It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 137 Help, this guy wants to kill someone!

Chapter 137 Help, this guy wants to kill someone! (Please subscribe)

"Uncle, is it okay to feed corn bran to pigs?"

Sun Jianping only feeds the horses and donkeys. Lao Chengtou is responsible for all the pig feeding. The members of the production team bring pig grass back from the fields and hand it over to the team headquarters. Each person's work points are calculated based on the amount of grass handed in. He then feeds the pigs. When the grass is cooked, add some corn flour, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, mix it into a thin soup-like paste, and feed it to the pigs.

"You silly boy, don't stare at the corn bran. There are still broken corn kernels in the bran!" the little old man said thoughtfully.

His little calculation was crackling.

"When the time comes, the broken corn millet will be used as concentrate to feed the pigs and horses, and then the 20,000 kilograms of feed grains stored in the team headquarters will be replaced and reserved for the villagers to spend the spring famine. Now it depends on how much walnut wood can be found in the mountains. If it can be sold for 1,800 yuan, we will have enough money to repair the canal."

The old man clasped his fingers and calculated with anticipation how much harvest these two jobs would bring. Sun Jianping nodded repeatedly. As long as he could survive this spring, things would be easier to handle in the future.


Spring famine is hard to endure!
Early the next morning, Sun Jianping hitched the carriage, picked up Lao Cao, and went straight to Duerji Commune.

Aunt Cai had already greeted Director Yang in advance, so the logging permit was quickly issued. Looking at the big red seal on it, Lao Cao's hands were shaking with excitement!

"We have agreed, Old Cao, that as many trees as you cut down, you will have to replant them for me, otherwise you will cut down the entire mountain!"

"Don't worry, director, I promise to cut down every tree and plant it alive!" Lao Cao folded the permit and carefully put it in his pocket, "Then let's get back as soon as possible!"

"Come back, come back!"

They were all old acquaintances, and Director Yang did not make things difficult for them. He stood at the door with a smile and watched them leave.

"I told you about Jianping, Lao Yang is quite a nice person!" Sitting on the bumpy carriage, Lao Cao slowly smoked his pipe and pressed the pocket of the "permit", suddenly feeling relaxed, haha laugh it out.

"Yes, it's pretty good!" Sun Jianping thought to himself. If I hadn't given him a big roe deer leg yesterday, would he have given us the license so easily?
In fact, Uncle Zhang is right. If you want to move smoothly in this extremely closed small society in the countryside, you have to give gifts and money to clear the way!

Can you bear it if I make things difficult for you when I find a fault?

Halfway through the car ride, Sun Jianping suddenly remembered something. He had forgotten to ask who the quota of private teachers in the Taipingshan Brigade was given to!

Forget it, let’s not ask. With Qian Huijun’s background, he will definitely not be able to become a teacher...

Sun Jianping slowly shook his whip and walked in the world covered with ice and snow. The temperature has increased in the past few days, and the snow on some sunny slopes has been melted by the sun, just like a pure white background with mottled ink sprinkled on it, indicating that Spring is getting closer.

The two of them did not go home and drove straight to Nahe Farm. Before they reached the door, they saw a shadowy person!

Lao Cui!

The weather was a bit cold, and the middle-aged man named Cui was standing at the gate of Nahe Farm as usual, stamping his feet and looking at the vehicles carrying corn bran back and forth with his eyes.

Nahe Farm is a large state-owned farm with more than 20,000 acres of land and can produce more than 30 million kilograms of grain a year. Naturally, it does not bother to deal with the leftovers after corn threshing.

But in the eyes of farmers, these corn bran are rare treasures!
However, it is not so easy for farmers to get these corn bran. As the saying goes, a cricket eats a piece of mud. First of all, you have to have connections and connections. Then you have to have enough money and money to "research" and "research" on the farm. Only by being "accommodating" and "pitying" can I "sell" corn bran to you.

Lao Cui looked at the carriages going in and out with a dark face. As a medium-sized production team leader on the farm, in previous years he could get a few geese and chickens to try using corn bran. Who would have thought that This year, I got into the second-horse team and the seventh team!
I don’t know how the Ermajia Team and the Seventh Team managed to gain the right to buy corn bran...

The key is that the people in Ermajia are too ignorant. They broke in early in the morning and pulled corn chaff. Not only did they not give him a hard time as the team leader, but they didn't even say hello to him!

Damn it!

Treat me like air, right?
He was looking like a donkey with a drooped face, squinting his eyes as he watched another carriage pulling a cart full of corn bran out of the field. He curled his lips in disdain, "These old farmers, why don't you die of poverty and starvation!"
You don’t even know a little bit about human nature!
You think that I, the production team leader, am just a decoration!
Don't take beanbags as dry food!

Lao Cui was cursing in his heart when he suddenly looked up and saw another carriage coming in the distance. The driver was none other than the young man with whom he had a close relationship!

"You little bastard selling tofu, you still dare to come, don't you?"

When Lao Cui saw that this young man dared to come to the farm to cause trouble, he became furious. He pointed at Sun Jianping's nose and started scolding him!
"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be you!" Sun Jianping was not annoyed and waved his whip at him, "I forgot to ask something. Is your nephew, that little Waimao, dead?"

This sentence pierced Lao Cui's heart!

That day, Sun Jianping drove a carriage and flew past Xiao Waimao. The heavy rubber wheel directly broke Xiao Waimao's arm. He is still lying at home recovering from his injuries!
"You're riding a horse to show off to us, right?" Lao Cui was furious and reached for Sun Jianping's horse whip, trying to pull him off. "If I don't beat you today, you don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes!"

As soon as Sun Jianping saw the way he was shouting about beating and killing, he knew that things couldn't be good today. He was not a person who was afraid of trouble. Uncle Zhang once taught him that we don't cause trouble but we are never afraid of it!

He picked up the whip, pulled the horse's reins, and shouted "Drive!"

The big white horse pulling the cart received the order, jumped up with four hooves, and stampeded towards Lao Cui!

When Lao Cui saw this move again, he was so frightened that his face turned green. He didn't care about the production team leader's airs, rolled away and crawled away, picked up the shovel standing at the door, and patted Sun Jianping's head!
If it hits him now, blood will be splattered on the spot!
This guy is desperate!
Seeing the shovel whizzing down, Sun Jianping hurriedly threw the whip and rolled along the carriage to the rear. The shovel hit the carriage board hard, causing Lao Cui's arms to go numb!

"Draft it? How dare you hide..."

Lao Cui was so angry that he picked up the shovel and rushed over again. When Lao Cao saw something was wrong, he also jumped out of the carriage and stopped him.

"What's wrong, man? You got into a quarrel with our family Jianping as soon as we met. Do you have a grudge?"

Lao Cui pushed the little old man away and said, "What are you doing? You came to the farm to set up a stick!"

"You don't care what I do, this is your home territory!"

"Jianping, please stay back while I talk to this man..." Lao Cao turned around and was shocked!
Sun Jianping didn't know where he got a wrist-thick birch pole, which was two meters long. The tip was kicked off, revealing a sharp stubble!

Don’t you want to fight with me today?

Who is afraid of whom!

The normally quiet Sun Jianping was now like an angry little lion carrying a birch pole. He silently walked up to Lao Cui, swung the birch pole and hit him on the lower back!

Lao Cui hurriedly picked up the shovel to block it. With a bang, the birch pole collided with the shovel, slid down the round shovel pole, and hit his wrist, causing him to scream in pain! Get rid of the shovel!

Sun Jianping has been in the countryside for more than half a year and has been working every day. He has already developed a body full of tendons. Looking at Lao Cui, the production team leader, he eats too much every day, neglects to exercise, and already has a belly!

"Damn you, you little bastard, you dare to hit me, don't you? Come on, come on, try moving again, I'll blink my eyes and I'll be your son!"

Lao Cui rubbed his wrists, acted like a rogue, stood up, took off his hat, and pointed at his shaved head, "Come on, do it like this! Wink your eyes and I'll be the one to beat you!"

Sun Jianping sneered, without saying a word he picked up the birch pole and smashed it down on his head!

"Oh, I'm so serious!"

Lao Cui seems to have eaten too much meat during the Chinese New Year and his brain is confused. This kid...

Thief's fucking nature!
Dare to drive a carriage over a living person!
Not to mention...

Go ahead and run!

Seeing the birch pole smash down, Lao Cui let out a strange cry, spread his legs and ran out!

Sun Jianping dragged the birch pole and chased after him!
You really think I have a good temper!
If I don’t type you out today, I’ll write the character “grandson” backwards!
The clay figurine is also very angry, not to mention the young and strong Sun Shaoping?
One of the two was running in front, the other was chasing after them. They were getting closer and closer. Suddenly, they heard a horse ringing a bell in the distance, and Zhang Ziyi rushed out of Nahe Farm with a cart full of corn bran!
Zhang Ziyi recognized at a glance that the person chasing people with a birch pole was none other than Sun Jianping!

His great "nephew"!
His bully has bullied my eldest nephew!

Seeing a carriage approaching, Lao Cui waved as if grasping a life-saving straw, "Help, this kid wants to kill someone!"

With a loud bang, Zhang Ziyi swung the riding crop with a steel wire and whipped Lao Cui hard on the man who was facing him and waving for help!

He screamed in pain and jumped up!
"Fuck you!"

Before he could recover, Zhang Ziyi kicked him on the buttocks, causing the guy to stumble and fall directly onto the snow. His forehead, nose, and chin came close to the frozen ground. Upon contact, blood seeped out quickly and sprinkled on the snow, becoming a patchwork of red spots.

Zhang Ziyi reined in the horse's reins, threw it away and strode over, grabbed him by the collar like a chicken, and slapped them both in the face without any explanation, until blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth and he opened his eyes. At first glance, there stood in front of me a strong man who was 1.8 meters tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist, like half an iron tower!

"Brother, uncle! Ancestor! Spare your life!"

"Damn it, you're blind, you're bullying my child!"

Zhang Ziyi pulled out a sharp dagger from his waist and put it on his neck, "Believe it or not, I wiped your neck with a knife and threw you into the mountains to feed the wolves!"

"Spare... spare my life, I, I don't know..."

Sun Jianping hurried over carrying a birch pole.

Lao Cui looked at Zhang Ziyi and then at Sun Jianping. He was so frightened that he cried out, "It's all my fault. I can't recognize people with my blind eyes. If I know it's your child, give me one hundred and eighty." I don’t even dare to do that!”

"You know now?" Zhang Ziyi opened his eyes and gritted his teeth!
"I know, I know, I'm sorry, nephew, I can't see Mount Tai, so I'll apologize to you!" Lao Cui said, crawling up to Sun Jianping and begging for mercy.

"Jianping, give them a big mouth and let them remember it!" Zhang Ziyi ordered.

Sun Jianping squatted down, took off his hand cover, stretched out his palms, and raised them high!

Lao Cui closed his eyes, the flesh on his face twitched, and his intestines turned blue with regret!

This tall guy, if you guessed it correctly, is a famous ruthless man in Daxinganling, whose surname is Zhang and his given name is Ziyi!
Call the old whirlwind!
The murderous Lord!
Damn, why am I messing with someone? Why am I messing with this dad?
Isn’t it rumored that he is dead? Why is he still alive?
"To popularize some science for you, it stands to reason that the effects of force are reciprocal. If I hit you, my hand will hurt." Sun Jianping smiled and still had time to teach him some science.

"Then, why don't you fight?" Lao Cui hurriedly put on a smile.

"Let me think about it..." Sun Jianping glanced around, picked up a piece of frozen soil from the ground, held it in his hand, and smiled at him.

"It won't hurt anymore."

Draft it!
Lao Cui's face turned green when he saw it!
Might as well use a slap!
Sun Jianping grabbed him by the collar, swung his arms, and hit him hard on the face!

Lao Cui screamed like a slaughtering pig!
There was an explosion in his ears, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which made Lao Cui's ears buzz and his face burned with pain!
The mouth was hot and spicy, with a fishy smell, which quickly filled the mouth and flowed down from the corners of the mouth!

For a moment, my brain seemed to have lost consciousness, and my whole person was confused...

The right cheek was hit hard again!
The sides of Lao Cui's face swelled up rapidly like big fermented steamed buns!

Lao Cao and Lao Zhang felt their hearts tingle when they saw it!
This kid...

What a cruel attack!

(End of this chapter)

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