It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 166 It’s time to work! It’s time to work!

Chapter 166 It’s time to work! It’s time to work!

Hao Cuicui used force to force Guan Yonghua to have sex with her, and then used it as a handle to blackmail him into giving up his spot to her?

Then Guan Yonghua is no longer picky about food, and Hao Cuicui looks...

Forget it, don’t speak ill of others.

Sun Jianping yawned and thought of Wang Yumei again.

This guy hasn't replied to me yet. What's going on?
Don't think about it anymore, women only confuse me, and I might as well pay more attention to my horse while I have that time.

The village was quiet, and all the laborers went to the dung pile to dig out the dung. After a winter of retting, the dung had turned brown and soft, and was sticky when you stepped on it. It was considered to be completely fermented.

This is not enough. It cannot be sent directly to the ground. Black soil must be mixed into it and stirred into granules before it can be put into the ground as fertilizer.

The sun shone warmly into the stables, and the horses, which had been well fed and drunk, were standing or lying down. When they saw him coming back, they whinned loudly as a greeting.

Sun Jianping unloaded the carriage, first held the horse's reins, and let the black horse go around in a circle to eliminate its sweat. Then he tied it in the stable and picked up a brush to comb its messy black hair.

Wulongma blinked his two big black glass eyes, and when he wasn't paying attention, he plunged into his coat pocket, took out a fist-sized Guoguang apple from it, bit it open with a click, and the juice splashed everywhere. Sun Jianping looked angry.

"You bastard, have you been targeting it for a long time?" Sun Jianping lifted up his sleeves to wipe the apple juice on his face, and slapped him. He squinted his eyes, bared his teeth, and chewed the apple with his lips moving. The tail was raised to the sky, showing great pride.

When the bay horse saw it, it jumped up and came over, looking at Sun Jianping pitifully. Seeing that he was still lowering his head to brush the black horse's fur, he started to scream angrily!
"I just bought five or six..."

He looked at the other horses basking in the sun, then quietly walked over, took out an apple, looked at no one around, and stuffed it into the maroon horse's mouth.

"eat quickly!"

He fed the apple to the pregnant bay horse like a thief. The bay horse bit it in one bite, chewed it for a few times, bit the apple into pieces, and swallowed it into its belly.

The maroon horse was as happy as a child after eating the apple. The horse's hooves clicked on the bluestone under the manger, and its tail flicked. Sun Jianping just wanted to laugh.

These guys!

The big white horse also put its head over...

"No more, really no more!"

Sun Jianping covered his pockets, turned around and ran away!

"Dad, are there still classes tonight?"

During lunch, Li Xiuzhi served Sun Jianping a full bowl of cornstarch porridge, blew on the hot air and handed it over, "It's hot, Jianping, please be more careful."

"We're still in class. Let's talk about Wang Jingang's level. He glared and read the white character. I know that character. When he pronounced 'mi', this guy just read 'lei'. It's embarrassing!"

"That child Wang Jingang..." Lao Cao sighed, "That's all. The superiors have informed me that the children will go to the team's primary school on March 1st. By the way, old girl, wait a moment. Find two pieces of cloth and make a schoolbag for Xingwen."

"Grandpa, my brother is going to school, why don't you let me go?" Xiao Yueyue stood up, poked her chopsticks with her little hands, and asked with a stern face.

"You are still young, I want a seven-year-old child!" Lao Cao hugged his granddaughter, "My eldest grandson is really rare!"

"Alas!" The little girl didn't care about her grandfather's overtures, and sighed. My brother has gone to school, and my parents have to farm again. No one will play with me anymore!

"Who is the teacher? It would be great if it's Qian Huijun!"

"Qian Huijun is not suitable because her composition is not good. It's the one named Hao Cuicui."

"Why is it her? If Qian Huijun is not worthy, then it must be Tian Guangming?"

"Who knows what has been decided by the superiors!" Lao Cao grabbed his chopsticks and sipped his porridge, listening to the sound of the wind blowing like leaves on the roof, "It's spring, and the wind is blowing again."

Everyone at the dinner table was silent for a moment.

What Lao Cao said is right. Several "poor winds" blew down, and the temperature rose sharply. Even sheepskin coats could no longer wear it. A large amount of melted snow water flowed into the Gulu River. The water level of the river rose sharply, mixed with still... The unmelted ice cubes collided with each other, making a banging sound, and flowed eastward and merged into the rolling Nen River.

There are more clouds in the sky, and many grasses on the sunny slopes have stubbornly sprouted buds, indicating that spring has arrived early in the Greater Khingan Mountains. At the entrance of the team, the iron knots on the big elm tree that had been idle all winter began to clank again!
"Get to work, get to work!"

Early in the morning, Lao Cao stood under the tree, holding an iron rod and clanging against the half-section of the rail he picked up from nowhere, making a crisp metal collision sound.

The villagers yawned and walked out of their houses and gathered at the village headquarters.

"The main task today is to pull the soil from Dongtou Gangzi and come back to mix the manure. Jianping, you are responsible for this..."

Lao Cao cleared his throat and began to assign tasks to everyone, "As for the female comrades, they have to collect firewood from the ground. Otherwise, when the wind blows, the firewood will be scattered all over the sky, and the land will not be plowed. You, Mrs. Xu, are responsible for this." Get up, Lao Cai, Lao Cheng, you two should check the farm tools and hit those that need to be plowed. Spring plowing is about to begin..."

Lao Cao, who was familiar with the road, finished the work and led everyone to pick up shovels, get on the carriage, and go straight to Dongtou Gangzi.

Although it has been very civilized in the past few days, there is still ice below ten centimeters below the surface. Everyone had to shovel off the plant debris on the surface, scoop up the black soil, and load it bit by bit into the car.

After working all morning, they had only loaded two carts of black soil, but everyone was so tired that they stood there wiping sweat.

"Fuck, Lao Cao, you are an old man, you are just tormenting people, and it's still freezing down there!" Wu Laoer muttered dissatisfied, and Lao Cao glared, "Why is it so hard for you to do some work!"

Wu Laoer fell silent.

Sun Jianping was also wiping his sweat, feeling like spring plowing...

It seems more tiring than the autumn harvest!
"Brother Jianping, Uncle Cao, what do you think that is?" Xiao Lu, a child with sharp eyes, saw a small military green jeep entering the village from a distance, which completely confused Old Cao.

Is Yang Wanchun's weakling here again?

It shouldn’t be!

"Oh my god, are King Kong's parents here? They wrote a letter a few days ago saying that they wanted to come over!" Xu Jinshan slapped his thigh, threw away the shovel, and ran into the village in a hurry!

"Let's go back and have a look!"

Everyone ran away in a swarm, making Lao Cao so angry that he shouted that the work was not done yet!

All your work points will be deducted!

Let you have fun!
Sure enough, as Xu Jinshan expected, the visitors were none other than Wang Jingang's parents. The county sent a car specially to deliver them all the way, accompanied by Yang Wanchun.

Wang Jingang's father was a tall man, about fifty years old. Wearing the most fashionable green military uniform, he stood in the crowd like a chicken, causing the villagers to come to see the Western scene.

"Is that Wang Jingang's mother? You are so young! Can you be thirty?"

"No, look at the tender skin, like a small onion, you can squeeze out water!"

"Anyone would believe a twenty-year-old girl..."

"No wonder people in the city are said to be well-kept. Take a look at the little wives in our village. They are all in disgrace. They don't look like other people..."

Women all love beauty. Seeing that Wang Jingang's mother was so young and beautiful, like a peony flower blooming in the dog's tail grass, made the women envious and jealous, and they all started talking in low voices.

"Hello, leader, I'm sorry. We are busy with spring plowing and did not greet the leader. Please bear with me!"

Lao Cao took a few steps forward, held Wang Jingang's father's hand, and greeted him.

"Oh, brother, I don't dare take this. It's all thanks to you for taking care of our King Kong. I want to thank you very much!" Wang Jingang's father is also surnamed Wang. It is said that his name was changed later, and his name was Xuejun.

Wang Xuejun...

Listening to this name, you can get a glimpse of this person's character!
Sun Jianping stood in the crowd, tilting his head and looking at Wang Jingang's parents, who were surrounded by the villagers like stars holding the moon in their arms. He followed Lao Xu and his wife and walked into the Xu family courtyard step by step.

"Jianping, come here!"

Xu Jinshui squeezed out of the crowd, waving the five yuan given to him by Xu Jinshan, "Hurry up and go to the commune, buy something, and entertain the guests!"

(End of this chapter)

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