Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 171 Wang Qionian, Governor of the Third Border

Chapter 171 Trilateral Governor Wang Qionian

"Sarula Bilig Khan, the last general returned to Qinghai on the orders of the Great Khan, came here to say goodbye." Just as Suletan was confidently ordering people to repair the palace and prepare to attack Shigatse, the two generals Omubu and Dalantai Come and say goodbye. They called Sultan "Sarula Bilig Khan" and called their brother Dayan Ozil "Great Khan". On the surface, they were similar, but in fact they placed Sultan's status above that of Dayan Ozil. Under Yan'eqi'er.

Suletan didn't care about this. What he cared about was that the withdrawal of the Heshuotes would leave thousands of elite soldiers on his side. "Two Taijis, we had an agreement at the beginning that our troops would give up Qinghai and your troops would help our troops seize the snowy areas. Now that Shigatse has not yet fallen, why are we withdrawing our troops?" he asked angrily.

Dalantai didn't have a good look towards the enemy who killed his father, and said coldly: "The snowy area mentioned that day only included Lhasa, not Shigatse."

Omubu hurriedly stopped Dalantai and saluted Sultan: "My third brother is a rough man, don't be offended. Oirat is the same as the branch, and the Shuote tribe and I should have helped the Huite tribe to get all the snow." However, you know that our pastureland in Qinghai is close to the Shaanxi Xingdusi of the Ming Dynasty. After the Mongolian tribes in Monan deserted to the Qing Dynasty, they often went to Gansu and Qinghai to plunder. Now the Qing Dynasty is fighting with the Ming Dynasty in Song During the Jin-line battle, Wang Qionian, the governor of the three sides of Shaanxi Province, wrote to the Great Khan to guard against the invasion of the Tumote tribe. That’s why the Great Khan ordered us to return to Qinghai to defend it."

"Oh, I see, then I wish you two Taijis a safe journey," Suletan said with a smile while holding back his anger. Even though I knew this was just an excuse from the Heshuo Special Department, I could only endure it. Now that he is going all out to attack the snowy region, he must not antagonize the Heshuote people again. Fighting on two sides is a taboo for military strategists, so he can only endure it.

However, he knew that Omubu's words were not entirely lies. In fact, Wang Qionian, the governor of Shaanxi Province in the Ming Dynasty, also wrote a similar letter to him. The letter was very arrogant, treating the Huite tribe as a vassal, calling him "Xifan" one after another, telling him to be on defense and be careful of Tatar invasion. In fact, Suletan asked for this himself. Because trade with the Ming Dynasty would bring great economic benefits, he chose to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. If you become a minister, you will naturally become someone else's vassal.

At that time, he was busy marching into Lhasa, so he didn't take the matter to heart and politely replied to the letter. Unexpectedly, the Heshuote people used it as a reason to withdraw their troops. snort! You can retreat if you want. I don't believe it. If Zhang Butcher dies, he will eat pigs with hairy hair!

However, he still admired Wang Duxian. This man was a Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi. He was well-read and knowledgeable. What was rare was that, as a civil servant, he had the heart of a military general. While guarding Xiangcheng, he killed three rebels with his own hands and attempted suicide when the city was broken. Li Zicheng asked him to kneel down, but he refused, so he dug out his kneecaps. He continued to curse, and then had his tongue cut out; he pointed with his fingers. Li Zicheng continued to curse, and his fingers were cut off. He looked north and bowed, and was finally cut into pieces by five cows.

The Trilateral Governor of Shaanxi has great power and is in charge of the four governors of Shaanxi, Yansui, Ningxia and Gansu as well as the three towns of Yansui, Ningxia and Gansu. Gansu Town is located in Xingdusi, Shaanxi, the same as Duogandusi and Wuzangdusi. , were all established during the Taizu period, with only two words of purpose: "controlling foreigners".

Taizu hoped that these capitals could control Turpan, Yarkand, Oirat and other Western Fans. When it was established, he once issued a domineering edict: "I have created a great career since I was a commoner. I have been blessed by heaven and earth, and my soldiers have declared their labors. In a few years, I have leveled all the heroes and become one of the world. Only Xifan Duogan and Wusi Zang The subordinates of all ethnic groups, after hearing my teachings, have committed themselves to pay the money, and have given out rewards and appointments, and established military guards to provide safety to the army and the people. The envoy also said that for all officials, public service is their duty, and the army and the people enjoy their work. I am very grateful. Thank you very much. Considering that the area there is vast and the people are densely populated, how can we declare favor without establishing a strong town to govern it? We hereby order the Xi'an Xingdu Commander-in-Chief to be established in Hezhou. Duogan and Wu Sizang were also promoted to the Xingdu Commander-in-Chief and awarded the Silver Seal. , still give each official clothes. Woohoo, those who encourage rewards are the great law of the country; those who repay the favor are what ministers should do. It is appropriate to follow my heart and follow the discipline."

When Taizu and Chengzu were "controlling foreigners", in this era when the country's power was weakening, "controlling foreigners" became "controlling foreigners", how can people not sigh!

On the city wall of Xi'an, Wang Qiaonian inspected the city defenses and sighed in his heart, "The national affairs are not good, and we, the scholars, can only die to serve the country!" When he said this, there was a heroic look on his brows, and he was much younger, not as old as he was five years ago. A seventeen-year-old man, but like the thirty-seven-year-old talented man who came to Beijing to take the exam. It was the second year of Tianqi (1622). He became a Jinshi and was awarded the title of head of the Ministry of Punishment. Since then, he has successively served as a doctor in the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Industry, an envoy to Shaanxi Province, the magistrate of Qingzhou, and the governor of Shaanxi Province.

As a member of the Donglin Party, he has the character of Donglin. He encourages himself to live in poverty and has simple food and clothing. He takes office with only two servants and no family members. When the governor of Qingzhou built more than ten cooking stoves under the eaves of the official office, people who came to file lawsuits were asked to cook their own meals while waiting for the trial. The petty officials did not dare to ask them for a single penny. What's more interesting is that he thinks he is a talented soldier. During his rest, he always rides on horseback, practices archery, sprinting, and sleeps in the wind and dew in the wild. As a result, he gained a reputation as a good soldier. It happened that bandits in Shaanxi were causing trouble, so he was promoted by the imperial court to be the censor of Youqiandu and governor of Shaanxi.

At that time, Li Zicheng had already conquered Henan and threatened to enter Tongguan. Everyone advised him to take office later, but he wanted to go quickly. He rode a fast horse to Shangzhou and Luonan, vowing to fight to the death with Li Zicheng. He did not see the rebels, but he did see Fu Zonglong, the governor of the three sides. The two discussed recruiting Latin soldiers to collect food and wages. Because they are both scholars, they get along very happily and treat each other with sincerity.

"Sui Xing (Wang Qiaonian's word), you are very brave here!" Fu Zonglong praised him for his courage to serve in critical moments.

"Zhonglun (Fu Zonglong's alias) is not the only one who has the courage," he said calmly, secretly praising Fu Zonglong's loyalty to the court in supporting the crisis in Shaanxi.

Both of them were determined to serve the country with loyalty, but at that time, the soldiers and food in Guanzhong had already been dispatched. They wanted soldiers but no soldiers, and they wanted no pay. The imperial court didn't care so much, and ordered Fu Zonglong to go from Shaanxi to Henan to rescue Kaifeng, one after another. Fu Zonglong had no choice but to go, and before leaving, he held Wang Qiaonian's hand and sighed.

Soon, Fu Zonglong was defeated and captured only eight miles away from Xiangcheng. The rebels escorted him to the city gate and shouted: "We are the guards of the governor of the three sides. Please open the city gate to let the governor in." He shouted loudly: "I am the governor of the three sides. Unfortunately, I fell into the hands of the thieves. There are thieves on both sides!" The rebels spat at him, and he cursed: "I am a court minister, I will kill you if you want, how can I live by earning city gates for thieves!" The angry rebels cut off his head and then cut it off. Lower his ears and nose. When he heard that his friend died a heroic death, Wang Qiaonian sighed with tears: "With Mr. Fu's death, no one can put down the bandits." However, the crisis in Shaanxi had to be supported by someone. Emperor Chongzhen issued an edict promoting him to the right minister of the Ministry of War and the governor of the three-sided military affairs, replacing Fu Zonglong.

As soon as he took office, messages from the Ministry of War came one after another, urging him to go out and fight. The last elites in Guanzhong were all exhausted in Xiangcheng. They wanted soldiers but no soldiers, wanted food but no food. The soldiers had no fighting spirit and were frightened by the thieves. Ordinary people would definitely complain and shirk it, but Wang Qionian did not refuse, and worked hard to recruit troops and food, and prepare to go out to fight. He said to his subordinates: "The troops are tired and the food and wages are lacking. Let me resist the extremely powerful enemy. Once I go out, it will be like feeding the tiger with meat. But I have to go out once in order to consolidate the people's support in the Central Plains area." .

So he gathered the scattered soldiers, mobilized the border troops, and gathered 30,000 cavalry and infantry. Before the expedition, because they were worried that the Monan Mongolia, which was attached to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, would take advantage of the opportunity to attack Gansu, they ordered the Oirat ministries to guard carefully in the name of the Celestial Empire.

"Governor Xian, the generals have been assembled and are waiting for you to enter the camp to lay out the strategy." The reports from the left and right disrupted Wang Qiongian's reverie.

"Zhonglun, may your spirit in heaven protect my success in defeating the thief." He sighed and walked into the military camp with great dignity. In the camp, generals He Renlong, Zheng Jiadong, and Niu Chenghu were all dressed in military uniforms, waiting for his instructions.

"My lords, the bandit army is causing trouble in Henan. The imperial court ordered me to leave Shaanxi and go to Henan to rescue Kaifeng. This is the time when we forget to die to serve our country. Please do it! Do it!" he shouted, trying to improve his morale.

"Governor Xian, Shaanxi has no troops and no food, how can we get out of the border to fight".

"Yes, Governor Xian, most of our troops are newly recruited soldiers who lack training. How can they defeat the fierce bandits?"

"The leader of the thieves, Li Zicheng, is extremely cruel. It is better to stay in Shaanxi and defend the danger of Tongguan."

All the generals objected, especially the three generals He Renlong, Zheng Jiadong, and Niu Chenghu objected the loudest.

Wang Qiaonian understood that the Shaanxi officers and soldiers were frightened by the bandits and soldiers, and the top priority was to improve the morale of the officers and soldiers.

"Hmph," he sneered, "I heard that the leader of the thieves, Li Zicheng, is from Shaanxi?"

"Duke Xian, Li Ni is from Li Jiqian Village in Mizhi, Shaanxi Province," he said.

"Hmph, Li Ni rebelled against the imperial court, and his crimes are heinous. I ordered the military governor to dig up Li Ni's ancestral grave. From now on, there will be thieves without me, and there will be me without thieves!"

"The last general is willing to follow Du Xian and kill thieves to serve the country." After hearing this, the generals cheered up and shouted in unison, bringing some vitality to the declining Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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