Chapter 156 Oh no, the horse ran away!

Early the next morning, Lao Cao got everyone together. After a simple breakfast, everyone put a piece of roasted black wild boar meat in their arms, hitched the carriage, and divided into two teams with Zhang Ziyi. , in the early morning glow, we headed straight to the Dead Man's Gully from the north and south directions.

"It's going to snow again!" Lao Cao turned to look at the sun rising in the distance. Pieces of red clouds filled the sky like scattered phoenix feathers, and he took a long puff of cigarette!


Sun Jianping drove a carriage and walked in this world carved by ice and snow. The golden sun's rays passed through the woods and hit the ice and snow, dazzling and dazzling.

"When I get rich, I will buy a camera, take pictures of the beautiful scenery of Daxinganling, and mail it to my parents and Wang Yumei..." He shook his whip slowly, looked back at the rays of light cast in the forest, and felt...

It's like walking in a dream.


Dead Man's Ditch, just by the name, you know that this place is very dangerous. After more than an hour of squeaking and squeaking, the horse sledge finally came to a flat mountain forest. Lao Cao patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's it!"

"Uncle, is this the Dead Man's Trench?"


Sun Jianping looked at this flat mountainous area with curiosity, scratching his head, "Dead Man's Ditch?"
Where are the dead people?

The black horse pulling the cart also imitated his example and tilted its head and twitched its ears. Sun Jianping laughed and patted it.

"Tie the horse here, let's go down to the ditch and take a look first!" Lao Cao put the three-eight pieces on his back for the first time, counted the bullets in his pocket, and carefully inspected the jingle shoes that had kicked the cow to death. Then I stepped on the knee-deep snow and walked along this open and flat mountainous area.

Sun Jianping also picked up the 38 big cover, looked around, hesitated again and again, tied the black dragon horse's reins into a slip knot, and tied it to a birch tree.

The black horse stared blankly at its owner walking forward, and subconsciously took a step forward, but was caught by the reins. It stamped its hooves and hissed!
Without looking back, Sun Jianping raised his hand high and waved twice to say hello to his beloved horse.

The Dead Man's Trench has finally arrived.

On the vast flat land ahead, a huge triangular opening was suddenly torn open, three to four hundred meters wide, but seven or eight miles long!

After years of rain erosion, the bottom of this triangular ravine has become flat. Snow blown in by the wind accumulates in the triangular ravine. After repeated heating and cooling, the ice and snow melt and gather to form round glacial lakes.

Sun Jianping stepped on it gently, and the ice shell cracked, revealing traces of drainage underneath that were washed away by the snow.

The ground next to this dead ditch is empty, otherwise the ice water would not flow away...

He followed Lao Cao and looked at the surrounding scenery carefully, but he saw that both sides of the Dead Man's ditch were covered with earth cliffs several meters high. They were covered with lush plants, but distinct layers of soil of various colors were vaguely visible.

The cold wind from Siberia blew through the Dead Man's Trench, making a whining sound that made everyone's hair stand on end!

The further inside, the lower the terrain becomes. When Sun Jianping looked up, he felt as if he was in a deep well. The earth cliffs on both sides were twenty or thirty meters high, and the cliffs were filled with ravines washed out by running water!

"Jianping, be careful!" Lao Cao couldn't help but tighten the Sanba Gai in his hand. Sun Jianping hummed, his bright eyes nervously watching any disturbance in the dead man's ditch, for fear that if he wasn't careful, there would be a blind bear or a blind man. A tiger sprang out.

Finally, we arrived at the bottom of the deepest ditch in the Dead Man's ditch. The wind stopped and everything around us seemed to be quiet. A group of people came from a distance, it was Zhang Ziyi and others who were coming from the north.

Lao Zhang took off his hat, took out a rolled cigarette, and stuffed it into his mouth. Just as he was about to light it, Lao Cao gave him a sharp look!
"Don't get angry!"

"Fuck, what are you afraid of..."

Before Zhang Ziyi finished speaking, he heard a rustling sound coming from the top of the ditch. Looking in the direction of the sound, everyone's heads broke out in cold sweat!


A Siberian leopard with money patterns all over its body was picking at a poplar tree growing on the edge of a cliff. It held a squeaking weasel in its mouth and tilted its head to look at them.

"Look at this!" Zhang Ziyi raised his gun and was about to fire it. Lao Cao glared, "It's getting more and more exciting, right? Put down the gun!"

Zhang Ziyi lowered the muzzle of his gun angrily and turned off the safety. The leopard let out a low roar at everyone, bit off the weasel's neck, jumped up the cliff, and disappeared.

"Uncle, is this the leopard we saw in the forest a few days ago?" Sun Jianping asked in a low voice, Zhang Ziyi shook his head, "That one is bigger than this one, this one looks like a female..."

"Okay, stop talking. Look for it quickly. If there is one, chop it down. Go back early. This place is really scary..."

Although there was no wind at the bottom of the ditch, Lao Cao always felt that there was a deep chill that penetrated into the cracks in his bones, making him shiver.

This is not a good place to be!

If they weren't desperate, who would come to this damn place to look for wood!
"Here is!"

Wang Liansheng walked to the cliff, climbed up on the thick snow, broke off a branch from the snow-covered treetop, and waved it at Lao Zhang.

"This is also available!"

Xu Jinshui also found one.

"I just remember that there are quite a few here..." Zhang Ziyi chuckled, it doesn't matter what Dead Man Valley and Living Man Ridge are, as long as there are hickory trees, it is a good ravine!
"Hurry up, Jianping, go and bring the horse in. Your horse will hold back and move. If others come close, they will open their mouths and bite..."

After confirming that there was a hickory tree here, everyone immediately divided the work and cooperated, picked up tools such as horse saws and axes, and began to dig.

Sun Jianping nodded and hurried out of the ditch along the way he came. He had just taken two steps when he felt something in the ice shell under his feet!
When he looked down, he almost staggered with fright!
Under the ice shell, there is a snow-white skull lying!
"It's probably the kid who died in Gada when he led people into the mountains to look for treasures." Zhang Ziyi looked over his head, laughed, and patted him on the shoulder, "What's there to be afraid of? Hurry up and drive." Go!"


Sun Jianping took a deep breath, walked quickly to the edge of the ditch, and took a look at the woods where the horse was tied. The sweat on his forehead suddenly stopped!
The black horse and the horse sledge were all gone!

Where has this bastard wandered off to?
Sun Jianping hurriedly ran two steps and came to the spot where the horse had been tied up. There were many large and small footprints on the ground, some of which belonged to black horses, and some of which belonged to some unknown animal...

A long drag mark ran away from where the horse was tied. Sun Jianping was delighted. The black horse must have dragged the horse sledge and ran in that direction!

Sun Jianping hurriedly followed the traces without thinking. When he turned over a hillside and looked again, his heart suddenly rose to his throat!
(End of this chapter)

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