Chapter 198 makes me awesome!
"Emma Jianping, you have helped me a lot!"

Lao Zhang was worried that he had no money to make a living. There were only two pigs for more than 3,000 people. If they were spread out equally, one person would be able to get a piece the size of a fingernail. Besides, we couldn’t just make a whole dish. We had to make some soup for everyone to drink. The mouth is hot.

Zhang Ziyi immediately called his wife over to help him, and beat the eggs into a large basin. A hundred pounds of eggs filled the large basin. Zhang Ziyi first took the fat pork fat, poured out the fat, and then cooked it. Pour the eggs into the remaining oil in the pot, then sprinkle the remaining oil on the spinach and green onions and stir-fry. Suddenly, a rich aroma wafted over the construction site, causing the villagers who came to volunteer to stop their work. He took a hard breath and sniffed hard.

"It's Old Brother Zhang who is in charge!"

"That's it, we have something good to chew on at noon today!"

The villagers were all beaming with joy, and they waved the shovels and hoes in their hands more vigorously!

With the sound of dinner being served, the workers at the construction site rushed to the river with a roar. The oversized iron pot brought from the Taipingshan Brigade was stewed with fragrant pickled pork, cooked pork, blood sausage, and pork liver. , pig lungs, pork bones... cut them into thin slices, stir them together, and beat whatever they hit.

Scrambled eggs with scallions and oil are so fragrant that they hit your nose. Everyone is given a small spoonful, just to taste it, but the egg soup is enough, so you can drink as much as you like!

The villagers sat in the saline-alkali land, holding the aluminum lunch boxes and enamel basins they brought, gnawing on the steaming corn pancakes, picking out a piece of pork from the sauerkraut and stuffing it into their mouths, closing their eyes, and slowly enjoying the rare meaty taste.

"Hold it carefully and don't scatter it. Go and eat it!"

Li Xiuzhi made some pork and pickled cabbage soup for the children and asked Xiao Xingwen to lead them to the village to eat. She turned around and saw Sun Jianping busy behind Lao Huang. She hurriedly picked up two large pancakes and chased after him, stuffing them into his hands. , "Brother, hurry up and catch up, we still have a whole afternoon to go through!"

"I know, sister-in-law." Sun Jianping took a bite. It should be said that Uncle Zhang did work in the big restaurant, and even the big pancakes he made were more delicious than those made by ordinary people.

"Now that we have driven one mile, we need to focus on this corner. How much cement is left? Use wire to build the frame, mix it with concrete, and bury it here. This is the stress point of the river water impact, and it must be reinforced... …”

Professional people do professional things. With Lao Huang, the "old right" here, everyone can carry out the canal repair work in an orderly manner according to his instructions, getting twice the result with half the effort.

There was another round of cannon fire in the afternoon, and Sun Jianping also followed the crowd, picking up two baskets of clay still covered with ice, and carrying it far away with his long legs.

At first, he felt okay after working for a while, but he felt more and more pain in his shoulders from being rubbed by the pole. He quietly opened his clothes and took a look. His fair shoulders were already red from the pressure, and the skin was abraded in some places. When he touched it with his hand, Hissing pain.

Black horses, big white horses, curly horses...even small donkeys were put into battle. The two-horse stables were all mobilized, pulling cart after cart of heavy alkaline soil, and everyone was panting from exhaustion.

Sun Jianping rubbed his shoulders, took off his handbags and put them on his shoulders, picked up the pole and continued to work!
Little Yueyue was using all her strength to move the rubbish!

How could a man like me show his cowardice?
Sun Jianping was carrying a pole while walking among the crowd. He was looking for his mortal enemy Wang Jingang.

You bastard, if I don't mess with you when I get the chance, I'll write the character "grandson" backwards!
"What are you doing!"

Sun Jianping saw Wang Jingang flirting with a little girl from another village, and with a playful smile, he quietly walked over and kicked him hard on the butt!
Wang Jingang was kicked so hard that he staggered down in the dirt, choking on the alkaline clay noodles in his mouth. He cursed and got up. When he saw that the person who kicked him was his lifelong enemy Sun Jianping, he became furious!
"What are you doing Sun Jianping!"

"What am I doing? Didn't you see that I was working?" Vice Captain Sun patted the pole on his shoulder in an airy manner, "I want to ask you what he is doing here! Are you patting your mother-in-law?"

"Brother Wang, what do you mean by patting a mother-in-law?" the silly little girl asked Wang Jingang with a confused look. Wang Jingang glared, "She's just a virgin!"

"Ah, Brother Wang, you want to have a relationship with me!" The little girl suddenly blushed with shame. This Brother Wang is not an ordinary person. I heard that his father is still a high-ranking official in the capital. If you want to have a relationship with him, You can get me a city registered residence in the future!
"Your mother!"

"My mother?" The little girl looked confused. "My mother agrees. She even smiled at us just now!"

Wang Jingang rolled his eyes at her with a speechless expression, "Go and get lost!"

"Brother Wang, come and find me later!"

"Well, let's wait!"

Wang Jingang glanced at Sun Jianping angrily, "This kid is like his mother's disaster star. As long as he appears, I will definitely be in bad luck!"
"Bastard, if I tell the Xu family about this, can Xu Erya's brothers kill you? Can they?"

Sun Jianping's tone suddenly increased by three points!
"Yes!" Wang Jinjiang muttered angrily, and received another slap on the butt from Sun Jianping, "Go and pick dirt! If you continue to cheat and seduce other girls, believe it or not, I will castrate you!"

"Go to hell..." Wang Jingang cursed in a low voice, and Sun Jianping glared, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"I said thank you!"

"piss off!"

Sun Jianping kicked Wang Jinguang's butt contentedly, enjoying the happiness that a small amount of power brought to him. Haha, we are doing justice to God, allowing Wang Jinguang to cleanse his dirty heart in the heavy labor, change his mind and start a new life!
But it makes me awesome!
Put your hands on your hips!
Late at night, Lao Cao asked someone to light up the pine trees, which illuminated the three-mile-long construction site. From a distance, it looked like an orange light belt, revealing a different kind of beauty.

After eating pork and sauerkraut pancakes, everyone spat on their hands and started burning the midnight oil to fight.

Sun Jianping sat on a ridge made of alkaline soil, rubbing his shoulder that was bruised by the pole, and asked Lao Cao, "Uncle, do you have to work another day tomorrow?"

"It can't be done in one day, it will take at least two days." Lao Cao frowned in worry. Three thousand people feeding horses in two days is not a small number!

"Today, Director Yang from the commune sent us two big fat pigs. We have to remember this favor. Then there is the 100 catties of eggs that Jianping bought. Now how much do eggs cost per catty? It's 80 cents. That's 80 yuan. , how much corn noodles did we eat today?"

Lao Cao calculated the food bill with his fingers. Zhang Ziyi hummed, "Two thousand catties!"

"Hurry up and find someone to grind the rebate grain and the livestock feed grain overnight. Just make it through tomorrow..." Lao Cao held the small wooden box and took out the money with trembling hands, "Jianping, you buy it. I’ll give you 80% of the eggs first, and I’ll buy some tomorrow. You can negotiate the price with the supply and marketing cooperative. Let’s just say that we are engaged in a big battle for farmland infrastructure. Can it be cheaper? You have to say..."

"Uncle, please keep it first, I have money here!" Sun Jianping smiled and pushed back the money he handed over. Lao Cao's face darkened, "Take it, whether it is public or private, how can I let you spend money! "

"OK then!"

Sun Jianping had no choice but to take the money and stuff it into his pocket, "What food are you preparing for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow you go to the supply and marketing cooperative to see what's cheaper, and then go to the river to stew some fish. Save whatever you can..." Zhang Ziyi muttered, "Why don't you see Lao Xu after a busy day? This old kid ran away again. Where did you get so horny?"

"I asked him to look at the village. Everyone in this village has gone out to work. If a thief sneaks in..."

Zhang Ziyi curled his lips in disdain, "Our village is so poor that we have nothing to steal. Why are you afraid that people will tease away those pickled vegetables in your vat!"

"Haha, Uncle San's sauerkraut is gone, he made them all today!" Li Xiuzhi smiled, making Zhang Ziyi blush.

"It's the same for your father. We have to spend time repairing the canals. The food hasn't come in yet, so what are we going to give them to eat?" Zhang Ziyi complained, and Lao Cao stared at him, "Well, let's wait until the farming season to repair it. After the farming season, then what? You’re sowing shitty rice!”

"You know, I can't resist you. Please arrange tomorrow's meals. Jianping and I will hurry up and make preparations." Zhang Ziyi urged helplessly.

"Dad, third uncle!" Cao Chungui hurried in with a mean smile on his face. He grabbed Sun Jianping's arm and touched the wound on his shoulder, grinning in pain.

"Brother, let's go to the river and watch the fun!"

"What's wrong, brother?"

"What's the matter? The two of them were caught running around wearing broken shoes!"

Why is this happening!

Sun Jianping looked troubled!
"Let's go and see!"

He grabbed his shoes and ran out in a hurry!

(End of this chapter)

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