Chapter 329 Canwen, you actually...

Liang Canwen hummed a song as he went to the bathroom to take a shower. He sang to make himself not afraid.

He is not afraid of even a knife, but he is afraid that the two women will kill him when they wake up tomorrow.

Between death and committing suicide, Liang Canwen chose to die happily!

After washing off the bloodshed on his body, he walked out with his hair puffed out.


Shishi's phone rang on the bedside floor. It was a video call from Tingting.


On the other side of the video, Tingting and Yanyan are sitting in a Japanese-style house, which is obviously Mai's room.

"Will the two little ones sleep in the sackcloth room tonight?"

"Well, Ma Yi's mother went to take a shower. Sister Tingting missed her mother. Call Shishi's mother."

All mothers, no aunts.

Liang Canwen took a closer look at the video and found something wrong. The bathroom door not far behind the two little guys was not closed, and he could see the childlike girl Ru Mai bathing under the shower head.

this! ! ! !

As expected, when children are watching videos or playing Douyin, you must be careful!!!

Liang Canwen didn't pay attention to what the two little guys were chattering about. He only paid attention to Ma Yi in the bathroom.

Yanyan: "Dad, Dad."

Liang Canwen: "Oh, what?"

Yanyan: "Dad, sister Wen Ting was crying just now, and sister Ting Ting and I coaxed her to sleep."

Liang Canwen: "Thumbs up to you guys, you're awesome."

Yanyan: "Where's mom?"

Liang Canwen: "Falling asleep."

Tingting: "Where's my mother?"

Liang Canwen: "Your mother is asleep too. It's so late. Go to bed. Be good. I'll buy you new dresses tomorrow."

The two little guys nodded and hung up the phone.

Liang Canwen glanced at Shishi who was sleeping in Ye Fanzhi's arms on Liang Canwen's bed, her face flushed, looking quite cute.

Liang Canwen climbed onto the bed, knelt in the middle, put her hands on her thighs on both sides of her skirt and shook them: "Fanzhi, Shishi, are you awake?"

The two women were fast asleep. They had drunk a lot of wine tonight and were at the mercy of others.

Liang Canwen lay down in the middle, hugged Shishi and Fanzhi, and leaned them on his shoulders. He could smell the faint scent of perfume on their bodies and the smell of alcohol on their breath, which was so wonderful at midnight.

Shishi lay on her side, raised her long legs and put them on Liang Canwen, and put her hand on Liang Canwen's belly. She thought it was Ye Fanzhi, but the feeling was wrong. She opened her eyes groggily and saw that it was Liang Canwen. Shishi was very angry and kicked Liang Canwen: "Go away, we broke up, why are you still sleeping with me."

Shishi is very resentful.

Liang Canwen: "This is Fanzhi's bed."

Shishi sat up drowsily and saw Ye Fanzhi next to Liang Canwen. Shishi lay on Liang Canwen and shook Ye Fanzhi.

"Fanzhi, wake up."

"what happened?"

Ye Fanzhi rubbed her eyes and woke up. She was shocked to see Liang Canwen also on the bed and pushed him with great effort.

"Liang Canwen, get off. You are not allowed to come up."

"Fanzhi, you pushed the wrong person. I'm Shishi."

"Shishi? All I see is double."

The two women were drunk and sat on the bed. Ye Fanzhi pointed at Liang Canwen and said, "Get off the bed. You are not allowed to go to bed."

Shishi grabbed the pillow and threw it: "Get down, why are you coming up here?"

Liang Canwen smiled and said, "Come up and sleep together."

"No, you go down."

The two women kicked, and Liang Canwen reached out and pushed them down. Then he supported himself on both sides of them and looked down at their drunken and shy faces.

Liang Canwen: "Call me husband and I'll let you go."

Ye Fanzhi opened her mouth and kept shouting: "Husband, husband, husband."

Liang Canwen smiled cheerfully and said, "Shishi didn't shout."

Shishi: "Hubby, please let us go. We want to sleep. Go down."

"Since you call me husband, then do what a husband should do."


Liang Canwen leaned over...

"Canwen, you're annoying."

"You're... so annoying."

"Are you ashamed?"

Ye Fanzhi and Lou Shishi both tilted their heads, looking shy, not daring to look at each other.

Lou Shishi is an innate tidal holy body.

He was going to die tomorrow anyway, so Liang Canwen wasn't going to treat himself badly now.

The sounds come and go, and the pictures are beautiful and moving.


In the early morning, the sun is shining brightly, birds are singing and flowers are blooming. The sunlight shines into the house through the window, making it a mess.

Lou Shishi was sleeping while holding Ye Fanzhi.

Ye Fanzhi woke up and saw Shishi sleeping naked in her arms. He looked at himself again and saw that he was also naked. He knocked his dizzy head and couldn't remember what happened. He just felt a sore pain, as if he was falling apart.


Ye Fanzhi pushed Shishi away and continued to sleep.

Shishi turned over and leaned on the person outside.

Why is there another person?

Shishi suddenly opened her eyes and saw Liang Canwen sleeping soundly on the bed.

Where are his clothes?


Shishi screamed.

Ye Fanzhi woke up suddenly, and the scene before her almost angered her to death.

"Liang Canwen, get up! Don't pretend to be dead and don't say anything. Get up."

"Stop it, I'm so tired and sleepy."

Liang Canwen was indeed very tired and lay on the bed not wanting to move at all.

"Are you tired?"

Ye Fanzhi was so angry that her brain was almost congested. Why was he tired? Ye Fanzhi knew it very well.

Ye Fanzhi would never have thought that he would be like this.

How can it be repaired?
"Wake up! Stop pretending to be asleep. Get up and explain clearly! Can you get up or not?"

"It hurts, it hurts, stop pulling my ears, let go."

Liang Canwen was pulled up by Ye Fanzhi by his ears.

Liang Canwen leaned against the head of the bed, rubbed his ears, and looked at the two women sitting on the bed.

They immediately realized something and grabbed the quilt to wrap themselves up.

Ye Fanzhi: "Canwen didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I trusted you so much, but you actually... Humph!"

Shishi: "Fanzhi, you have to make the decision for me. Your boyfriend... I won't live any longer." Ye Fanzhi: ...

Liang Canwen pretended to be drunk and unaware and shook his head: "I don't remember either."

Ye Fanzhi: "Oh, do you think I believe it?"

Liang Canwen: "I really don't remember. I just remember that we both drank a lot of wine last night, and then I helped you back to the room. I really don't remember what happened afterwards."

The two thought about it and realized that they did drink a lot of wine last night.

Ye Fanzhi: "Since we are drunk, you helped us to the room, why don't you leave?"

Liang Canwen: "I liked to sleep with you when I was drunk, maybe that's why I stayed, but I don't remember what happened afterwards. Did you two do anything to me?"

"Is it because you did something to us?"

Ye Fanzhi rolled her eyes, thinking that this man still wanted to shirk responsibility.

Liang Canwen slapped his forehead and said, "How could this happen? My mind is so confused that I can't remember how such a ridiculous thing could happen. Sigh... Since it has happened, you tell me what to do. Sigh... Sigh! Sigh!"

Liang Canwen kept sighing, and his sighs represented his helpless self-blame.

Since it was something that happened while drunk, none of the three wanted it to happen, but it did happen. Now Ye Fanzhi and Lou Shishi were sitting on the bed feeling quite embarrassed.

Liang Canwen sighed again: "I am really not a human being. I obviously can't drink much, but I insisted on drinking. How should I face you now?"

He punched the wall hard.

"I'm sorry for both of you, ah..."

Regret, just the right amount of regret.

Ye Fanzhi: "Stop talking, it has already happened. It's only this time, there won't be a next time."

Liang Canwen: "Of course there won't be a next time. What do you think I want to say about this ridiculous thing?"

What can Ye Fanzhi do? It has already happened. It feels like she was being tricked step by step. First, the relationship between Shishi and Liang Canwen was exposed, and then this happened step by step. Is there a gradual process?
Ye Fanzhi: "Shishi, what are you thinking about?"

Shishi: "Did Canwen take any safety measures?"

Both the person asking the question and the person listening fell silent.

It’s obvious - bring a knife but not an umbrella on a rainy night!
The two women sighed, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When they came out a while later, Liang Canwen was still sleeping on the bed.

Ye Fanzhi: "Still sleeping?"

Liang Canwen: "I'm tired after a night of sleep. I just want to sleep now."


Both of them blushed and ignored Liang Canwen, turning around and going downstairs. Ye Fanzhi's legs were weak and she almost rolled down the stairs, but Shishi grabbed her.

"Fanzhi, are you okay?"

"My legs are so weak."

"mine too."


The two fell into silence again.


They both knew why their legs were weak.

It’s all Liang Canwen’s fault.

Ye Fanzhi: "I'm confused. If he was drunk and did it randomly, but it seems to have happened more than once, what the hell is this?"

Shishi: "Is it Canwen's costume?"

Ye Fanzhi: "There is no evidence to prove that he is faking it. If there is evidence, I will beat him to death."

At this time, Liang Canwen was lying on the bed, with an unprecedented sense of satisfaction on his lips.

My mind is full of the scenes from last night.

It's so exciting.


Liang Canwen slept until about ten o'clock. After getting up, washing, taking clothes from the closet and putting them on, he stretched and spent another comfortable day.

When I went downstairs, I saw Ye Fanzhi and Lou Shishi sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Liang Canwen sat down next to Ye Fanzhi and put his arm around her shoulders: "Morning."

Ye Fanzhi snorted and moved her butt away from Liang Canwen.

Liang Canwen: "What's wrong?"

Ye Fanzhi: "Liang Xiaocan, are you very proud?"


Liang Canwen almost died of laughter: "Can you please stop using this quote and stop making jokes?"

"Canwen, give me the money."

Ye Fanzhi and Lou Shishi spread out their hands.

Liang Canwen was shocked: "I still have to pay?"

The two women rolled their eyes: "Money for medicine."

This Liang Canwen must come out.


Liang Canwen: "Still taking medicine?"

Ye Fanzhi: "I don't want to get pregnant with your child at the same time as Shishi!"

Liang Canwen transferred the money in seconds.

He stood up and said, "It's the weekend today, Wen Ning and the others are taking care of the children. Let's go eat, and then we'll buy you some clothes in the afternoon as an apology."

"Don't go."

The two women were reluctant, but they were very unhappy.

"Let's go."

Liang Canwen pulled them up from the sofa, one on the left and one on the right.

"If I said I wouldn't go, then I wouldn't go."

The two sat down again.

Liang Canwen: "Why are you going now?"

Ye Fanzhi crossed her legs and said, "Put on my shoes, then I'll go."

Hearing this, Lou Shishi also crossed her legs and said, "Me too."

They wanted to punish Liang Canwen in this way.

"Okay, okay, right now."

As a result, Liang Canwen was overjoyed and went to look for high heels.


Their eyes widened.

What kind of hobbies does he have?

Liang Canwen brought high heels, squatted in front of the sofa, lifted their feet one by one, and put on the high heels for them.

What beautiful feet!


Afterwards, they went out together. Liang Canwen opened the back seat of the Ferrari FUV and made an invitation gesture: "Princess, please get in the car."

"Huh! Huh!"

The two of them got into the car proudly.

Liang Canwen happily returned to the driver's seat, drove away, and took them out to eat and go shopping.

(End of this chapter)

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