Chapter 312 The person who loves Shishi the most is...

"Okay, okay, you want me to be a spectator and be there in person, right? Why are you standing there? Let's start. I'll start the timer and see how long you can last."

Shishi pulled a chair over and sat down, turned on the timer on her phone, grabbed some melon seeds and started eating them.

Liang Canwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "No, can you please not play like this?"

Shishi said angrily: "Why are you shy as a man? Are you a man?"

Yo yo yo, Shishi got anxious and angrily scolded Liang Canwen.

Ye Fanzhi said charmingly, "Yes, Canwen, I can let go of everything, so why can't you let go of anything?"

"Okay, okay, you guys know how to have fun, I'll play with you till the end!"

Liang Canwen took the risk and pulled Ye Fanzhi over in front of Shishi...

after an hour.

Second floor room.

Shishi lay on the bed, feeling angry and unhappy.

"Chou Canwen is so devoted, and Chou Fanzhi is so cooperative."

"Isn't it just to punish me and torture me?"

"You win."


Shishi kicked the quilt and tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.


The next morning the sun was shining brightly.

Jingle bell bell~
The alarm rang, Liang Canwen reached out to turn it off, and looked at Ye Fanzhi who was sleeping on him, her face rosy and full of satisfaction.

"Get up."

"I'll need more in the morning."


Liang Canwen pushed Ye Fanzhi away and quickly ran to the bathroom to wash up.

How could he bear such punishment from Ye Fanzhi?

Don’t you like doing it? She will let you do it to your heart’s content.


Ye Fanzhi got out of bed, scratched her head, and walked into the bathroom. The two of them stood in front of the sink, picked up the toothpaste and toothbrush prepared by Liang Canwen, and rinsed their mouths together.

"Canwen, I actually accept that you have Shishi. After all, Shishi and I are good sisters, and I don't want her to be lonely."


"You, you, you, I know that you are greedy for Shishi, and you want me and Shishi to serve you together."

Liang Canwen thought to himself, damn it, I’ve been fooled.

It was stupid to think that Ye Fanzhi was willing to share her good sister with him.


Ye Fanzhi twisted her butt and bumped into Liang Canwen, then walked out of the bathroom angrily to put on her clothes.

After a while, the two went downstairs.

Shishi prepared breakfast and said with a smile, "You are awake, have breakfast."

Shishi sat down to eat with an expressionless face.

Liang Canwen: "Shishi, sit down and eat."

"I don't have much of an appetite. You guys eat. I'm going to go upstairs and catch up on some sleep."

Shishi went back upstairs to sleep.

Liang Canwen could see that Ye Fanzhi was still angry, but he didn't dare to say anything more. If he said one more word, he would be scolded, so he just focused on eating.

After dinner, Liang Canwen said, "I'm going to work, you guys can have fun."

Ye Fanzhi smiled: "Come on, husband! Let's continue tonight!"

Liang Canwen: …


Are you treating me as a cauldron for training?

Liang Canwen went to work to make final preparations for the listing.

After Ye Fanzhi cleaned up the dishes, she went to the laundry room. The clothes had been washed and hung up to dry by Shishi, and the housework was also done.


Ye Fanzhi was lying on the sofa humming a song and replying to some customers who were questioning her about Hanfu.

Ye Fanzhi lives a simple life. She likes to do what she likes. Of course, the premise is that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the family does not have as much money as before, they are not worried about money.

If Jinsha needs her, she will become the boss's wife. In fact, she doesn't want to work in the workplace.

After replying to the customers, one needed Hanfu and the other needed Chinese wedding planning, Ye Fanzhi could make a small profit. Putting down the phone, she went upstairs to the second-floor guest room, opened the door, and saw Shishi sleeping on the bed.

Ye Fanzhi walked to the bedside and saw that Shishi’s face was very red. She reached out and touched her forehead, which was very hot.


Ye Fanzhi woke her up.

Shishi opened her eyes: "What's wrong, Master?"

"Lord, your sister, you have a cold. Get up and go to the hospital with me."

"No, I'll just take a nap."

Shishi turned over and continued to sleep.

"stand up--"

Ye Fanzhi pulled Shishi up and grabbed her clothes to put them on her.

"I said I won't go. I don't have the energy. I'll be fine after a while of sleep."

"How can you not go? I know you are weak. If you don't have the strength, I will carry you."

Ye Fanzhi carried Lou Shishi on her back, walked quickly downstairs, ran out of the yard, held Shishi on her back with one hand and opened the car door with the other, being very careful, fearing that Shishi would fall.

He opened the door, put Shishi in the back seat, closed the door, quickly returned to the driver's seat, and drove to the hospital.

No matter how much she scolded, punished, or was angry, Ye Fanzhi cared about Lou Shishi very much.

Ye Fanzhi went out twice without makeup and without paying attention to her appearance, but she still looked like a tomboy.

For the first time, I learned that Shishi was being abused.

The second time is now that Shishi has a high fever.

The two women have a deep relationship. They study abroad in a foreign country and depend on each other. When Shishi was sick in the United States, she didn't go to the hospital, and it was Ye Fanzhi who took her to the hospital for treatment.

The fates of the two women were also very similar.

A woman met a gigolo who kept a mistress and was cheated of all her money.

A man who was a domestic abuser turned his wife into a punching bag. He openly flirted with other women. When he came home, he threw his clothes stained with lipstick to Lou Shishi to wash.

The road of love is miserable!

"Fanzhi, I'm sorry."

The sound of Shishi sobbing came from the back row.

Ye Fanzhi turned around and glanced at the sick Shishi.

"If you recover today, I will forgive you. If you don't recover today, I won't forgive you."

Shishi has fallen asleep.

Shishi belongs to Ye Fanzhi. No one else can bully, scold or punish her except her, not even Liang Canwen.

But Shishi took advantage of Ye Fanzhi's favor and liked to make her angry.

What can be done?

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

When Shishi fell ill, Fanzhi forgot all his resentment.

Ye Fanzhi loves Shishi very much.


The Ferrari FUV was parked in the hospital parking space. Ye Fanzhi carried Shishi to the outpatient department, got an emergency number, queued up, and entered the consulting room.

"Doctor, my sister is sick."

The doctor glanced at the red face of the woman lying on Ye Fanzhi's shoulder and asked: "What's going on?"

Ye Fanzhi: "She has a high fever, is sleepy, and has no strength."

The doctor checked and said, "Go get a blood test first."

"Yes." Ye Fanzhi took Shishi to have her blood tested again. After getting the results, she returned to the clinic. "Influenza."

Ye Fanzhi: "Is it Yang?"

Doctor: "It's not called Yang now, it's influenza, go to the infusion room for an infusion."

"it is good."

Ye Fanzhi brought Shishi to the infusion room, and the nurse gave Shishi an infusion, and that was it.

Ye Fanzhi wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was exhausted from running around.

Shishi: "Hiss~ The IV is so cold."

Ye Fanzhi didn't care whether she was tired or not. She looked around but couldn't find anything to keep the infusion tube warm.

So, Ye Fanzhi picked up the oil pipe and put it in her mouth, using the temperature in her mouth to warm up the infusion tube.

Shishi fell on Ye Fanzhi's shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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