Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 177: Arrogant Soldiers Will Defeat Langkazi

Chapter 177: Arrogant Soldiers Will Defeat Langkazi (Part )
There are many kinds of famous generals, including Confucian generals, wise generals, and of course fierce generals. Zangba Khan's general Sangye Tsering was such a fierce general. He must take the lead in every battle. He cut off the heads of countless enemies with a big sword.

Since ancient times, powerful generals have loved fine wine, and General Sanggyet Tsering was one of the best. However, unlike other people who like to drink highland barley wine, he likes the fragrance of grapes, especially wine from Chavarong (now Zuogong County).

Since he was appointed as the guard general of Langkazi by King Khan, he led his four thousand troops to guard it to the death. However, the two armies only fought fiercely in Lingsi Benzhai, and Langkazi seemed to have become a forgotten corner. Over time, the generals gradually relaxed their vigilance, and the wine bug would drink three or five bowls of it from time to time.

On this day, he remembered the aroma of wine again and called his deputy Dondup Norbu to drink together.

"Commander, the two armies are currently fighting fiercely in the leader's camp. I'm waiting here to drink. What if the enemy attacks?" Dundup Norbu was a little worried.

"Hmph, Langkazi has the danger of lakes and snow-capped mountains to rely on. The Mongols may not dare to come. Besides, I have also set up lookout posts on the city. What are you afraid of? You have been fighting with me for many years. When did you become so brave? Small?" Sangyue Tsering said dissatisfiedly. This guy is good at everything, but he hates being a spoiler when it comes to drinking.

Seeing his displeasure, Dondup Norbu hurriedly said: "General, I met a storyteller a few days ago who has a good voice. How about asking him to sing a few lines for the commander?"

"Wonderful, let him enter the account quickly. I want to hear the wine's praises." Sanggye Tsering danced with joy.

Dundup Norbu knew that what the commander liked to hear the most was the wine praise of "The Battle of Huoling" in "The Biography of King Gesar", which talks about the love of King Gesar when he was urging his horse to go to war and when he returned in triumph. Feizhumu and other concubines used fine wine to pray for King Gesar and other heroes and generals, wishing them great success and praising their victory.

"The beloved concubine was kidnapped, and the people suffered; King Gesar conquered the devil and returned to his hometown; he raised the banner again and conquered the Hor; he marched to celebrate the victory, and the wine praises were sung: the wine brewed for three years, the ale of the Eastern Han Dynasty, The rice wine of Zhemengxiong in the south, the sweet wine of Nepal in the west, the wine of Chavarong." The storyteller sang in a mellow tone, his voice getting more and more passionate, and the generals' drunkenness became more and more intense.

Sangye Tsering picked up a piece of raw beef heart with a knife and stuffed it into his mouth. In this era, people in the snowy region are accustomed to eating cooked food, but this man regards raw beef heart as the supreme delicacy. Perhaps he chewed it too hard, and the blood on the cow's heart dripped out, staining his battle robe made of Pulu red. But he didn't take it seriously, wiped it with a cloth, and swallowed a large bowl of wine. "It's delicious, it's delicious." The big tent was filled with unrestrained laughter.

Mandu Latu and Ji Jike led 3,000 elite soldiers at the front, followed by Sultan's army.

"Stop", Mandu Ratu gave the order, and three thousand elite soldiers stopped three miles away from the city.

"Du Qianhu, why did you stop moving forward?" Ji Jike asked in confusion.

"I plan to wait until it gets dark and the enemy's guard is relaxed before launching the attack. I will definitely be able to defeat them in one go," Mandu Ratu said proudly.

"It's winter now, and it's very cold here. If we wait to attack the city at night and can't light a fire, I'm afraid the soldiers will be frozen. Moreover, the general has found out that this city has no moat and there are not many defenders. I heard that Sangye Tsering is brave but not wise, why not attack the city directly? He will definitely be able to conquer the city." Ji Jike put forward a different opinion.

Mandu Ratu looked at him and felt that what he said was reasonable. But he is the vanguard. If he listens to the deputy vanguard's decision-making changes, it will not look good on his face. He opened his mouth and said: "If we attack the city during the day, if we fail to win, wouldn't it be to scare the enemy away?"

"The general is willing to take the lead in attacking the city. If he fails to win, he is willing to serve as a military commander." Ji Jike generously asked for a battle.

Humph, these guys want to show off their abilities in front of us Mongolians all day long. Mandu Latu was very unhappy, and then he thought that he was the commander-in-chief, and the first victory was his own; if he was defeated, he would behead the man. Thinking of this, he said without hesitation: "There is no joke in the army, General Ji can take care of himself."

Any political power has internal contradictions, but the wise leader is good at resolving them, while the mediocre leader makes the contradictions get deeper and deeper. Sultan rose too fast and ruled Oirat, Turpan, Hami, Yarkand, Qinghai, and Uzbekistan. The Mongols alone were not enough, and had to rely on a large number of Uighur, Hui, Tibetan, Han, etc. officials of other ethnic groups.

This multi-ethnic political structure has caused many internal contradictions. The Mongols look down on other ethnic groups, fear the Wuer, Hui, Tibetan and other ethnic groups and look down on the Han people. This is mainly rooted in historical tradition. In the Yuan Dynasty, the people were divided into four classes: first-class Mongolians, second-class Semu, third-class northern Han people, and fourth-class southerners. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Han people dominated the country, but the Mongols were unconvinced. Sultan launched the political slogan of "restoring the Yuan Dynasty", and some Mongolian nobles felt that they were superior to others. In fact, in order to resolve ethnic conflicts, Sultan took a series of measures, including encouraging intermarriage among various ethnic groups, and the results were effective, but not obvious. Fortunately, the war diverted domestic conflicts and ethnic conflicts did not lead to catastrophe.

"The last general takes orders," Ji Jike gave a military salute and ordered his headquarters to attack the city.
Stretching lazily, Ngawang Sangjie looked into the distance habitually. As a sentinel, he was competent. Because of his competence, he was recently appointed to be in charge of ten people. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. He has a dream of being a general in his heart. In this life, he must at least have a clan (thousand households in the country) to be satisfied!
"No, enemy attack!"

Ngawang Sangjie Gansong suddenly jumped up and shouted, running towards the big clock on the city wall, "Dong~dong~dong~", the bell rang, and the "enemy attack" alarm sounded everywhere.

A long ladder was put up on the city wall. Ji Jike was as light as a goose. He jumped up the city wall several times, and accidentally landed near Ngawang Sangjie.

With the strength of his ancestors flowing in his veins, Ngawang Sangjie swung his knife and struck, but his vision was inexplicably blurred. The enemy's spear pierced his abdomen at a strange angle.

Ji Jike killed Gan Song who wanted to be Zongben with one shot, and kicked a Tibetan soldier off the city wall with a flying kick. The big gun rolled up and down, killing more than ten people in a row with lightning and flint. His subordinates climbed up the ladder to the city one after another.

"Follow me and open the city gate," he shouted, taking the lead in rushing towards the city gate. Just when Jiaben (Tubaihu) who was guarding the city gate was about to stop him, he was shot in the head.

"Bang!" The heavy city gate was opened from the inside out.

"This guy has some courage," Mandu Ratu, who was watching the battle at the city gate, praised and ordered his men to enter the city.


The earth-shattering shouts of killing alarmed Sangye Tsering. He was all drunk and kicked Dundup Norbu hard. "It's all your fault. Why should I listen to the story when I have nothing to do?" After scolding him, he drew his sword and headed to the city. Run to the door. Dhondup Norbu gritted his teeth and followed closely.

Mandu Latu rode into the city from the city gate and saw hundreds of Tibetan soldiers forming an array. "Follow me and don't stop," he shouted, leading more than a hundred cavalry into the formation.

"Da~da~da~" The war horse speeded up and knocked away the Tibetan soldiers blocking the road.

Seeing a general in a hurry and resisting, Mandu Latu rushed over and struck out with an axe. What a quick ax! One ax cuts two.

As soon as this man died, the Tibetan army collapsed.

"Don't kill me, the general is willing to surrender." Dhondup Norbu knelt on his knees.

"Huh," Mandu Ratu smiled disdainfully and asked, "Where is Sangye Tsering?"

"That's the general you killed," Dhondup Norbu said tremblingly.

"What, this is Sangye Tsering? They say he is a fierce general, why can't he be beaten so hard?"

"The Central Committee of the Army is really boring. My general drank a few too many bowls."

(End of this chapter)

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