It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 153 The brothers below are shaking their heads!

Chapter 153 The brothers below are shaking their heads!

At this critical moment, a playful little piglet rushed over and bumped its "daddy pig"!
The pig turned away, and the bullet hit its sharp fangs with a bang!
The fangs that were over a foot long were interrupted in response!
And Zhang Ziyi's gun also missed!
The bullet grazed the pig's thick back, leaving a deep ravine!

What the hell!

Sun Jianping's eyes widened when he saw it!
This wild boar skin...

"Fuck you!"

The pigs are in chaos!

Run around!
When Zhang Ziyi saw that he had missed a shot, he simply fired several shots in a row, bang bang bang, causing snowflakes to fly on the hillside. Lao Cai also picked up the 38-meter cover and fired all the remaining four bullets at once. !

"Uncle, uncle, a pig is coming!"

While the two were loading bullets, the enraged pig not only did not run away, but instead rushed towards them with blood-red eyes, grunting and roaring!
"That's nonsense, isn't this nonsense!" Zhang Ziyi hurriedly loaded two bullets, bang bang, and the two shots passed close to the wild boar!

The rest of the people were also paralyzed. When Xu Jinshui saw you, you were a bastard, he put away his gun, turned around and ran away!
"Come back, where are you running!"

Zhang Ziyi was so angry that he stamped his feet!

"If you don't run away, the wild boar will cause trouble!"

Xu Jinshui runs faster than a rabbit!

Sun Jianping took a deep breath, held the 38 cap tightly with both hands, squinted his eyes, aimed at the fast-moving pig, took a deep breath, and kept his hand holding the gun barrel steady.

Uncle Zhang is right. This terrain is very high and has a steep slope. It is very difficult to climb. Even an irritated wild boar has to raise its head hard, move its four short legs, and use all its strength to feed. Jump up!


In the blink of an eye, the wild boar had rushed up the hillside, and Sun Jianping directly pulled the trigger!

The bullet whizzed past the pig's ear. The angry wild boar suddenly felt its ears feel hot and blood flowed out. When the wild boar saw the blood, it immediately went crazy and let out a piercing howl. It exerted force on its hind legs and rushed towards Sun. In front of Jianping, he opened his mouth full of fangs and bit him down!

"Jianping, be careful!"

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and no one even had time to react!
In desperation, Sun Jianping simply pushed the 38 cover forward!
The barrel of the gun hit directly into the wild boar's open mouth!

The wild boar bit down on the San Ba ​​Da Gai and flicked it!
As soon as Sun Jianping's wrist was loosened and the 38 big cover was released, he rolled and ran away!

Uncle Jinshui, wait for me!

The enraged wild boar does not bite others, but pursues them relentlessly!
"Fuck you, we are not related!"

Sun Jianping shouted while running. As he shouted, the wild boar chased him even tighter!
"Jianping, run to the right!" Lao Cai, Lao Zhang, Wang Liansheng and others were all anxious. They put their hands to their mouths and shouted loudly!


Sun Jianping hurriedly turned around and ran to the right, but the next second...

As soon as he turned around, he felt his feet loosen and his body fell uncontrollably!

Everyone watched eagerly as he fell into the snow pit, and a puff of white snow popped up. People...

Almost at the same time, all the pigs that followed him around the corner also fell into the snow pit. Lao Cao roared, threw away his pipe, and rushed over like crazy!


Zhang Ziyi is tall and has long legs. He rushed to the edge of the snow pit in a few steps. When he lowered his head, he saw a little black head exposed in the white snow!

"Is Jianping okay?" Zhang Ziyi lay on the edge of the snow pit and stretched out the big cover. Sun Jianping grabbed it, kicked off the slippery wall of the snow pit with his feet, and climbed up with all his strength!

The pig who also fell into the snow pit grunted anxiously and opened his mouth to bite his big cotton shoes!

Sun Jianping stepped on the wild boar's back, jumped up, and jumped out of the snow pit. He hurriedly bent down and patted the snow out of his neck.

"I was scared to death. Are you okay, kid!" Lao Cao rushed over in a hurry, patted the snow on his body, and asked this and that with concern.

"It's okay, Uncle Cao, I just choked on the snow a few times..." Sun Jianping said to himself that he was lucky. Fortunately, he wore thicker clothes in winter, and the white snow inside delayed the impact, otherwise he would have to fall out.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" Lao Cao felt relieved as he raised his voice.

"You old man, stop nagging. Come and take a look. Your son-in-law has fallen off the edge!" Zhang Ziyi shouted at Lao Cao. Lao Cao strode over and kicked him on the butt. "I'm going to kill you too!" Kick in and let you two be company!"

Everyone came to the edge of the snow pit and laughed as they looked at the big wild boar that was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Hunting wild boars turned into catching wild boars!
What the hell is this!
"Why don't Lao Cao tie a rope for you and go down and fish your son-in-law out? It's such a cold day, if you wait until it gets dark, your son-in-law will freeze solid!" Zhang Ziyi continued to joke with him.

"You can save your own brother, we won't help you!" Lao Cao was not polite.

"Hey, brother down there, shake your head! (Give me your name)" Zhang Ziyi raised his eyebrows, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted to the wild boar.

Wild Boar: Σ(⊙▽⊙“a!

"Oh no, it's a mute person who has been making trouble for a long time. Lao Cai enforces family law and inserts Lao Cao's son-in-law!"

"This tiger can eat a set of them!" Lao Cao returned his hand and gave him a big neck, snatched the 38 cap from Lao Cai's hand, pulled the bolt with a click, and lightly held the ejected gun between his two fingers. The bullet casing was not even aimed at. There was a bang and the bullet went straight into the back of the two hundred kilogram wild boar's cervical vertebrae, drilling a bloody hole out!

Sun Jianping's eyes widened when he saw it!

After a long time of fussing, it turns out that Uncle Cao is the real gun master!

As for the trick of clipping bullet casings just now, I couldn't practice it for ten or eight years. This old man didn't even hit a hole, he clipped the bullet casings, fired, and did it in one go!
It really lives up to the saying: Real people don’t show their faces!
Lao Cao threw the gun to Lao Cai's head, and said to Zhang Ziyi, "Go down and get your brother up, he's still acting stupid!"

"You old man, you killed even your son-in-law. Now your daughter will be a widow!"

Zhang Ziyi hummed a tune about Sister Wang missing her husband, and asked Xu Jinshui to saw a piece of birch as thick as a bowl, laying it across the entrance of the snow cave. He then picked up the horse's reins, untied them, tied them to the birch pole, and held the rope while walking around. He went down, picked up the more than 200 kilograms of wild boar, tied it with a horse rein, and shouted up to him.

Everyone worked together to pull up the pig, which weighed more than 200 kilograms. At this time, the pig was not dead yet, and blood was coming out from its nose and mouth. Lao Cao winked at Sun Jianping, and Sun Jianping nodded and stepped forward. With one step, he pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it three inches into the wild boar's chin with one clean stroke.


A stream of dark red blood kept coming out, soon dyeing the snow red, making his scalp numb!
The pig kicked its front and rear legs violently a few times, stretched its body, rolled its eyes, and died.

"This big guy..." Old Cao patted the wild boar's skin, which was as thick as armor, and waved his hand, "Pull it back!"

On the hillside in the distance, the group of wild boars had long since disappeared. Only two sows, which had been hit by Lao Cai's head and could not move, were still screaming miserably on the hillside.

Lao Cao asked everyone to drag the three pigs together, and they didn't bother to chop wood. They all started to disembowel the three wild boars, peeled off the thick pig skins, and cut the pork into pieces and placed them on the table. On the ground, waiting to freeze solid.

Xu Jinshui felt embarrassed and took the initiative to build a fire in the ravine without Lao Cao's instructions. Everyone used local materials to dress the pork with tree sticks and roasted it on the fire. For a while, the air was filled with the aroma of pork.

When the wild boar meat was roasted, Sun Jianping couldn't wait to take a skewer and took a bite. He thought it was...

What a smell!

(End of this chapter)

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