Chapter 124 Don’t scream at me here! (Please subscribe)

Qian Huijun was sitting upright on the small bench, holding a pencil, and quickly left beautiful lines of handwriting on Sun Jianping's handwritten test paper.

For her, the daughter of a big capitalist, these questions were so simple that they insulted her IQ!
However, she still meticulously wrote down the correct answers on the test paper. She also knew that with her background, it was basically impossible to get a job as a private teacher.


Qian Huijun just wants to use his results to prove one thing: I am no worse than any of you!

"Hey, hey, how do you write the word 'Huan' in Little Huanqiu?"

Wang Jingang directly ignored the previous two math questions and skipped to silently writing poems that he thought he knew how to do. Unfortunately, the first sentence stumped him!
"Neither can I!" Xu Erya bit her pencil end with an irritated look, looking at the words on the paper. Some of them she recognized, but most of them she didn't, which made her scratch her hair in worry!

"Wang Jingang, stand up!"

Sun Jianping walked straight over, knocked on the wooden board, and shouted sharply!

Wang Jingang glared, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? It's the exam. Why are you whispering to each other? If I find out again, I will get zero points!"

Sun Jianping wouldn't give him any face!

Wang Jingang glared angrily, muttered something, and sat down again, glancing at Qian Huijun's test paper across from him.

Qian Huijun hurriedly raised his arms to block his sight.

Wang Jingang is so angry!
You are all working against me. You don’t want me to be this teacher!
He quietly kicked Zhou Wei, who was sitting in front of him. Zhou Wei turned her head and glanced at him, covering her paper with a look of horror! Like guarding against thieves!
His little cousin!

Why don’t you want to eat my marijuana flowers?
Wang Jingang stared at the paper with a depressed look on his face, muttering that Sun Jianping is a dog, and the dog is Sun Jianping...

"Shut up!"

Sun Jianping raised his hand and slapped the guy hard, causing him to squeal.

An hour later, Sun Jianping collected the test papers, slammed the door of the team headquarters, and started grading.

Like believers waiting for the verdict of fate, everyone stood nervously outside the team headquarters. Although the temperature was still several degrees below zero, sweat was dripping from the tips of everyone's noses.

Compared with the arduous farm work, who wouldn't want to be a private teacher, dress brightly every day, teach students how to read and write, read newspapers, and get full work points.

What's more important is that each private teacher is given a monthly subsidy of five yuan!

That’s sixty yuan a year!
Last year, the family with the highest work score for the two-horse rack only received thirty-six yuan!

In their view, this insignificant private teaching position is the prize they dream of!

After a while, Sun Jianping came out, and everyone was as nervous as prisoners awaiting the verdict of fate. They held their breath and waited quietly for the final result.

Sun Jianping glanced at everyone and posted a piece of paper at the door.

Ten young people rushed forward in a swarm, scanning their eyes from beginning to end, looking for their names.

First place, Qian Huijun, 100 points.

Second place, Tian Guangming, scored 95 points.

The third place, Hao Cuicui, scored 93 points. …

Wang Jingang searched for a long time, but found that it was not there, so he looked down again, and finally found his name in the eighth place.

Wang Jingang, thirty-five points.

"Fuck!" Wang Jingang stamped his foot angrily. Then he looked at Xu Erya, who was in last place, with only nine points, and suddenly burst into laughter.

There are others who are not as good as me, haha!
It’s a pity that only the top two are eligible!

Lao Cao, Lao Zhang, Lao Xu and others all came, looking at the big list posted and whispering to each other. Lao Xu's eyes widened, eagerly looking for his daughter's name, but he found it at the last one, and his old face suddenly lit up. Red, he spat and finished the calf thing.

This time he won’t fight if I ask him to!

I, Lao Xu...

I can't afford to lose this face.

"I don't agree!" Hao Cuicui, who was ranked third, screamed, "Qian Huijun is nothing, she is in Category 5 and is not qualified to be a teacher for children!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Everyone looked at this sharp-tongued female classmate with a mean look on her face. Lao Cao frowned and said, "My girl, the scores are here!"

"That won't work. There is a clear stipulation from above that private teachers first look at the composition. If Qian Huijun's composition is not good, I firmly demand that her results be cancelled!"

Hao Cuicui is not stupid either. There are only two spots in total, and she is ranked third. As long as she kills any one of them, she can rise to the top and replace their private teacher qualifications!

And Qian Huijun's background is her biggest breakthrough!

Qian Huijun's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. She stood at the foot of the wall, rubbing her clothes with her hands, lowering her head and leaning on her toes. Her thin body was trembling slightly. She was only seventeen years old at best this year, a fledgling young person. I don't know how to deal with the situation at hand.

Give up the qualifications of this private teacher?
No, I am not reconciled!

Based on my own strength, even the steamed buns have to be steamed (a struggle), let alone a big living person!
But now the situation is stronger than others, and my background is really not on the table, not to mention that Hao Cuicui is sharp-tongued and very powerful, just in case...

just in case……

Qian Huijun approached Sun Jianping with some fear. Among so many classmates, he was the only one who was the most fair and reliable.

"You guys are all deliberately against me, right? Just seeing how beautiful Qian Huijun is, you want her to be a teacher and not let me be... Bah! How old are you, Uncle Cao? Just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed for you!"

Hao Cuicui threatened the three of them with a sharp voice like a crazy little hen. The three of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly. This Hao Cuicui is really a messy guy!

Difficult to deal with!
"Hao Cuicui, don't scream at me here. I'm willing to admit defeat. If you have the ability, you can try to get 100% in the exam!" Sun Jianping couldn't bear to look down on it, walked up to her and scolded.

"Oh, Sun Jianping, you still have the nerve to mention this to me. You approved the test papers and judged the scores. Who knows how many Qian Huijun took the test?"

Hao Cuicui is very arrogant. She knows that she has made a big fuss this time. If she cannot seize her private teacher qualification, these leaders will never let her go when the spring plowing begins!

When the time comes, all the heavy physical work will be assigned to her, and she will bear some of it!
There is no turning back when the bow is drawn. Today, even if I have to risk my face, I still want to take Qian Huijun’s place!
Sun Jianping is not as easy to deal with as other educated youths!
Hao Cuicui made up her mind and yelled while pulling her neck. Qian Huijun saw her determined virtue and carefully hid in the corner, not daring to make a sound.

As for the others, they all looked at each other. It was just a teacher's spot. As for fighting for it like this?

Sun Jianping was so angry that his face turned red!
This Hao Cuicui is really a piece of meat!

Just wait for me and see how I fix you in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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