It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Do you remember what I taught you in Chapter 127?

Do you remember what I taught you in Chapter 127? (Please subscribe)

Where has this bastard gone?

Sun Jianping took off the loose reins and looked at the bright tooth marks on it, and his mouth became angry!

When he came just now, the horse's rein was broken by this guy. Wu Longma saw him tying the two broken ropes together and remembered it. While he was going to the supply and marketing cooperative to inquire about the news, he bit the knot with his teeth. Open, lift up the pole and run away without a trace!

This guy... is so smart!
At a loss, Sun Jianping stood on the street of Durki Commune with a gift in hand, looking around anxiously!
This is the first time Oolongma has come to Durki commune since he was brought back. He is not familiar with the terrain. Even if he tries to find me, he will most likely not be able to find him!
Really anxious!

Sun Jianping imitated Lao Cao's movements, flexed his fingers, put them into his mouth, and blew a whistle for a long time. He was so anxious that he was about to walk down the road to find an ant on a hot pot. When I was looking for it, I saw a handsome black horse running towards me in the distance, with its big mouth half-opened and hissing, as if it had done something happy!

When Sun Jianping saw this guy, he was furious. He took two steps and grabbed the horse's bridle. As soon as he raised his hand, the black horse immediately lowered its head obediently and rolled its big glass-like eyes. He turned his lips and made a hissing sound, looking like he was begging for mercy.

"Where did it go?" Sun Jianping finally couldn't bear to do it. He tied the horse's reins again and tightened them with his feet to prevent the horse from being bitten open again and running around.

Wu Longma turned his head and glanced in the distance. Sun Jianping took a closer look and almost collapsed on the spot!
There was a red barley horse tied up in the distance, lowering its head to eat grass. Looking at the long thing hanging out from the crotch of the black horse, Sun Jianping immediately understood what was going on!
Spring is here, and this guy is full of enthusiasm and spirit. When he sees a rebel horse on the roadside, he sneaks over and does what he wants!

"You bastard, if you don't do good things... leave now!"

He screamed inwardly that although there is no such thing as "rape" in the animal world, if the horse owner found out, he would have to pay him a hundred and eighty yuan!

He turned over and mounted the horse, clamped the stirrups, and the black horse neighed, ran over, and flirtatiously swung its tail at the "love horse" and called out to say hello.

"Hurry up, or I'll cut your thing into pieces if you keep yelling!" Sun Jianping urged, pulling on the horse's reins.

After returning home for thirty miles, we arrived in less than an hour. I tied the black horse in the stable, took out a new rein and put it on. I checked again and again to make sure that the horse would not break the rein again and harass other wild horses. He took out two boxes of malted milk and placed them on the windowsill of Lao Chengtou, then turned and went straight to Zhang Ziyi's house.

Lao Zhang was sitting on the edge of the kang, smoking a cigarette in a depressed mood. Zhang Qishi was rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, not knowing what he was looking for.

"Don't turn it over. I'll let you turn it over later!" Seeing his wife rummaging around while searching, Lao Zhang was a little annoyed and yelled.

"Then how about going tomorrow, empty-handed?"

"There are still vermicelli, just bring a bundle of vermicelli!" Zhang Ziyi irritably pushed away his third son who was approaching. Zhang Qishi lowered his head and continued to rummage for something in the broken wooden box until...

Her eyes fell on a small wicker box. Looking at the box, many past memories came to her mind. She wiped away her tears and silently pulled two old clothes to cover the wicker box.

The door creaked, bringing a wave of moisture into the room. Zhang Ziyi turned around and saw that the person coming was none other than Sun Jianping.

"Uncle, aunt, we are busy!" Sun Jianping opened the door and came in, put the things on the kang, and threw a handful of candies to the youngest Zhang Fuming.

"What are you doing?" Lao Zhang looked at these things and asked with a blush on his face.

"Tomorrow isn't Fucai going on a blind date? We can't go empty-handed!" Sun Jianping smiled and sat on the edge of the kang. "What time do we leave tomorrow? I'll drive you there."

"No, just leave it in Qiantun. There are only a few steps in total..." Seeing these things, Zhang Qi felt a little calmer after seeing the mess. She closed the lid of the box and hurriedly went to get him a drink of water.

"That won't work. No matter how you say it, I, Uncle Zhang, am a cadre in the team, and I must have a good reputation!" Sun Jianping laughed, and Zhang Ziyi gave a thumbs up, "What a good boy! He and I didn't say anything!"

"Boss, boss!"

Zhang Ziyi yelled outside twice, and Zhang Fucai, who was chopping wood in the backyard, hurried in and pulled off his hat, a stream of heat rising up from his hair.

"Brother Jianping!"

"Come, kneel down and kowtow to your brother Jianping!"

Although the young man looked naive, he was not stupid. When he saw the things placed on the kang and the candy wrapper in his brother's hand, he understood the general idea. The silly boy fell to his knees on the ground with a thud and banged it. The two heads shook so much that the edge of the kang made a buzzing sound. Sun Jianping hurriedly helped him up, and Zhang Fucai rubbed his red forehead and grinned.

"Fucai, remember, without your brother Jianping, you will never be able to marry a wife in this life. I will think of your brother more in the future, listen!"

"Listen!" Zhang Fucai shouted, which made Sun Jianping's ears buzz!
"Okay, get lost!" Lao Zhang waved his hand, and Zhang Fucai approached his younger brother Zhang Fuming. When he wasn't paying attention, he grabbed a handful of candies and stuffed them into his pocket, turned around and ran away!
"You bastard!" Zhang Ziyi raised his foot and kicked him on the butt, laughing.

Sun Jianping also smiled and told him what he had just gone to the supply and marketing cooperative to find Aunt Cai. Zhang Ziyi frowned and said, "It's spring, which family is not short of money and food? Finding work... can't be that easy. It's really not possible for us Just go into the mountains again..."

"Well, it depends!"

He really wanted to go into the mountains for a walk.

Before dawn the next day, Sun Jianping got up early and braved the severe cold to go to the stable to feed the horses.

The black horse had bean straw in its mouth and took a few bites absentmindedly. A pair of big black jewel-like eyes chattered around the bay-red horse.

"What are you looking at!" Sun Jianping raised his hand and slapped it on the neck. Then the black horse lowered its head angrily and ate big gulps of fodder.

"This kid is spending money recklessly again!" Old Chengtou opened the door and came out. He had already guessed that the two boxes of malted milk essence were bought by Sun Jianping for him.

Looking at the entire Ermajia Village, Sun Jianping was the only one who could bring something to "honor" him.

"You can just keep it and drink it slowly!" Sun Jianping smiled, pointed at Wulongma, lowered his voice and told what happened yesterday.

"It seems that this horse's illness is cured." Old Chengtou walked up to Wulongma, raised his hand and patted the horse's neck. After this period of careful service, Wulongma also had a good impression of the little old man. He still lowered his head to eat the grass and did not open his big mouth to bite him.

"I'll think about it for a while and then let him match it. It should be about right now..." Old Cheng put his hand under the horse's belly again. The black horse that was eating grass suddenly widened its eyes with a look of horror on its face. Turn around and look back!

This old man...

Old gangster!
Where to touch!
"Since the horse was bred once yesterday, let's wait another three to five days to let it rest. I think the green horse seems to be a bit rebellious..." The old man squatted down again, raised the hooves of the black horse and was patient and careful. He checked it over and confirmed that there was nothing wrong before letting go, "This horse is of good breed and big. If you can match it, I will match it. If we can get three or five foals, our team can sell a few of them to make some money." Money.”

Sun Jianping looked at these "laborers" tied up in the stables with some sympathy. There was nothing he could do. Life was not easy for people in this era, and the horses also suffered. They went to work in the fields and returned to the stables to give birth to foals, giving everything for mankind.

As for the fate of those old and feeble horses...

He took out the bay-red horse and walked out. He saw the beautiful bay-red horse. The black horse had fodder in its mouth, its eyes were staring straight at it, and its bits were dripping from the corners of its mouth. It was a real idiot!
"Cough cough!"

Sun Jianping walked over, patted it on the forehead, and then led the bay horse out of the stable.

The black horse neighed!

Come back soon, little beautiful horse!

The bay-red horse glanced at it with disgust, followed Sun Jianping, and hitched up a cart. At this time, Zhang Ziyi's family took out the clothes from the bottom of the box and put them on. They were standing at the door of the team when they saw Sun Jianping driving the carriage out. , Lao Zhang kicked his eldest son, "Do you remember everything I just told you?"


"Say it again!"

"When you enter the door, ask your uncle or aunt first. If there are old people, you should salute first. When you speak, hold your chest up and your head up, so as not to stoop..."

(End of this chapter)

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