discussed, they left nearly 10,000 troops to monitor the Little Yuledus River Valley, and the main force headed towards Yingsagawa City. A total of 40,000 cavalrymen, with the sound of hoofbeats shaking the mountains, vowed to capture the capital of the Huite people.

On the Taragars grassland, there was originally an Otok stationed directly under Huitaiji. After Sultan's military order was issued, the head of a thousand households in Taragars led his troops into the Dayuledus Valley. Tribes affiliated with Otok and Shuote Tribe Taiji Abalai.

In the past two years, thanks to the protection of the Huite tribe and the rich water and grass on the Taragars grassland, the number of Abalai tribes has increased from more than 1,110 to more than 1,200 households, with cattle, sheep and horses. The number of camels has also increased a lot.

The fourteen-year-old boy had to pretend to be serious and manage his tribe, but deep down he was thinking about his great figure: Gao Yun Yanji. As soon as you enter the palace, the gate is as deep as the sea. Since your mother became the concubine of Sultan Hutaiji, it is difficult to see her except when you go to Yingsawa River for pilgrimage. You can only communicate by letters on weekdays. The last time he saw his mother, she was pregnant, which made the boy a little disappointed and embarrassed, so he went to Tingsagawa City to pay his respects much less often. However, this does not mean that he does not miss his mother, nor does it mean that his mother does not miss him. In fact, it was precisely because of his mother's sake that Huitaiji was very kind to him. Not only did he entrust him with a fertile pasture, but he also gave him a lot of rewards.

While the young man was thinking about his thoughts, the veteran Klemier broke in and said, "Taiji, urgent military situation, the army of Ertu Khan of Oqil has crossed the Ili River." Eqirtu is the eldest son of Kushote Baibagas Khan and the half-brother of Abalai. In order to fight for the inheritance, the two brothers turned against each other, forcing Gao Yun and Abalai mother and son to betray Heshuote and defect to the Huite people. Because of historical grievances, Abalai was extremely wary of his brother on the north bank of the Ili River and sent a large number of sentinels, making it difficult for Oqirtu Khan to conduct a sneak attack.

"Quickly send someone to Yingsachuan City, Ororik and Shuoqi for help," Abalai ordered calmly, and ordered his subordinates to be on alert to prepare for the coming storm.

The news reached Yingsachuan City, and Batu, Tan, Nasutu, Xirimo and other veterans gathered together. Yingsachuan was the foundation of Huit, and nothing could be lost. He only ordered Ororik and Shuoqi to rescue him. Abalai. Under the organization of the veterans, Yingsochuan City quickly became a large military camp, with 3,000 cowardly Xue troops and 20,000 recruited defenders standing ready.

Ororik and Shuoqi were senior Huite tribesmen. They were cautious and prudent. They always followed the lead of Nuomudalai and Suletan and his son. As a result, they received generous rewards, with rich pastures and many people. After receiving the military order, he quickly led 3,000 troops to join forces with Abalai, bringing the number of defenders to 5,000.

Their opponent, Oqiltu Khan, came out in full force, with thirteen thousand cavalry under his command.

Heshuote rangers wearing only fur jackets went out to scout the enemy. The main role of this guerrilla light cavalry was reconnaissance and auxiliary tasks.

"Array up!" Oqiltu Khan shouted majestically.

Thirteen thousand regular light cavalry began to form. These light cavalry wearing light armor (mainly leather armor), equipped with bows, arrows, shields, and spears and scimitars are the main force of the Mongolian army. Thinking back to the Battle of Regnitz during the European expedition, it was these "elite assault cavalry" that crushed the Polish-German coalition. The arrows they shot back when they were pretending to be defeated were called "Parthian archery" by Europeans, and their expressions changed after hearing this.

Under the command of generals at all levels, the soldiers formed six formations. Each formation was arranged in "335545", with three centurions in the first row, three in the second row, and five in the third row. method, you can control a larger battlefield width with a smaller force. If you rush in smoothly, you will rush back and forth, disrupting the coordination between the enemy formations, and finally start strangulating; if the impact is ineffective, you will quickly pass in front of the enemy formations. , give way to the front, and let the rear team continue to attack until they succeed; if multiple attacks still fail, they will be surrounded on all sides and attack together; or they will cut off the food road and besieged until they change; or they can dismount and shoot, and be baptized by a continuous rain of arrows Disturb the enemy's formation; or lure the enemy's formation into action by pretending to be defeated. In short, the tactics are ever-changing and every possible use is made. Soldiers are deceitful, everything is for victory. At this time in Oirat, there were frequent melees between tribes. Although most of Oqirtu's men were herdsmen recruited temporarily, most of them had experienced battle formations and were well-trained, and they quickly formed their formations.

There are tens of thousands of people and horses, boundless. Looking at the army under his command, Oqiltu Khan's heart was filled with excitement. With military power in hand, I own the world! In front of him are two hundred heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor, which is the trump card of the entire army. Unlike the light cavalry charging into the formation, they line up in a tight formation and simply pursue a hearty penetration.

The Huite army on the opposite side also began to form a formation. Although Ororik, Shuoqi, and Abalai had fewer soldiers and horses, their armor was more complete. In recent years, under the governance of Sultan Hutaiji, the Huite army has become more and more powerful. Getting richer and richer.

"Aw~aow~aow~" The white-haired veteran Saiinsertenji let out a wolf howl and took the lead in galloping into the enemy's formation. He is the military god of Heshuote. He must take the lead in every battle. He uses a bright silver spear to command the enemy. Frightened by the news.

"Hoo~ho~ho~" Kremer led his army to kill Saiinseltenji. He also came from the Heshuote tribe, but he wanted to fight to the death with the former Anda.

"Klemer'an replied, last time we were on the banks of the Ili River, I have already repaid the debt that I had to repay," Sainseltenji said slowly.

"It doesn't matter, Sainseltenjian replied, you and I are each our own masters, just let your horses come over." Kremel laughed loudly and raised the bronze hammer in his hand.

When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. Time seemed to stand still, the bright silver gun was stained with red clouds, and blood dripped from the tip of the gun. Clemel fell down from his horse weakly, "Anta!" Sainseltenji cried out, tears falling from his eyes.

The Huite army was defeated, but except for the elimination of more than 2,000 enemies, Oqiltu Khan did not gain much benefit. Abalai, Ororik and Shuoqi had already moved their tribes and livestock to the Great Yuledus Valley, leaving not even a lamb for him.

"Great Khan, do you want to immediately march to the Dayuledus Valley and attack Yingsagauan City?" Buyanhatan Batur asked Oziltu Khan.

"Sixth Uncle, don't worry. Is Yingsochuan City so easy to fight?" Erqirtu Khan laughed, "Let's station in Taragar until Batur and Dayan arrive!"

At this moment, Buyan Hatan Batur was a little distracted, as if he saw the figure of his second brother worshiping Bagas again. Unknowingly, a new generation of Heshuo Special Department has grown up!

(End of this chapter)

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