It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 210: The little bastard gave you face, right?

Chapter 210: The little bastard gave you face, right?

"I heard people say that it is not easy to become a tractor driver. Not only do you need to be recommended by the brigade, but you also have to take the driver's license test. If you fail the test, you will not be able to be a driver. I only studied to a certain grade. Now the words in the newspaper I can’t even recognize it, I…”

Zhang Fucai said aggrievedly. Before Lao Zhang could say anything, Liu Guiying pinched Zhang Fucai's ear, her face turned red, "Brother Fucai, you are so screwed. Others can pass the driver's examination, why can't you? You are Is someone missing an arm or a leg? If you say such depressing words again, I won’t date you anymore!”

Sun Jianping stood behind, with his arms folded in front of his chest, smiling as he watched the two young men noisy, and secretly gave a thumbs up. They said that Northeastern women are fierce and tough, and they dare to fight and do things. As expected, they are honest!

Despite her young age, Liu Guiying is quite capable of taking charge of her own affairs.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Zhang Fucai rubbed his ears, "I'll take the test. Isn't it okay if I take the driver's license test? Don't stop dating me!"

"Then let's make an agreement..." At such a young age, Liu Guiying was able to play around with giving a sweet date a slap in the face. Zhang Ziyi was both happy and depressed at the same time!
That’s all!
Let a little girl control the film in a daze!
Not at all as majestic as your father or me!
The seeds born by foreign women are not as good as the local ones, so they can’t stand up!

"Uncle Zhang, let's go over there and have a look!" The two little guys were talking and laughing, waving their hands with Zhang Ziyi, and ran away to play.

"Jianping, what do you think of these two children?" Lao Zhang took a sip from a large enamel bowl placed on the pot table and asked Sun Jianping with a smile.

He is one hundred and twenty satisfied with Liu Guiying, his daughter-in-law.


Sun Jianping also admired Liu Guiying very much. Although she was young, she was straightforward and decisive in doing things, and she had the demeanor of a heroic woman.

"I'm quite taken with the idea, but I didn't expect that Lao Xu got it right and did a good thing for me!"

When Cao Cao arrived, Xu Jinshan wandered over, sat next to Lao Zhang, and rubbed his sore arms, "There is still a bowl of mushroom soup that I haven't been given."

"It's all in the pot and serve it yourself!"

Xu Jinshan rolled his eyes at him, stood up, opened the lid of the pot, served himself a bowl of vegetables with less mushrooms and more meat, grabbed two pieces of steamed cake from the basket next to him, and squatted on the ground to devour them.

"Your son-in-law has become the deputy commander-in-chief of the project, so he didn't arrange a light job for you, the father-in-law?" Zhang Ziyi smiled and teased, Xu Jinshan said twice, "Don't be such a bastard, that kid belongs to You are so stubborn, I told him that ordinary people can't repair the canals, so I have to invite Professor Huang to come, but he glared at me and told me to fan him from a distance, so as not to delay his progress!"

The more Lao Xu thought about it, the angrier he became. He took a big bite of the cake and stared into the distance with his eyes wide open.

"That kid King Kong... what can I say? Your family treats him as a treasure. If I have a daughter, I won't give it to him even if I marry that idiot Fan!"

Zhang Ziyi didn't mind stabbing Lao Xu's injured little heart again.

"Fuck, nagging is useless, it's all raw rice and cooked rice..." Old Xu also regretted it now, but thinking about the identity and strength of Wang Jingang's parents, as well as the betrothal gift given by others, he felt relieved. , Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, let him do whatever he wants!

If you are not prepared, you can really make a difference!

Compared to Lao Xu's complaints, Wang Jingang is now very majestic. He is standing on the mound commanding this and that. The uncles, elders, captains and party secretaries are all rolling around, and they all roll their eyes at him.

What the hell!

Use chicken feathers as arrows!
Even Team Leader Yang is polite when talking to people like us!
"Who, Lao Wang, asked your brigade to clear the soil in the ditch, and you just stopped working as soon as it got dark? Why are you waiting for me to do it! One by one..."

Wang Jingang put his hands on his hips and ordered Captain Wang of the Laohugou Brigade of Duerji Commune to make Captain Wang so angry that his brain jumped!

You little bastard gave you face, right? But Wang Jinganghu was pretending to be a tiger, so he could only swallow his anger and call on the people in his brigade to clear the dirt out of the channel.

At the end of the day, this canal, which is four miles long, has been built. Unlike the Ermajia canal, this canal has no diversion dam or reservoir, it is just a straight ditch. You can live your life before it gets dark.

Since the migrant workers were mobilized within the commune, there was no need to arrange accommodation for the migrant workers. It was almost six o'clock in the evening. After dinner, the migrant workers all got on the oxen, horses and donkey carts of the village's own team and drove back. Sun Jianping also got ready. Carriage, greet Qian Huijun, Zhou Wei and others to go back.

After arriving home, all the villagers who had been tired for a day lay down to rest. Only Sun Jianping had to go to the stable to serve his "soldiers".

The horses were also very tired. They had been pulling dirt on the construction site for a day, and after entering the stables, they lay on the ground unable to get up.

Sun Jianping took advantage of Lao Cheng's inattention and fed each horse two eggs to supplement their nutrition.

The black horse was also lying on the ground, squinting his eyes as if sleeping. He saw Sun Jianping mixing the fodder, flexing his hooves and rubbing against the manger, lowering his head and taking a few bites, staring straight at his coat pocket.

"You are so greedy!"

Sun Jianping had no choice but to take out an apple. This was the apple that Yao Zhongping bought for everyone when he was in the county town last time. He "copied" it, and now there are not many left.

Wulongma bared his big teeth happily and took it in his mouth. With a click, he bit the apple into pieces, and the juice splashed, making Sun Jianping's face ache.

"It's delicious and don't cause trouble!"

Sun Jianping rubbed the ears of his beloved horse and inspected the stable again, then yawned and went back to Uncle Cao's house to sleep.

The old man was lying on the kang after a tiring day, snoring like thunder, and the radio in his ear was still buzzing with sound. Sun Jianping quietly helped him turn off the radio, but the old man suddenly woke up.

He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said, "Emma, ​​I was eating pig's trotters in my dream just now!"

"Haha, Uncle Cao, you are missing pig's trotters. I will find a way to get them back for you tomorrow."

The old man felt sleepy as soon as he woke up. He took out his cigarette bag, lit it, and started smoking.

"Jianping, tell me, why do I feel that the canal is not repaired properly?" Lao Cao muttered, "You said that the canal we built was delicate. Look at the canal they built today. It is straight. Ditch, I see, even water can’t be diverted through it.”

"There's nothing we can do about it, Team Leader Yang is a layman!" Sun Jianping picked at his feet, brought it up to the tip of his nose and smelled it, "We have to invite Professor Huang over, otherwise all the money invested will be in vain."

"It's not that bad. How much did you spend on eating today?"

"One thousand yuan has not been spent, and there is still more than fifty left. Let me tell you, Uncle Cao, Yu Changhai is nothing. Uncle Zhang and I..."

Sun Jianping recounted what happened in the accountant's office at the team headquarters, and Lao Cao was delighted, "Everyone spends the public money. You can use it and I can take it too. Who doesn't want to help me get some?"

"Yes." Sun Jianping nodded with deep understanding. Otherwise, Yu Changhai, a mere brigade captain, would dare to blatantly deduct food expenses?
It’s just...

While the two men were chatting, there was a knock on the door outside, "Old Cao, Lao Cao, get up and have a few words with you!"

"What's going on!"

Lao Cao's heart skipped a beat. If there wasn't something life-threatening in the middle of the night, no one would come to him!
(End of this chapter)

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