Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 168 Two brothers fight bravely

Chapter 168 Two brothers fight bravely

Although Dangxiong's camp was strong, it could not withstand the large number of coalition troops. The ants attacked the city repeatedly and fought on wheels, one wave after another. Sumur led the generals Sandan and Zhongmeinai to defend the stronghold to the death. They had food and accommodation on the wall of the stronghold, and their eyes were red.

"Taiji, there are slaves here, please take a rest." Sandan, the head of Qianhu, looked at Sumur's bloodshot eyes due to lack of sleep and felt heartbroken. This is the Lord's younger brother. What should I do if my body and bones are exhausted?
"I'm not tired, please take a rest." Sumur refused to rest.

Sandan smiles bitterly, how can it be that the master endures hardship and the slave enjoys happiness? I have no choice but to stick with him!

"Da~da~da~" Five thousand Heshuote cavalry galloped towards Damu Grassland. That Sarula Bilig Khan made it clear: if you want to get the Dulan Grassland, you must help him capture Lhasa. Therefore, the Heshuote people are fighting for themselves in this battle.

"Second brother, are we really going to fight for the Huite people?" Dalantai jumped on his horse and galloped to Omubu's horse, saying in an unbridled tone. Both of them are the sons of the national advisor Khan Tulubaihu. Their old father died in mysterious circumstances. Although Sultan refused to admit it, a large amount of evidence showed that this man ordered his subordinates to do it, so Dalantai was very reluctant.

"Third brother, we are not fighting for the Huite people, but fighting for ourselves," Omubu said solemnly. "Firstly, we can get the Dulan Grassland. Secondly, after Eqige returns to the embrace of Changshengtian, I and I The Shuote tribe is very weak. Now it has moved to Qinghai. Although the pasture is good, it is sandwiched between the Qing Dynasty in the east and the Huite people in the west. If they show weakness, they may be swallowed up to nothing at any time. So I want to show the bravery of the Heshuote people so that they don’t dare to underestimate us.”

"Understood, second brother, I will go all out." Dalantai touched the scimitar on his waist and sighed softly, "This sword has not tasted human blood for a long time. If we don't let it out, the world will think that we Heshuote people will not There’s a war going on.”

The vanguard was flying at lightning speed, but Sultan in the center was not in a hurry. If the Heshuote people won, the victory would belong to themselves; if they lost, it would consume the strength of other units, so what does it have to do with themselves? So he walked calmly. While walking, I chatted with Suonan Qunpei to see if it was possible to conquer this person. This person is a strong assistant of the Gelug sect, has made great achievements in protecting the religion, and is highly respected. If you can use it for your own use, it will be of great benefit to you to take root in Lhasa.

"Qiang Zuo, look, there are wild horses over there," he pointed to the flank of the army.

Suonan Qunpei took a look and saw that there was a group of wild horses galloping behind the war horses. They looked like domestic horses, but there was no long hair on the forehead and the mane on the neck was short and upright. He couldn't help but laugh: "These guys thought they had encountered a larger herd of wild horses, and they were making a lot of noise."

"You see, even wild horses know which side is stronger and run with it," Suletan said with a pun.

"The Great Khan doesn't know, the Mustang is just curious, and they will part ways as soon as the freshness wears off," Suonan Qunpei said euphemistically. As if to confirm his words, the group of wild horses followed him for a while and then actually went in another direction.

"Hmph," Suletan snorted and asked, "How can we make a wild horse a domestic horse?"

"You have to make friends with them and feed them lots of grass."

Suletan understood that if he wanted big nobles like Suonan Qunpei to submit to him, he must give them enough benefits and decentralize power to them. Historically, this is what the national advisor Khan Tulubaihu did. After he conquered the Snow Territory, he did not directly manage it, but entrusted some nobles to manage it for him, making Suonan Qunpei the leader of one person and above ten thousand people. He and Suonan Qunpei are known as the "sun and moon in the sky".

This method can quickly stabilize the situation in the snowy area, which is good, but it can easily lead to the monopoly of the powerful nobles. If things continue like this, will the subjects of Snowland listen to me or you? Sultan smiled and chatted with Suonan Qunpei, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Chief Baili and Zangba Khan did not expect the Mongolian reinforcements to arrive so quickly. Because he was determined to fall to the Huite people, the great monk of Tianjin deliberately said after returning that the Huite army captured Yarkand and the old troops were tired and needed to rest and recuperate. Moreover, since they had just conquered the Yarkand land, people's hearts were unstable and a large army needed to stay behind. This successfully confused the two men, making them think that the enemy's reinforcements would not come for a while, so they attacked Dangxiong boldly.

"Warriors, follow the tip of my spear." Omubu laid his spear flat and rushed to the front.

"Ouch~ow~ow~" Dalantai gently clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse followed closely. "Da~da~da~" The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, coming from the sky and covering the earth.

The sudden appearance of the Mongolian army panicked the coalition forces. Some cowardly people fled without fighting. They had plundered enough money from the Gelug Temple. Many people just wanted to go home with the money they robbed.

"Don't panic, form a formation, follow me and counterattack," shouted the general of the Baili Army, Tashi Tsering, who was on guard at the perimeter. In a hurry, he only gathered more than two hundred cavalry, and they were scattered by the cavalry whizzing by.

He picked up the big ax in his hand and was about to resist, when he came face to face with a black-faced man holding a spear.

Emubu was good at spearing. He was dazed and stabbed hard, and the tip of the spear penetrated his head. "Good luck and longevity", after all, failed to bring good luck and longevity!

Scattering the cavalry on the periphery, the Mongolian army rushed directly to the allied camp, ripped open the fence and set fire everywhere.

Dalantai found his target. An armored enemy general was organizing his men to assemble. It looked like he was in good shape. He pulled out his long knife and rushed towards the official.

"Be careful, Great Khan, you will stop him in the future." Seeing an enemy coming toward the Great Khan, Zangba Khan's general, Yesi Gyatso, hurriedly held a knife to stop him.

Dalantai's knife was faster, cutting horizontally like lightning, and Yeshe Gyatso's skull rolled to the ground.

After killing the enemy general, Dalantai continued to gallop towards the official. His intuition told him that this was a big fish.

Zangba Khan was shocked. He had never expected that Lord Yama would be so close to him! He lowered his body and fled with his horse, no longer caring about his subordinates.

Also fleeing was Baili Tusi Dunyue Duoji. His situation was better than Zangba Khan, and he still had thousands of troops accompanying him.

"Jiebo, where are we going? Are we going to Lhasa to meet Zangba Khan?" General Ojudel asked for instructions.

"No, while the Mongols are chasing Tibetan Pahan, let's quickly return to Qamdo and block the road from Lhasa to Kham. We will only defend but not attack," Dunyue Dorje said in shock.

In the battle of Dangxiong, the Mongols won. The victory was easy and devastating. Before Sultan's army arrived, Omubu and Dalantai led 5,000 Heshuote cavalry to defeat the coalition army, beheading 3,000 people and capturing 10,000 people.

"Great! Ombutaiji and Dalantaiji are really the pride of our Mongolian people. You two have made great contributions in this battle!" Sultan was full of praise and praised the two generals. In order to reward the Heshuote people for their military exploits, he ordered Qinghai Tumian Bandida Gushi and Wanhu Changtuoli to immediately deliver the Dulan grassland to the Heshuote Ministry.

(End of this chapter)

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