It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 175 You are also our river god!

Chapter 175 You are also our river god!

"Lao Xu and his wife are obsessed with getting him to be a private teacher, but what will happen in the end?" Lao Cao smiled after listening to his son's account, "They are all trying to catch birds, but no one can succeed."

"My brother wants them to be private teachers and I don't agree with it. What will Erya teach? I'm afraid that I will teach my children to become fools!"

Xu Jincheng also chimed in, and Lao Cao snorted, "Not everyone can do the job of a teacher. I can count the people from eight villages in ten miles around on their fingers. Only Jianping of our family can do it, and everyone else will be in vain!"

"I won't do it!" Sun Jianping smiled and waved his hands, "If I don't teach well, the whole team will poke my spine and scold me."

"If you can't do it, then there's no one else who can do it!" Xu Jincheng looked at it and saw that it was getting late, "Then captain, I'll go back first. Let me know when you buy the pigs and lambs."

"Don't worry I won't leave you behind!"

Lao Cao took a puff from his pipe and responded vaguely.

"Uncle, what are you going to do about the little pig?" Sun Jianping sent Xu Jincheng out of the gate, returned, sat on the kang, and asked him while petting the big civet cat.

"We can't do it now. It's just spring, and the ground is still frozen hard. There aren't even any grass thorns. What's the point of trimming the pigs and lambs? We have to wait until May." Lao Cao turned his head and looked at the sky outside. The sun was shining brightly today, and the clouds were turning sunny. It was a rare good weather.

"Let's go and have a look in the fields!" Lao Cao knocked the grass seeds and dregs out of his shoes, put them on, and led Sun Jianping out.

The world that was originally frozen for thousands of miles now only has a little bit of white snow remaining on the shady slopes. The melted snow water flows out of the yard along the foot of the wall, and slides down the hillside to join the rolling gulu. in the river.

The water level of the Gulu River has increased a lot, and the huge ice blocks are carried by the flowing water, making a banging collision sound, and rushing towards the distant Nen River.

Lao Cao squatted on the bridge, looking thoughtfully at the rolling and colliding ice blocks below.

Relying on this river, we failed to make good use of the water here, and it just ran away in vain. What a huge waste!
I wonder if the canal construction and water diversion work will be completed this year!

Now there is still more than 400 yuan left...

When Lao Cao thought of this, his heart tightened again. He took a puff of cigarette and waved to Sun Jianping, "Jianping, tell me, if we want to dig a canal to divert water, where is the best place to dig from?"

"It definitely can't be here. The bottom here is all sand. It will collapse as soon as the water flows. Even if it is built, the sand will wash into the channel and it will be silted up in a few years. You have to find a river with a stone bottom and divert water from there... …”

The two of them walked upstream along the river, and after walking a full three to four hundred meters, Sun Jianping stopped, squatted down, and used his hands to peel away the thawed topsoil, revealing the bluestone texture underneath.

"Let's open a canal from here and go all the way south to the saline-alkali land of the old temple in Xiawa." Sun Jianping stood up and gestured to the south. Lao Cao looked carefully again and nodded slightly.

"I have calculated that the total length of diverting water from here to the lower depression is about three miles. It is closer and more convenient than from other places, and the cost of canal repair can also be kept to a minimum."

"Then what do you think should be done to repair this canal?" Lao Cao wanted to hear his opinion.

"There are two ways. One is to build a dam on the Gulu River to raise the water level, and then build a canal to lead it to the south. If we do this, the land in our village and even the surrounding villages can be irrigated, but the cost It’s too high; secondly, we need to take advantage of the terrain and open a canal directly from the river to lead it out. The amount of water is small, but it is enough to irrigate the saline-alkali land.”

"If we really build a dam, our river channel is not good enough. We have to go up to Xiaoxi Mountain Nagada..." Lao Cao decisively rejected this time-consuming and labor-intensive but effective method, and took advantage of our hard work. The money earned goes to Xiaoxishan Village to build a dam, and the credit goes to others?

I, Lao Cao, must be completely stupid! "Let's just do it like this. Calculate what we need to buy and hurry up. Tomorrow happens to be your time to send a telegram. I'll go to the commune to pay out the 1,000 yuan for water conservancy. It's almost spring, and it's time to weigh the scales. !”


Sun Jianping took a closer look at the terrain, but it was a pity that he didn't have a spirit level. Otherwise, he could have measured the height of the river here and the lower depression there.

But this did not trouble him. After he went back, he found a few pine branches, tied up the wood, and made more than a dozen torches. When it was dark, he stepped on the slightly frozen road and led Xiao Xingwen to Go down to the depression, light the torches, and lay them all the way to the Gulu River.

The burning torch gave off a blazing light, illuminating the blue sky with orange. Xiao Xingwen stood by the river, rubbing his frozen hands, looking at this spectacle with excitement.

Lao Cao came over with a pipe in his mouth and watched him use a torch to position himself and observe the terrain of the aqueduct that was about to be constructed.

Sun Jianping lay on the ground and squinted his eyes at the torches arranged in a straight line. In this way, it was clear where the terrain was high and where the terrain was low.

"This kid's brain is out of control!" Zhang Ziyi, Xu Jinshui and others arrived at some unknown time. When they saw the torches connected in front of them, they suddenly realized!
As expected of someone who has read a lot of books, he has a very smart mind!
This move is something we can’t think of even if we are exhausted!

After determining the terrain, Sun Jianping dug several holes with a shovel and marked them. Then he removed the torch, stamped it out, and threw it aside.

"You're so naive!" Lao Cao came up to him, patted the grass thorns on his clothes and gave him a thumbs up.

good boy!
"This is not my own creation. I imitated the method of watching lanterns and fires by Mr. Wang Tongchun, who developed the back set, to identify the height of the terrain."

Wang Tongchun?
Lao Cao was stunned, who is this person?

"It takes three days and three nights to talk about this man!" Sun Jianping once read Wang Tongchun's deeds in a book at home, so he was quite impressed. He opened canals and reclaimed wasteland in Houtao to benefit the people. , revered as the river god by the locals.

"If you build this canal, you will also be our river god!" Wang Liansheng smiled and was glared at by Lao Cao, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Liansheng hurriedly shut up.

"Uncle Cao, that's what I think. It's not enough for us to bring water from above. We have to build a drainage pit below so that if there is too much water, it can be drained out in time..."

After returning home, Sun Jianping simply drew a set of water conservancy drawings with the help of the faint light of the oil lamp, "Look, there is this big pit over the lower depression, which can collect all the excess water. If there is a heavy rain, Not afraid of waterlogging..."

Lao Cao held his pipe in his mouth, took the drawings and looked over them over and over. Everyone also leaned their heads to look left and right, and felt that Sun Jianping was right!

The water diversion is not complete yet, we still have to consider what to do if too much water is diverted?
It’s not like we’ve soaked up all that land!

How can you sow shitty rice!
Busy work in vain!
 I can’t remember what I ate last night. Now when I burp, it smells like gasoline. I suspect that I drank gasoline instead of water in the middle of the night.

  If there is no update at this point tomorrow, please help me call the emergency number.

(End of this chapter)

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