It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 121 Uncle Zhang is really capable!

Chapter 121 Uncle Zhang is really capable! (Please subscribe)

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang!"

Sun Jianping hugged Zhang Ziyi tightly, "Calm down, I'm not bad at being a private teacher!"

"This is not about being a teacher, it's about not taking our family seriously!" Zhang Ziyi was very strong and strong. He threw him aside, kicked open the door and rushed out.

Just when Guan Yonghua and Yu Changhai came out of the conference room and were saying something, they saw Zhang Ziyi rushing towards him brandishing a dagger. Guan Yonghua was so frightened that he ran away!
"Draft it? Stop!"

Zhang Ziyi swung his hand and struck a flying knife, which was stabbed squarely on Guan Yonghua's butt. Fortunately, everyone wore thick clothes in winter. Guan Yonghua jumped out more than a meter away with a roar. The dagger on his butt clattered to the ground. The guy turned over and climbed up. On top of the earthen wall, he rolled and crawled away!

"Stop, bastard, if I don't tear off your head and use it as a ball today, I'll write it backwards!"

Zhang Ziyi rushed over, jumped directly onto the one-meter-high adobe wall, and jumped down, scaring Guan Yonghua's calf muscles! He collapsed on the ground and started crying!
"What are you doing, old Zhang?"

When Yu Changhai and others saw that something was going to happen, they shouted loudly. When they saw it, the villagers from Jijia Oil Shop also gathered around and blocked Lao Zhang. They finally persuaded this living king of hell to go back.

"Draft Guan Yonghua, if you dare to play this trick with me again, let's see if I don't chop you into eighteen pieces!" Zhang Ziyi was still angry and kicked Guan Yonghua who was lying on the ground, causing the guy to scream in pain. Screaming like a killing pig.

Sun Jianping chased him out and picked up Comrade Zhang's dagger. He couldn't help but secretly give it a thumbs up!
Uncle Zhang is so capable!
He really dares to do it if something happens!
"You're so damn mad at me!" Zhang Ziyi cursed, took the dagger and put it on his waist, "Old Cao, you're still laughing, you're smiling like a chicken!"

"I'm laughing at you, you can scare me, but you really want to kill Lao Guan!" Lao Cao rolled his eyes at him, "You are quite a big man, but not very deep. I don't want to do this in the future. Got it!"

"I know, I know, it's really good!" Zhang Ziyi turned to look at Guan Yonghua, who was being carried home, and spat, "It's a dog-beating thing! Don't let it get into my hands!"

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's go back as soon as possible!"

The horses had bells that jingled, and the big black horse was very fast on its feet. The three of them sat on the carriage. Lao Cao curled his neck and sleeved his hands, turned his head to look at the ice and snow that had begun to melt on the sunny slope, and sighed.

The New Year is over and spring is about to begin. How are you going to survive this spring!

Back home, Sun Jianping unloaded the big black horse and tied it into the stable. The bay red horse was cold and sneezed non-stop. When he saw him coming back, he leaned over a little aggrievedly and put his head into his arms, asking for a hug and comfort.

"Just give you some medicine and you'll be fine..." Sun Jianping could only comfort the bay horse by patting it on the head like a child.

In order to avoid cross-infection, Sun Jianping mixed all the medicine given by Wang Zichen's veterinarian into water and gave it to the horses in turn. As for the black horses, the medicine for preventing wind and cold was not counted, and they had to increase the amount of medicine.

As the saying goes, sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread. This guy's body and bones have not fully recovered yet. He must take good care of himself for a while, otherwise he may get sick again after being tired from spring plowing.

The black horse bit his sleeve playfully, stretched its neck and dug into his pocket. Sun Jianping took out a handful of fine material and fed it to it, thinking in his mind which bastard was causing the mischief...

Wang Jingang, this grandson is designated!
How can you get rid of me so that you can become this private teacher?
Dream on!
Bastard, you are waiting for me!

Wang Jingang passed by the team headquarters humming a tune, he was so happy!

Can you be unhappy? After expressing your determination to Secretary Guan at the wine table that day, Secretary Guan admired him very much and had already reported his name to the commune!
As long as the commune approves it, he can take up his post and become a real full-time teacher, no longer having to work in the fields!

"Wang Jingang, come here!" Sun Jianping saw this grandson swaggering through the market, and became angrier as he thought about it. He walked to the door and waved to him. When Wang Jingang saw it was him, he was so frightened that he ran away! "Stop, I won't hit you!"

"I believe you!" Wang Jingang ran faster!
To be fair, Sun Jianping has no interest in becoming a private teacher, but he just gets angry when he thinks about it. It’s not my business whether I should be a teacher or not. You can let me be one...

That's another story!
Back in the house, Sun Jianping found paper and pen, and while sharpening the pencil tip with scissors, he thought about how to repair Wang Jingang's bastard thing.

Not avenging a grudge is not a gentleman!
He thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he picked up his pen and wrote down a few standard Wei stele style characters!
"Dear commune leaders, I am now reporting Wang Jingang, an educated youth from Ermajia No. 7, for engaging in male-female relations while serving as a propaganda officer at the No. 1 Heavy Factory..."

After finishing writing, he tore off two pieces of paper, folded them into an envelope, stuffed the report letter inside, put it in his coat pocket, and pressed it with his hand.

Bastard, you're waiting for me this time!

The clear voice of Little Wuyue came from the yard. The little girl picked up a bunch of branches from nowhere and threw them in the yard. She was so tired that she raised her sleeves to wipe the sweat on her forehead and turned to look at herself. The branches that came back to light the fire, their thin little faces were full of pride!
I can also help with the housework!
Seeing this scene, Sun Jianping felt mixed emotions. Children of poor people have long been in charge of the family. Xiao Yueyue is only five years old this year, so she already knows how to share the family's worries.

Think about the children of future generations, who are still unaware of their affairs when they are twenty-eight or nineteen years old, and they will eat their old age...

"Yueyue come in!"

The little girl jumped in and hugged his thigh, "Brother, brother, I picked up a lot of branches today, enough to make a meal!"

"Yueyue is so diligent!" Sun Jianping took out two pieces of candy from his pocket and stuffed them into her little hand, "This is a reward for you!"

"Thank you, brother, he is the best brother in the world!" The little girl's mouth is sweeter than sugar!
"Go and help brother do something..." Sun Jianping whispered in the little girl's ear. The little girl fluttered her long eyelashes with a puzzled look on her face, "Is what brother said true?"

"Of course it's true!"

"It's good if it's true. Mom won't let me lie!"

"Brother is a good brother, how can I let you lie!" Sun Jianping picked up Xiao Yueyue and spun around, "Your uncle from Grandpa Zhang's family is getting engaged in a few days, and then we can go to have a feast. !”

"Oh, that's great!" The little girl clapped her hands happily, "Then we'll eat the big fish!"

"Yeah, yeah, and big elbows!" Sun Jianping kissed her, "Let's go out and play!"

"Yeah, let me give this piece of candy to my brother!"

A child's happiness is always so simple. As soon as Sun Jianping let go, she ran away with her short legs and disappeared.


Sun Jianping let out a sigh of relief, "Yueyue, don't blame your brother. My brother also wants to fight against bad guys and do good things for the villagers!"

Wang Jingang, I will prevent you from becoming a private teacher this time!

(End of this chapter)

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