It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 207 I will knock him to death with a wooden stick!

Chapter 207 I will knock him to death with a wooden stick!

Aunt Cai was sitting behind the counter, holding a handkerchief and retching twice, her face turned sallow and ugly.

She is an older mother, and it is not easy to conceive a child at this age. Her health has not been good since she was pregnant, and it was very difficult for her as an expectant mother.

"Little bastard, you're not even born yet, so you're going to torture your mother and me for thirteen times, and I won't spank you when you come out!"

Aunt Cai took a sip of brown sugar water and felt better. She rubbed her belly and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a loving smile.

What mother doesn't love her child?
"Aunt Cai!"

Sun Jianping and Zhang Ziyi entered the door one after another. Aunt Cai saw him with a smile on her face and hurriedly stood up with her hands on the counter, "Jianping is here, what do you want to buy?"

"Isn't this the construction of a canal for Xiaoxi Mountain? Team leader Yang asked us to be responsible for the food. Come buy some things from you. We have to go to the grain depot to buy food later..."

"That's great, you two are now the housekeepers!" Aunt Cai walked up to Sun Jianping with a smile and helped him straighten the messy hair around his cheeks, "You, salt, sauce, vinegar, sugar, matches... this kind Mr. Zhang, you have a good background. By the way, do you want some mushrooms? They were just collected from the forest farm."

Zhang Ziyi hummed and began to select. Sun Jianping followed him and helped move it to the car. After a while, half of the car was loaded.

"That's all the pork?" Zhang Ziyi walked to the meat stall and frowned at the remaining piece of pork, which was no more than the size of an aluminum lunch box. Aunt Cai smiled, "Our commune is small and the people are poor. No one can afford it. When it comes to pork, even people’s food stations are willing to set up one here. If you want to buy a whole pig, don’t worry about it. It’s expensive and you have to contact us to transfer the goods. I’ll make a note for you and you can go to the commune pig farm. It’s cheaper there.”

"Then thank you, sister!"

"My fellow villagers, what can I thank you for?" Aunt Cai picked up a pen and wrote a note, "Go to the pig farm to find the director named Zhao and give him the note."

"Okay, then I'll hurry up and get there. There are thousands of people waiting to eat over there!"

"Slow down on the road!"

Aunt Cai sent them to the door and watched them get on the carriage and drive away. Then she slowly turned back, picked up the bill for the goods she had just sold and glanced at it. She thought about what Team Leader Yang said yesterday when he came to buy things. The grand talk of having water canals connected to every village in the commune made me feel a little frightened.

Just toss it, just toss it to death!

The more you work, the poorer you become!
At that time, there was a call from the superiors to "raise pigs on a large scale", so almost every commune had a pig farm.

Durki Commune is not large, and the pig farm is right behind the commune. Sun Jianping drove the carriage and turned around a small alley to reach the main entrance of the pig farm.

He raised his head and walked away from the commune, good guy!

Three brand-new Dongfanghong 28 wheeled tractors produced by the Changchun Tractor Factory are parked quietly in the yard. The red body of the tractor is reflected by the sun.

The two men entered the commune pig farm and gave Aunt Cai's note to the farm director named Zhao. Soon, the two big black pigs with fat heads and big ears were tied up by the horses and weighed. When I got to the car, I kept moaning and groaning.

Both pigs weighed more than 230 kilograms. They were inspected first-class. According to the price of 60 cents per kilogram, Lao Zhang counted the money to Director Zhao.

"You two are responsible for the food for repairing the canal? That's a fat job!" Director Zhao took the money, spat on his fingers, checked it over, and stuffed the money into his jacket pocket after confirming that it was correct, hehe He smiled and said, "Isn't it a hot day? There are two pigs that are having trouble and won't eat. I'm thinking of getting rid of them. Do you want them? If so, I'll sell them to you cheaper."

Lao Zhang frowned when he heard this, "Put it down, who can take the responsibility if you get a bad stomach? Okay, Lao Zhao, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to hurry back. The folks are waiting to eat!"

"Go, go! Slow down on the road!"

Old Zhao rubbed his fingers and looked at the carriage in the distance and pouted, "Who are you?"
You deserve to be poor for the rest of your life! Sun Jianping drove the carriage, and Zhang Ziyi followed behind him. He looked at the two big fat pigs lying on the carriage and swayed back and forth like dough. He was counting on his fingers how to make everyone have a piece of pork. Suddenly he slapped Thighs, bad!

Forgot to buy eggs!
"Jianping, stop, let's go back and buy eggs right away!"

Sun Jianping smiled, opened a pile of condiments piled in front of the carriage, and pointed at the Sanshui eggs inside, "I already carried them on the carriage!"

"You kid, how can you spend money on government affairs? Tell me how much you want, and I will give you the money!"

When Zhang Ziyi saw the egg, his expression softened a little and he scolded Sun Jianping.

"This rice dumpling weighs thirty-five kilograms, and the total is one hundred kilograms. According to the price of sixty cents per kilogram, you can give me sixty cents!"

"Okay, sixty, right?" Zhang Ziyi counted out six big unity sheets and handed them over, "These are almost enough. Let's soak the mushrooms and stew them with the pork. It can be considered a dish."

"Well, how about the staple food?"

"Our team has more than two thousand kilograms of corn noodles left. We will bring them over later and convert them according to the price. Then I will ask your uncle Cao to send two people to the grain depot to buy resold grain. If you are greedy, you will waste it. Otherwise, what will you eat tomorrow? ah!"

Sun Jianping nodded. As expected of someone who had worked in a big hotel, he managed this set of things in an orderly manner!

He shook his whip and cracked it, urging the black horse to run quickly!

Thousands of people are waiting to eat!
At twelve o'clock at noon, the steaming mushroom stewed pork finally came out of the pot. The moment the pot lid was opened, the aroma suddenly wafted far away. The migrant workers who were working stopped what they were doing and took a deep breath. Tone!

"Is Lao Zhang in charge again today?"

"Only he can have this skill!"

"Emma is in for a treat at noon!"

On the other side, the steaming hot steamed buns are also out, arranged in rows, like countless golden little golden bumps. At first glance, they are very beautiful!
"Hey, the food is good today!" Yu Changhai walked over with a donkey face, grabbed a big iron spoon and stirred the pork stewed with mushrooms in the pot, picked up a fat piece of meat and threw it into his mouth, which was very hot. He breathed out.

Zhang Ziyi stared at him like a knife with a pair of tiger eyes, which made Yu Changhai feel scared. He laughed dryly and put down the spoon, "You guys are busy first, I will go over there and take a look!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

"Uncle, uncle!" Sun Jianping tugged at the corner of Zhang Ziyi's clothes, then pulled the angry old Zhang back and snatched the wooden coffin from his hand, "Do you still want to knock him to death with a piece of wood?"

"Fuck, it's like this, right now, going back twenty years, I'm going to put a white knife in and a red knife out!" Zhang Ziyi threw away the wooden fork in his hand angrily and cursed.

"You... we have to be strategic. Let me tell you something. When you passed the commune just now, did you see those three tractors?"

"I saw it, what happened?"

"What do you do..."

(End of this chapter)

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