Chapter 163 My Erya... is blessed!

"What's wrong with this guy? Is he okay?"

Aunt Cai helped Sun Jianping carry the things outside and said in a low voice. Sun Jianping spread his hands helplessly, "Isn't that right? His daughter Xu Erya got in love with an educated youth who came with us and asked for a gift of 1,000 yuan. "

"How much more? One thousand yuan?" Aunt Cai's jaw almost dropped!
"Whether his daughter is wearing gold or silver, how dare you ask for it!"

"You can say yes, I really dare to give it!"

Sun Jianping looked around and saw no one around, "Aunt Cai, do you still want walnut wood? We got some more in the mountains. As you know, the forest farm has not allowed us to go up the mountain to cut wood..."

"Yes, the construction company has said that they are preparing for war now. Walnut wood can be used as gun stocks. It is a war preparation material. We can take whatever you can get!"

"Okay, I'll deliver it to you in a few days!"

"Well, you guys are walking in the mountains and forests all day long, so be more careful. I see your hands are chapped. Take this!"

Aunt Cai handed him two boxes of clam oil. Sun Jianping thanked him and put them in his pocket. Lao Xu staggered out with a bunch of things again, "Jianping, come pick me up!"

Sun Jianping shook his head helplessly at Aunt Cai, walked a few steps forward and helped him take the things, "Uncle Xu, where did you get so many tickets and a thermos? You need industrial coupons for this thing!"

"Your aunt got them all from the neighbors. You will have to pay them back in the future..." Old Xu looked at the half-loaded cart of goodies with satisfaction and clapped his hands, "My King Kong's parents are both officials, so I can't be prepared." We still have to come here, but we can’t act so sparsely that people will laugh at us, we have to look good, right?”

"That's true!" Sun Jianping got on the carriage, waved to Aunt Cai, and cracked his whip!
"Wait for me!"

In the distance, Hao Cuicui was carrying a luggage bag and running like crazy to catch up!

Sun Jianping seemed not to hear it and swung his whip hard!

"Sun Jianping, you bastard! You're doing harm! You're so immoral!" Hao Cuicui was so angry that she threw her luggage on the ground and yelled!

Sun Jianping didn't care about her biting and barking behind him, humming a little tune and wondering whether he should have braised pork or pork dumplings for lunch today!

Copying this function is easy!

Xu Shu's boss, Noxi's family, collected all kinds of things he bought with tickets, and he "copied" them into small bottles!
"Uncle Xu, you don't know Wang Jingang. I'm telling you, you have to watch him. When his parents come to attend the wedding, hurry up and persuade them to get Erya's household registration and bring him into the city. I You don’t want to listen to what I’m saying. Let’s take a step back and say, one day this little brat Wang Jingang changes his mind and hooks up with someone else. Didn’t our Erya also get a city household registration that allows her to eat royal food?”

"Yes, you are absolutely right, Jianping. No wonder Lao Zhang calls you Da Fanduo. His little brain is full of ideas!" Lao Xu was happy and took out a bottle of canned hawthorn and stuffed it at him, " Eat, eat, eat!”

"Uncle Xu, who do you think I am? I treat you, Uncle Zhang, Uncle Cao, and Uncle Cheng as my own uncles... that's too foreign!"

Sun Jianping pushed it back "pretending to be generous", but in fact he didn't like canned hawthorn.

I still prefer yellow peach.

Well, everyone has his or her own taste!

"This kid is still pretending to be with your uncle. Jianping, why don't you nag me more about how to deal with Wang Jingang's parents... Ah, bah, how can we have a good relationship with the in-laws?"

"It's said that a son is better than a father. He can give a thousand yuan, half of which is a gift to Erya, and the other half is because he knows what Wang Jingang's temperament is. I'm afraid that you will make things bigger and lose money to avoid disaster. You always understand me What do you mean?"

"I understand!" Xu Jinshan nodded repeatedly. Sun Jianping was right!

This matter may be big or small, but if I get my heart wrong and bring this matter to the Educated Youth Office at the expense of my daughter's face, it will be enough for Wang Jingang to drink from it!

"That kid is just a piece of meat. You take the time to call all the nephews and nephews of the Xu family together and scare that little brat so that he doesn't have to eat the food in the bowl and look at the food in the pot before going out to seduce others. My daughter..." "What a great idea. I'll ask your eldest brother and the others to take care of it as soon as I get back! Help me think of anything else?"

"That's about it. In short, we must keep an eye on this kid and fix it when it needs to be repaired. That guy is a cheap guy. He didn't put on the roof for three days..."

"How can that be possible? No matter how bad things are, he is still my son-in-law. How can I beat him just as he says..."

Old Xu touched his chin, looked at the things in the car, and laughed!

My second daughter is blessed!
To hook up with such a rich man, his family is an official in the capital!
If we can really register all the people in the city, then our old Xu will be even more excited!

Look at Zhang Ziyi, that guy is so poor that he can't even afford a thirty-six yuan gift, yet he's still competing with me!

I have more than 900 yuan in my hand right now!

You and I can try again!
It’s better to support my daughter and earn money. I wish I could have had two more children when I was young!

The bells of the horses were clanging, and they were scattered along the commune to the remote mountain villages. It was already past one in the afternoon when they got home. Li Xiuzhi was busy fishing for sorghum, rice, and rice. When she saw Sun Jianping entering the house, she immediately told him to wash his hands and eat.

Sun Jianping walked up to Li Xiuzhi with his hands behind his back and smiled, "Sister-in-law, look at what this is!"

He slapped a piece of pork belly weighing more than two kilograms on the chopping board. Li Xiuzhi immediately opened her eyes in surprise, "What are you doing here to celebrate the New Year every day! You still buy things even if I don't let you. I don't think you have any intention of saving a wife." This is it!"

"In this life, eating, drinking, and chatting are all meaningless." Sun Jianping smiled, "Sister-in-law, please take care of yourself. I'm going to go inside and rest!"

"This child..." Li Xiuzhi rolled up her sleeves, grabbed the kitchen knife, swiped it twice to remove the pig skin, and then cut it into pieces. Looking at the thick layer of fat on it, she clicked her lips and cut the pig skin into pieces. Take out the stewed vermicelli with pickled cabbage in the pot and put it aside. Scoop up a spoonful of water to brush the pot, and then add a fire to the stove pit.

After a while, the sound of sizzling meat slices being cooked came from the outer room, and a strong aroma of oil penetrated through the crack in the door and entered the nose of Xiao Yueyue who was sitting on the kang playing Galaha.

"Mom, let's eat meat later!" Xiao Yueyue stood up, looked towards the outhouse through the glass, and shouted excitedly, clapping her little hands.

"Well, eat meat!"

Li Xiuzhi drained the oil from the meat and put it into an enamel teapot with an iron spoon. Two and a half spoonfuls of clear lard came out of more than two kilograms of meat. She poured the pickled cabbage vermicelli she had just stewed into it, stirred it twice, and there was a bang sound. Close the lid.

"Boss, set the table for dinner!"

Li Xiuzhi shouted angrily!
There is meat for lunch today!

Sun Jianping was leading Cao Xingwen to hide in the west room. The two of them were eating canned yellow peaches. He picked up a piece with his chopsticks and put it into the little guy's mouth, stuffing it full.

"Is the canned food delicious?" Sun Jianping rubbed his little head and asked with a smile.

"It's delicious!" Cao Xingwen shouted vaguely, "Brother, it would be great if I could eat canned food every day in the future!"

"Haha, brat!" Sun Jianping pinched his little face, "We men want to have a big future, so eating canned food is nothing. We want to make a lot of money, live in a big house, and marry a beautiful wife..."

"The boss asked you to set the table for dinner, didn't you hear me?" Li Xiuzhi wiped her hands and entered the west room. The two of them raised their heads and smiled.

"Sister-in-law, would you like a piece?"

(End of this chapter)

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