It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 231 We have talented people in our 2-horse rack!

Chapter 231 We have talented people in our two-horse fight!
The walk-behind tractor started, and Sun Jianping, who was somewhat unfamiliar with driving the tractor and pulling the rake, entered the muddy saline-alkali land after draining the water.

But after running back and forth for a few times, he will be able to master it!

What Huang Lao said is still good: All the principles in the world are the same, and a smart person can always know everything. In just a few hours, he can use the hand tractor as skillfully as an experienced driver, raking the ground, Turning corners, digging ridges...the whole set of operations was so smooth that Lao Cao nodded repeatedly!

Smart people do things more efficiently than ordinary people!

Look at the few ridges of land they have raked for you... They are square and square, with the same depth and depth. That's called a straight line!
Sun Jianping parked the tractor beside him and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Look at this posture, Lao Cui is not planning to come!"

"Whether he wants to come or not, it's a good idea if he doesn't come, let's deal with it ourselves!" Lao Cao said this with confidence!
No one is stupid. He has already figured out what old Cui An is thinking. He just wants to take advantage of these old farmers and squeeze some oil from them. Anyway, you can't play with a walking tractor without me. , won’t you still have to beg me to rake your ground in the end?

But he was wrong!
There are capable people in the two-horse rack!

"Shu Cao will take care of the arrangements for my production team. I will harrow the land so that we can plant. If we don't miss the farming season, we will be in trouble this year!"

"That's right, that's right, you can do the important things first. I'll arrange for Peilin to do it over there. Fucai, Fucai, this kid..."

Lao Cao called Zhang Fucai, "You are here to give your brother a try, and learn from it by the way. Don't take it like a joke. If you can't learn it, see if your father doesn't whip you!"

"I know, uncle, I will definitely study hard!" Zhang Fucai smiled naively, strung a string of bird-shooting clips, and carried them on his back.

"A man who is about to get married is still thinking about a child." Lao Cao rubbed his forehead, "You guys hurry up and get ready, I'm going to farm!"

Sun Jianping hummed, and with Zhang Fucai, he started to get nervous and busy again.

Lao Cui lay on the bed of his own bed and slept until the afternoon. When his wife came into the house carrying half a bag of unfinished corn seeds and saw that he was still lying on the bed, his wife was not polite and stretched out her hand to pull off the quilt and put it on his buttocks. He came up and slapped me, "Get up, what time has it been!"

"Don't make any noise, I'm tired!" Lao Cui waved his hands impatiently. His wife couldn't tolerate him, so she pinched his ear, which made Lao Cui squeal in pain, "What are you doing? I'll just close my eyes for a while." , this guy pinched and kicked me!"

"Didn't the director ask you to help that village in the north? Why didn't you go today?"

"What are you doing? Those farmers have no eyesight at all. As long as they give me a cannon, I will do their job for them. They are all blind and blind, and they don't even light a cigarette. Damn my legs!"

"I've heard people tell you, the leader, that the village captain seems to be some kind of relative of our farm director. It doesn't matter if you offend them. If someone files a complaint to the farm director, won't you be afraid that the farm director will give you little shoes to wear? Last time, because of Maotao's incident, The field director has a problem with your boss!"

"Okay, okay, stop mumbling. Do those old farmers have the guts to complain to the farm director? I'll lend him some courage!" The guy changed to a more comfortable position, covered himself with the quilt again, and pulled it over A pack of cigarettes was lit and started smoking.

"Besides, how can those guys with their head full of sorghum seeds know how to control a tractor? Just wait, they are the ones who are anxious, and everything they plant after the farming season is in vain!"

"Why are you really waiting for someone to come to your door with a gift and beg you?"

"What have you been chatting about for a long time!" Lao Cui smiled, "If he doesn't give me a shot to draw some blood, I really won't do this job for him!"

"Then you lie down on the kang and wait, I'm going to the ground!" Lao Cui's wife glared at her man, turned around and walked out.

"Give me a bowl of water, I'm thirsty!" Lao Cui shouted while lying on the bed, pulling his neck.

"I haven't finished serving you day by day!"

The wife's complaints came from the outhouse.

The moon climbed up to the top of the willow tree, and Xiao Xingwen took his sister's little hand to the side of the salt-alkali land. He watched with curiosity on his face as his dear "brother" controlled the little steel monster to turn the flat salt-alkali land up.

"Brother, that thing is so powerful!"

Xiao Yueyue squatted on the ground, grabbed a handful of turned up soil, kneaded it into a ball, and threw it into the ditch far away, creating a wave of waves and making her giggle.

"No, Grandpa said this is a walking tractor. You don't even need to feed it with fodder. You can run for a whole day with just a little oil!"

"So awesome! Then brother, if you drink some oil, you can run for a day!"

Xiao Xingwen rolled his eyes at his sister, making the little girl laugh. She stretched out her little hand and rubbed the delicate clay on his face. "I'll beat you if you cause trouble again!"

"Hehehe, I can't fight, I can't fight!"

The two children started playing around. Sun Jianping drove the tractor to the edge of the field, looked at a quarter of the saline-alkali land that had been leveled, and sighed softly.

After driving for a day, Shuimi didn’t hit his teeth!

At the end of the day, my hands and feet feel like they are shaking!

"Fucai, do you understand?" He lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead and asked Zhang Fucai, who had been following the car to observe and study. Zhang Fucai nodded vigorously, "We're close, brother Jianping, let me get in the car and give it a try! "

"Well, you try to run two laps first. We will work on the same shift tonight. People park cars all the time. Hurry up and finish this work."

"Okay brother!"

Zhang Fucai is a kid with a straight heart, but that doesn't mean he is stupid. He imitated Sun Jianping's movements. After getting on the hand-held tractor, he held the handle like riding a bicycle, stepped on the accelerator, and gently stepped on the hand-held tractor. The tractor rumbled to life and moved forward along a straight line.

The farmers who had finished their work all ran to the saline-alkali land to watch the excitement. Listening to the roar of the small walking tractors, they all looked envious.

In rural areas, tractor drivers are not ordinary people!
That is a proper technical talent!

Not to mention the squad leader, even the commune director had to smile when he saw it!

"Your old man did well in college!"

Xu Jinshui squatted next to Zhang Ziyi, exchanged heat with him, smoked a cigarette and laughed.

"Just that thing!" Zhang Ziyi said lightly, but he was delighted in his heart!

Boss, this kid...

Follow me!

The brain works!

Sun Jianping picked up a bucket of oil from the side of the truck. After working for a day, he had refilled the oil three times. It seemed that he would have to use up all the oil tonight, and he would have to go to the commune to buy more.

"Sister-in-law, have you gone to the greenhouse to see how the rice is sprouting?" Sun Jianping asked hurriedly when he saw Li Xiuzhi running over with an enamel basin.

"I haven't had time to look at it yet. You should eat your food first!"

She pulled off the headscarf covering the enamel basin, and Sun Jianping took a look in the moonlight. Oh my god, it turned out to be chicken stewed with mushrooms!

“Where did the chicken come from?”

"Your eldest brother caught it with a trap. Eat it quickly. Do you have to work all night tonight?" Li Xiuzhi looked at the walking tractor in the distance. "This kid Fucai has been working hard for a while, and he got used to it so quickly!"

"That's right, don't even look at who his master is!" Sun Jianping chuckled, picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth.

"That's right. If it weren't for my elder brother, this land would still be deserted!" When Li Xiuzhi saw this saline-alkali land, she thought of the rice waves in her hometown, which aroused a touch of homesickness.

I was originally thinking about going home and asking some farmers to help the villagers plant rice, but now it seems that there is no need!

Jianping alone can take care of everything!

He can even use a walking tractor!

(End of this chapter)

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