Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 558 Magpie calls for relatives to come

Chapter 558 Magpie calls for relatives to come

It did not take much effort to deal with the Khiva Khanate, because it was surrounded by David on the east, south and north. The country had actually lost the ability to resist the attack of the Guards militarily. Abkhazi Khan had already prepared it before coming. Be prepared to give in. Therefore, Sultan did not waste much effort in forcing Anusha and Rouzi to sign an agreement to submit themselves to the Kingdom of David and pay an annual tribute of 50,000 taels.

He turned his attention to the Torgut tribe, which was a more difficult challenge.

"The auspicious wild geese are flying in the sky. It turns out that the leader of Zhilikobai has come to my tent to welcome him." Klet Shukurdaiqing smiled at Klet Shukurdaiqing, the leader of the Kazakh Zhongyuzikle tribe. Jilekobai said.

The Torgut Tribe originated from the Keret Tribe. The Keret Tribe was defeated by Temujin, and the tribe that surrendered to Temujin became the bodyguard of Genghis Khan. "Torghut" means "Guard Army"; with the leader A branch of Wang Han who fled to Kazakhstan became the Kle tribe of Yuzi in Kazakhstan. The Torhut people and the Keret people have the same language and ethnicity. They are all descendants of Temujin's foster father Wang Han, and their leaders are also surnamed Keret. When the Torgut Tribe and the Kazakh Khanate were at odds with each other, the leader of the Klei Tribe had been helping both sides, and they had some friendship.

"I have wanted to visit Huitaiji for a long time, but after I surrendered to David, there were many things in the tribe, so I couldn't spare the time. Now that I finally have some free time, I hurriedly came to visit your relatives. You won't welcome me, right?" Jilkobai laughed.

"How can I not? I heard that you are coming, so I prepared the best wine, roasted a fat lamb, and had the best singer to entertain me. I will get drunk with you today." Shukuer Daiqing laughed. , asked seemingly casually: "How has your life been since you surrendered to David?"

"Okay! After the unification of Kazakhstan, Lianhua Khan sent people to divide the pastures for each tribe. Each pasture was marked and the boundaries were clear. The tribes would no longer fight each other for grazing land, and the people's lives were much more stable. ".

Shukuer Daiqing smiled and said, "The life of the common people has indeed become stable, but what about you? I heard that Lianhua Khan appointed tax officers and criminal prosecutors to various tribes. Isn't your power much smaller?"

"In everything, there are gains and losses. Although I lost the power of taxation and criminal prosecution, I became the head of a thousand households appointed by the imperial court and had a stable salary. The imperial court also gave my subordinates 500 local guards. All positions come with a salary. If you can achieve military exploits, be awarded a title, promotion, and a wife, it will be much better than holding on to the one-third of an acre left by your ancestors," Zhilekbai explained happily.

After listening to his words, Shukuer Daiqing was thoughtful. Seeing that he was a little moved, Zhilekbai struck while the iron was hot and said, "Why don't you also submit to David? With your prestige, you can at least be made a marquis and head of ten thousand households. How about that?"

"This matter, this matter cannot be rushed. Let me discuss it with other Taijis. Come, come, come, let's not talk about this. Let's eat meat and drink wine." Shukuer Daiqing brought the topic to eating meat and drinking wine.

During the banquet, Zhilekobai spoke with great eloquence about the benefits of submitting to the Great Patriotic Kingdom. Many Torgut tribe Taiji were attracted by what he said, but Shukul Daiqing seemed to have never heard of it. He just kept ordering people to bring him meat and wine. After the banquet, the fourth brother Shechen and Laotai Jibrihan quietly came to Shukuer Daiqing's big tent. Both of these two men were resourceful men of the Turghut tribe, and they had always been relied upon by Huitai Ji.

Seeing it was the two of them, Shukuer Daiqing smiled and said, "Are you here? Tell me, what do you think about relatives from the Kle tribe coming to my place to visit relatives? Haha, the magpies on the branches have been chirping non-stop recently, first of all the Qinghai natives Ayushtaiji from the Erhut tribe came to visit, and then Shangdu Batur, the elder of the Qinghai Torhut tribe, also came. Now this distant relative of the Kelie tribe is already the third group. I am very curious, what will happen later? How many relatives will come?”

"Brother, the visits of Ayush, Shangdu Batur, and Zhilekbai are definitely not accidental. Behind them must be the intention of the Lotus Khan. No matter how many relatives come, it at least shows one thing: the Lotus Khan has no regard for me Tur. The Hut tribe wants to use force. He only wants to persuade us to submit through our relatives. As long as we are willing to submit, any issue can be discussed. I think you should have a good talk with him and boldly raise the conditions." She Chen said .

"Fourth brother, you and I want to go together. Tomorrow I am going to have a serious talk with my son-in-law. We want pasture land, supplies, and a name. I ask for a high price, and he pays me back on the spot. Once the negotiation is over, it's still... As a family, it’s hard to talk about it if we can’t negotiate!” Shukuer Daiqing sighed heavily.

"Huntaiji, I once served as an envoy to Weiguo. Under the leadership of Lianhua Khan, Weiguo's national strength has grown day by day and far surpassed ours. Forgive me, if a war breaks out, we will never be Weiguo's opponent," Bu Lihan said. Shukur Daiqing poured cold water on him, and seeing that he listened seriously, he continued: "Now we are caught between the Oros and the Oirat people, and both sides want to annex us. In this case, we can only join one side. Oros People in Oirat have different languages, beliefs, and customs from us, and there will never be a good outcome if you join them; and the people of Oirat have the same language and race as us, and your daughter is the royal concubine of Lotus Khan. Only by joining Oirat can you have a good life."

"You are right. Just look at the poor Buryat people and you will know the fate of joining Oros. What's more, Eqige died under the gun of Oros. From the beginning to the end, I never defected to Oros. Ross's plan. In fact, our Torgut tribe was originally one of the Four Guards Lat, and returning home has always been the dream of Eqige and me. It's just that we have to make plans for how to surrender the guards. Around Agangheba The pastureland was obtained by countless Torgut warriors, including Eqige, with their lives, and the power of governance must not be handed over to the imperial court."

"What are you going to do?" Shechen and Brighan asked in unison.

"Nominally we must respect the imperial court. If the Lotus Khan must set up a mansion of ten thousand households in Agangkhba, let him set it up. But the officials want us to appoint them, we collect the taxes ourselves, and we also decide the names of the punishments. We make it up randomly. These small households can be regarded as a fish scale album for the whole family. If you pay some symbolic taxes, you will be considered as having paid the taxes." Shukuer Daiqing expressed his thoughts and suddenly became worried, "I'm afraid that my son-in-law will not Agree!"

"The Lotus Khan is the hero, and it is difficult to get him to agree. I think you should do something about the Oros people. You might as well find a few Oros people to pretend to be the envoys of the Great Emperor Oros, and meet them with great fanfare. Deliberately let the Lotus Khan know and exert pressure; we can also ask our relatives to intercede with the Khan," Brighan suggested.

"Asking relatives to plead for mercy is unreliable, but meeting with the envoys of Oros is a clever move. My son-in-law must be made to understand that surrendering the guards is not the only option for the Torghut people," Shukul Daiqing said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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