Chapter 173 It’s so enjoyable!
"Oh my god, there's really some movement!"

Li Xiuzhi held on to the earphones, which made Lao Cao puff out his pipe in a hurry. Two children who were playing in the west room also ran over, scrambling to hear the sound in the earphones.

"Did you make a sound?" Cao Chungui walked in from outside and patted the dirt on his hands. In order to install the radio antenna for his father, he had just risked his life by climbing to the roof and placing the wire on top, almost without stepping on it. Sora fell down.

"There's a sound, Chungui, listen!"

"It really does!" Cao Chungui took the earphones and put them to his ears. He was immediately fascinated and started humming along with the tunes on the radio!

Li Xiuzhi was eager to share this joy with her closest lover. She glanced around and saw her husband's face, which was already red with anger!
"Dad, listen to it, it sounds good!" She laughed dryly, hurriedly snatched the earphones off and handed them to the old man.

Lao Cao took it, put the earphones in the palm of his hand, tilted his head, and listened to the sound that was no louder than the cry of flies, with a satisfied expression on his face!

No wonder they are willing to run to the city. Not only can they eat, drink and live happily in the city, but the most important thing is that they can also listen to this stuff!

In Jianping’s words, what is this spiritual need?
So enjoyable!
Sun Jianping also walked in with a cold look on his face. Seeing him coming in, Lao Cao hurriedly handed over the earphones, "Jianping, listen, there is something going on!"

"Well, the sound of the headphones is still too low. I'll try to find out where to put the whole speaker, so that our whole family can listen together!"

Sun Jianping took the kang broom and slapped the frost on his body, "Uncle Cao, please listen slowly!"

"Grandpa, I want to listen too!"

Before the old man could put the earphones into his ears, Xiao Xingwen came over, held his arm and shook it vigorously, begging.

"My dear grandson, if you want to listen, come and listen with grandpa!"

An old man and a young man sat side by side, tilting their ears and listening to the slight sounds coming from inside, with happy smiles on their faces.

Perhaps this is the good life that the members dream of!

This long night was the first time that Lao Cao stayed up late since the Chinese New Year. The children fell asleep after listening to it for a while. The old man put on his headphones and listened carefully to the sounds coming from inside, humming a small tune until the radio stopped. When there was movement, he took off his earphones, carefully picked up the machine, and looked over it under the moonlight.

Why is there no movement?

"Uncle, what time is it? The radio station has to get off work!" Sun Jianping was shaken awake by him, took the earphones and listened, explaining vaguely.

"Ah... after get off work, I thought it was broken!" The old man yawned, "What time will you be broadcasting tomorrow morning?"

"Let's go to five o'clock!"

"Okay, wait until five o'clock to listen to it, then go to bed!" The old man lay on the buckwheat pillow, still thinking about the sound on the radio in his ears. He let out a happy sound, turned over, and snored loudly like thunder. .

Ever since he got this precious radio, Lao Cao never let it sit idle. He would listen to it every day before going to bed, and he also learned a lot of good things from it.

He asked Director Xu to get him a speaker that was removed from the broadcast speaker, and let Sun Jianping stay on the ore radio. In this way, the sound of the radio was much louder, and he could hear it clearly while sitting on the kang, so there was no need to catch him. He put the earphones to his ears to listen to the sound.

The old man made a small wooden box by himself, and very preciously stuffed the speaker and the ore radio into it. It was a small, square thing, placed on the bed, and it looked no better than the sixty-year-old Xu family. The multi-block red light radio is poor.

The key point is that this thing in my house does not use batteries!
save money!

Since his daughter and Wang Jingang got engaged, and after receiving the "three turns and one ring" betrothal gift, Xu Jinshan was completely elated and took charge. He wore a brand-new shiny all-steel watch and rode a brand-new Forever 28 bicycle around the countryside every day. , when he meets someone, he rings the bell loudly, stamps twice, and walks away in the eyes of passers-by with envy and jealousy!

Lao Xu's self-esteem was greatly satisfied!
As for the sewing machine, Aunt Xu's status in the village has skyrocketed. She has surpassed the first lady, Lao Cao's daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi, and has become a shining star in Ermajia!
"I have been thinking about using two pieces of cloth these days to sew a schoolbag for my child, and just as school is about to start..."

While the production team was gathering firewood, Li Xiuzhi squatted down to drink water and chatted with Chen Peilin's wife.

"It's very tiring to sew by hand. We have a sewing machine at home. Xiuzhi, please take the cloth to my house later. The sewing machine works very quickly. I'll finish it for you in a short while!" Aunt Xu said half-heartedly, half-show off. said.

"No need, it's just a matter of a few injections." Li Xiuzhi laughed with a dark face.

Not enough for you to show off!
"Why don't you, Wife-in-law Peilin, come to our house to listen to the radio these days?" Aunt Xu seemed to think that a mere sewing machine could not express her unique and noble style, and deliberately made excuses.

"Ah, I can't listen to that stuff, my ears are tingling after listening to it."

"Emma, ​​look at you, you've been listening to the radio for two days and you still have trouble. You're just not lucky. I won't let others listen if they want to!" Aunt Xu raised her eyebrows, showing a very proud and proud look.

"Xiuzhi, come over later and listen!"

"No, no, no, we also have a radio at home, and it can accommodate several stations!" Li Xiuzhi took a sip of water and raised her eyebrows.

What are you showing off!

Your family is not as good as ours!

"Did your family also buy a radio?" Aunt Xu was shocked!

Why is your family so poor that you can afford such expensive things?

You are just talking nonsense to me!
"Jianping made it himself, the sound is really bright, and no batteries are needed." Li Xiuzhi smiled calmly, "It didn't cost much in total."

Aunt Xu's face turned red, green, and white as if she had knocked over a paint bottle. She stared at Li Xiuzhi with her old eyes, wondering how much truth or lies there were in her words.

"Okay then, after work, I'll go to your house and listen to the radio!"

"Count me in, so I don't have to waste batteries listening to other people's radios!"

All the women were chattering and carrying guns and sticks, making Mrs. Xu's face turn blue again!
I bother!

I kindly let you listen to the radio, but you heard something bad!

Whether you like it or not, you are a fool!

Aunt Xu angrily carried the rake and walked home. When she arrived at the door of Lao Cao's house, a group of women got into her house. After a while, melodious singing came out!

No way!
What Li Xiuzhi said can't be true!
Did Sun Jianping really build a radio for his family?

With a suspicious look on her face, she stretched her neck and glanced inside. She happened to be seen by Li Xiuzhi who was going out to pour water. She smiled and waved to Aunt Xu, "Auntie, come in and listen!"

"No, no, my second daughter is alone at home. I have to go back and take a look!" Aunt Xu forced a smile, but she was very disapproving in her heart. The broken radio you made yourself can cost more than 60 yuan of ours. Is the light sign radio good?

What’s there to show off!
She returned home angrily and sat on the bed, looking at the radio placed on the cabinet and covered tightly with an embroidered pillowcloth. She was not angry at all, so she simply walked over and turned on the radio. An impassioned voice.


Aunt Xu lay comfortably on the bed, listening to the sound coming from the radio, and slowly closed her eyes.


Suddenly there was a burst of electricity, and the broadcast stopped abruptly!

The radio pinged and a puff of black smoke came out!
(End of this chapter)

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