Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 368 King Sumur of Liao is beautiful

Chapter 368 King Sumur of Liao is beautiful

"Sengge, run quickly," Yumhargas yelled in pain, taking off her longbow. Mongolian women are not as delicate as Han women, and it is common for them to be able to ride horses and shoot arrows. This is especially true for the Torgut tribe who moved west to the Ezil River (Volga River). Because they had to deal with the ferocious Oros people moving south, all the people of the Torgut tribe were soldiers, and it was common for women to go to the battlefield. In a difficult environment, she developed a good archery skills.

At this time, the long bows used by the Mongols were mainly compound bows. This kind of bow is made of stems, horns, tendons, glue, silk and other materials. It has a long range, strong penetration and fast shooting speed. A qualified archer can accurately aim and shoot twelve arrows in one minute. If the arrows are fired in unison, , the rate of fire can be increased to fifteen shots, and some can even shoot twenty shots. This rate of fire is seven or eight times that of a musket.

Different from the plain and simple bows used by ordinary Mongolians, Yumhagas' bow is engraved with exquisite patterns and can shoot the kiss of death.

Take off the iron finger, aim slightly, and it will be an arrow. As fast as a meteor, it went straight to the face of King Liao. But it was not fast enough. When Sumur was four years old, he and his eldest brother Suletan started shooting arrows with the small bow and arrow given by their old father Nomdale. People who have practiced archery for more than 20 years have extremely sensitive reactions. Whistle sound, tilt your head, and the arrow will fly past.

"Haha, how dare you shoot me," he sneered and rode his horse to catch up. When the two horses crossed each other, he took the woman with his left hand, grabbed the bow with his right hand and threw it to the ground. "Pa", he slapped the curve of the woman behind hard. It feels good in the hand, rich, smooth and elastic!
He carefully observed the woman he was holding. She was supposedly the mother of two children. She was a few years older than him, but the years seemed to have left no trace on her body. Her beautiful face was noble and charming, and her skin was as smooth as a girl's. exquisite. After serving in the army for a long time, he began to miss Fengyue. The other party's noble status as the mother of the Junggar State made him even more excited. "Obey, I won't kill you," he said out of nowhere.


Yumhagas screamed in surprise. She found that her son Sengge was captured by a sturdy guard with a horse pole. The guard who was holding his other son Galdan and fleeing also surrendered after being surrounded. drop. "Don't harm my child," the woman cried.

"Don't worry, as long as you obey me, no one will dare to hurt them," Sumur said softly, his hands wandering around her body irregularly.

"Yeah," she murmured, as if she acquiesced or accepted her fate. Mongolian women do not have the tradition of celebrating the death of their husbands, but they do have the custom of snatching brides. They worship the strong. If captured by the enemy on the battlefield, they often become the enemy's wives and concubines. Mongolian tribes that lacked a population rarely killed women and children, but distributed them as trophies to the warriors in the tribe. Even the famous Genghis Khan experienced a life where women were robbed and other people's women were robbed. Therefore, Sumur's request was not too much for Yumhagas. Being given to the King of Liao was better than being given to ordinary sergeants.

Seeing that she agreed, Sumur was overjoyed and ordered: "Set up camp in Altay tonight and the entire army will be on alert."

Altay is located at the southern foot of the Altai Mountains, strangling the throat of the Altai Mountains. In such an important place, Batur Hutaiji originally planned to build a city. But his biggest enemy is the Weiguo in the south. The limited resources have to be tilted to the south. The Khalkha Mongolia in the north is barely a friendly country, so he only built a wooden village here.

Although it was a wooden village, it was built according to wartime standards. There were trenches dug outside the village and fences planted in front of the walls. Sumur ordered people to move the artillery up the wall of the village, measured the number of steps, set up more archers and gunmen, and set up double posts, before he happily settled in his tent to rest.

In the big tent, Yumhagasi had already finished dressing up. After being courteous and carefree, His Highness the King of Liao's tense body finally relaxed, and he hugged the woman and started chatting.

"Don't worry, I will plead for mercy in front of my brother. My brother once said that the title of the third-class Jimunai Marquis should not change. When Galdan grows up, he can be the temple master of the Wensa Temple in Lhasa. As for Baturliu I will ask my brother for your personal belongings and slaves as your dowry."

"Yeah," Yumhagas hummed in pain when he heard him mention his late husband's name. "By the way, why did the Hetuohite troops appear here? The Hetuohite people said that the entire Khalkha Mongolia would send troops to rescue Junggar. Why is this happening? What benefits have you given them?"

"How can I, a woman, have the power to order the Khalkha Mongols?" Yumhagas' big eyes rolled a few times, "It was the imperial uncle of the Qing Dynasty, His Highness the Regent, who ordered the Khalkha Mongols and our Junggar tribe and David is an enemy. My deceased husband mistrusted the Qing Dynasty, which led to this disaster. It's too late to regret it! Woo~woo~woo~" The woman's tears came at the last word.

"Don't cry. Since you regret it, why do you still refuse to surrender after Batur Hutaiji was defeated?"

"After my late husband died, I originally planned to submit to David. However, the princes of Khalkha looked at me in the Dzungars. The Zasaktu tribe asked me for the pasture at the southern foot of Habu Mountain, and the Tuohite tribe asked me for Haba. River basin. In particular, Nazasak Tuhan Subadi was the most arrogant, saying that Oirat was a defeated general of Khalkha. Even David's Qianyuan Emperor was only qualified to lead his horse. If I dare to surrender the guard, He then destroyed my Junggar tribe. How could I, a womanly family, dare to be an enemy of the wolf-like and tiger-like Khalkha Mongols? That’s why I didn’t surrender in time.”

"What! This old man Subadi actually said that my brother is only qualified to hold horses for him? Damn it! I will cut off his dog's head." Sumur was angry. The person he respected the most in his life was his elder brother Suletan. , never allow others to offend.

"The old man was not only ambitious but also lustful. He wanted to marry me and said he wanted Junggar as a dowry, but I didn't agree."


"Your Highness, you only have 10,000 soldiers and horses. You can't defeat Subadi. Why don't you run away for your life?" After saying that, Yumhagasi cowered up in fear.

"Hmph! I am a decent man, how can I be scared away by a bad old man! Young soldiers? Young soldiers can still defeat this old man! Right here, I, Ikmin'an Sumur, want to see something about Kar The front of the Ka people!" His Highness Liao Yu was aroused with jealousy and high fighting spirit.

"Your Highness is truly a hero!" Yumhargas exclaimed happily, leaning on his shoulder, but a cold light shot out of his eyes.

"That's not right. Are you trying to sow discord between David and Khalkha? Do you want me to have a bloody battle with Nasubadi so that you can take the opportunity to escape with your son and restore your Junggar?" Sumur suddenly realized.

"Your Highness has misunderstood, I never meant it." Yumhagas was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"There is no best," Sumur said coldly. "I stayed in Altay and refused to retreat, not because of jealousy, but because this place strangles the Altai Mountains. Once the Khalkha people get this place, they will be able to grow." They are heading straight to harass me. I have sent someone to report this to my brother, and his army is already on the way."

(End of this chapter)

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