Chapter 233 That’s seven thousand yuan!

"Why is your car still so dirty?"

Chief Zou was so angry that his mind was pounding. What are my subordinates doing?
"I, I didn't check it either, so... it must be the fault of the Ermajia gang, who deliberately caused problems with the car and made me look embarrassed!"

Lao Cui is so angry!

I am a big living person, a big man weighing 100 pounds, but he was dragged away by a tractor and even jumped over a wall. If this spreads out, I will be shameless in the future!
"Tow the car back and give it a good check!"

Director Zou was so angry that he almost shut himself down!
After the inspection, there was nothing wrong with the car, which could only be attributed to Lao Cui's poor driving skills.

"Okay, stop being a tractor driver. There's no need for you to go to that field. Go get some corn seeds with your wife!"

Director Zou unceremoniously demoted Lao Cui, a technical talent, three levels in a row, to the most basic farm worker. Now Lao Cui could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood, grunted, and walked out dejectedly.

"What are you doing, Uncle Zhang? If you don't take care of this grandson, he really thinks we are easy to bully!"

Sun Jianping, Zhang Ziyi and Zhang Fucai stood on the carriage, watching the tractor dragging Lao Cui into a frenzy, laughing so hard.

"How did you do it, Jianping?"

Zhang Ziyi didn't understand this thing. He was curious about how the walk-behind tractor was still fine when his son went to deliver the car, but why did it become a wild horse in Lao Cui's hands?
Sun Jianping did not answer directly, but raised his eyebrows at Zhang Fucai, "Fucai, after we finish planting, let's go to the brigade and ask. I think Yu Changhai is not willing to give us the tractor driver's quota."

"Lend him ten courages!"

Lao Zhang cursed angrily, if Yu Changhai dared to stumble on this matter, I would kill him with a knife!

Lao Zhang is not just talking, he really dares to take action!

"Let's go back!"

Sun Jianping drove the carriage and hummed a tune as he headed home. Now that the canal has been opened, the ground has been raked, and even rice has been planted, it will depend on whether God will reward the old farmer with a full bowl of rice!

Lao Cao would come to the river every morning, lie down in the rice field and look carefully. When he saw one or two thin rice sprouts emerging from the soil, a happy smile appeared on his face!


Very good!
It was another night of spring breeze, and the temperature suddenly jumped to 20 degrees above zero. We could no longer wear cotton-padded clothes and trousers. Everyone put on light summer shirts and trousers, carried hoes, and finished planting corn, wheat, soybeans, and sorghum...

After all the land in Ermajia was planted, everyone took a breather. After sleeping for two days, they finally regained a little bit of the energy they had spent this spring.

Sun Jianping was young and full of energy. Seeing that everyone in his family was sleeping, he couldn't sleep. He got up and came to the stable.

The horses, which had been tired all spring, were also resting. The black horses were lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. Only the restless little donkey was stuck in the shed, looking out.

The people were exhausted, and the animals were also exhausted.

"Let's go out for a walk!"

Sun Jianping picked up the little donkey, turned over and sat on the donkey's back. The little donkey waggled its tail and ran out quickly carrying him.

In the Northeast in early summer, everything revives, grass and trees sprout, and big trees that have rested for the whole winter are growing hard, poplars, willows, elms...

There is lush green everywhere, exuding vitality.

Sun Jianping rode a donkey to the saline-alkali land. The sown rice had sprouted three-finger-high seedlings. The tender green leaves swayed gently with the breeze, causing rippling water waves, which looked particularly beautiful.

Seeing the green seedlings, the little donkey opened its mouth to eat, but Sun Jianping grabbed the reins and said, "If you eat the rice seedlings, the whole village will eat donkey meat tonight!"

The little donkey took a step back and raised his head. His clear eyes revealed a bit of stupidity. Is it really... that serious?

He rode a donkey and patrolled along the canal. He had just poured water into the rice fields a few days ago. Thanks to the previous flood irrigation and alkali removal work, the pH value in the saline-alkali land has now dropped from 9.3 to 7.5. Although it is still relatively high, it is already a good result for a newly reclaimed saline-alkali land.

"If that doesn't work, you have to sprinkle sulfuric acid into the ground to neutralize it..."

He stepped on the ridge and looked at the vibrant rice fields, thinking about what the yield of this land would be this year.

Farming in this era advocated the eight-character agricultural constitution, which are "soil, fertilizer, water, planting, density, protection, management, and work." He counted on his fingers and found that the saline-alkali land now only consists of "water" and "planting." These two items are still up to standard, but the soil and fertilizer are still far behind!

The 40-year-old rice field looked quite large. After walking for a while, we reached the end of the field. The huge pit formed after demolishing the Earth Temple was already filled with a lot of water. The bottom of the water was extremely white, filled with salt that had been soaked and filtered. Alkali.

There is also a pile of burnt yellow paper next to the big pit, and several burned and incomplete paper figures are thrown here and there. I don’t know which family is engaged in feudal superstition and "returns a substitute" for their children.

Sun Jianping thought of that red light again.

Team leader Yang, with five horses and spears, led the people to demolish the earth temple that was hundreds of years old. Are these "gods" not blamed?

That guy was more ruthless than Uncle Zhang!

It directly blew up the Earth Temple into a big crater!
What hatred and resentment!
Sun Jianping felt that he could not communicate with this group of "activists", and he did not want them to abandon even the most basic moral bottom line in order to appear "outstanding". He sighed and squatted down, carefully went down to the bottom of the pit, and held a handful Clear water flowed through the fingers.

There is a delicate and smooth feeling on the hands.

The alkaline content in the water is very high!
He scratched his head, took out the wire he brought, and plunged one end deeply into the water, like two antennas standing on the water.

After doing this, he took the reins of the donkey and climbed up on the slippery edge of the pit.

The little donkey tilted its head and looked at his strange movements, and started to bray!
We agreed to find a female donkey for the donkey!

Don't keep your words!
No credit!
"You're not Wang Jingang, why are you screaming all day long!" Sun Jianping rubbed his hands. In less than a moment, the water on his hands evaporated completely, leaving behind a piece of fine white frost.

These are salts and alkalis.

He re-examined the canal he personally built with some pride. Without this big pit as the tailpipe, just dealing with the salt-alkali would be a big problem!
Team Leader Yang...

Team leader Yang knows nothing about water conservancy!
He had built a half-finished project, but now it was left on the saline-alkali land of Xiaoxi Mountain, showing his "great achievements" to everyone!

With nothing to do, he rode a little donkey upstream along the Gulu River, looking for the terrain suitable for building a reservoir that Huang Lao had said.

During this stroll, he arrived at Xiaoxishan Village. To his surprise, the aqueduct that had been built at a huge cost was still there, with no water introduced into it. The shiny white salt-alkali land was like the bare head of a bald man. Not a single seedling!
Not even the work of diversion and de-alkali was done!
Isn’t this missing the farming season?

Sun Jianping looked worried. He pinched the donkey's belly with his feet and got off the channel. He jumped off the donkey's back, squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil and looked at it carefully.

Good guy, half dust and half white alkali.

"If you repair it and don't use it, what do you want to do?"

Comrade Lao Cao once calculated an account for Xiaoxishan. The original abandoned canal plus the new canal excavated later, together with the cost of materials, labor, food and other costs, Lao Yangguang was in a village in Xiaoxishan. The cost reached an astonishing seven thousand yuan!
That’s seven thousand yuan!
Evenly divided among the 300 people in Xiaoxishan, each person can get more than 20 yuan!
Now that the canal has been repaired, the tailpipe pit has been dug, and even the branch canals as thin as an ox's hair have been repaired to be more detailed than the two-horse rack. I didn't expect that everything was ready, but they actually abandoned it!
Waste of money!
"Jianping is so idle. Has your team finished planting?"

Han Laosi came over with a pipe in his mouth and his hands behind his back. When he saw Sun Jianping wandering alone in the saline-alkali land, he smiled and said hello.

"Uncle Han, it seems that you are already in full swing now. Why haven't your land been weighed yet?"

Sun Jianping patted the alkaline soil on his hands and asked, while Han Laosi showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, "Why? We can't even buy seeds. What are we going to plant?"

(End of this chapter)

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