Chapter 343: Marriage?
"Daughter, why don't you go hide in your room? You and her boyfriend are not doing things right. If she comes to your house now, she will definitely beat and scold you. After all, all the neighbors know that Fanzhi is a little tyrannosaurus because of her temper."

Okay, okay, Ye Fanzhi’s temper is well known to everyone?
She is a well-known lady in the whole town.

"I'm thick-skinned and not afraid."

Shishi doesn’t know why Ye Fanzhi suddenly came to her house?
What if he can’t figure it out and comes to tear himself apart?

Shishi took out the perfume and sprayed it to cover up the smell of Canwen on her body, because Ye Fanzhi had a very sensitive nose.

Deep down, I am still afraid of Ye Fanzhi.

He mustered up the courage to go up and open the door, smiling and saying, "Fanzhi, what do you want to see me about?"

"Don't you know what I'm here to talk to you about?"

Shishi's heart skipped a beat.


It seems that Fanzhi has found out again.

"Fanzhi is here~"

Lou Ma said, "Come in and sit down."

"Hello, uncle and auntie. I won't sit down anymore. I'm here to talk to Shishi. Shishi, let's go out and talk."

Ye Fanzhi pulled Shishi and wanted to leave.

Shishi held on to the door tightly with one hand.

Ye Fanzhi was confused: "What's wrong with you?"

"Fanzhi, I was wrong~" Shishi said in panic.

If he was taken away by Fanzhi, he would probably be caught somewhere and beaten up.

Seeing this, Lou's father and mother hurried over to persuade them.

"Fanzhi, if you have anything to say, please talk nicely. After all, you have been good sisters for many years. Don't make a big fuss over a man. It's not worth it."

"Yeah, Shishi just made a mistake that all women make."



Ye Fanzhi looked confused.

I know what their family is talking about.

"Don't worry, uncle and aunt. I love Shishi so much. Even if she makes a mistake, I won't do anything to her."

The less important it is, the bigger the matter becomes.

Lou Ma said anxiously, "Shishi really knows she's wrong. Calm down. Shishi, why don't you admit your mistake to Fanzhi?"

"Fanzhi, I was wrong."

It is common for a woman like Shishi to apologize.

She doesn't care about face or anything like that.

As long as you don't hit her, you can do anything.

"Where did you go wrong?"

Ye Fanzhi was curious about what this woman had done.

Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist.

If I keep hiding this now, Fanzhi will definitely break off our friendship with me.

"Fanzhi, last night I went to Qingpu to visit my aunt, and my aunt arranged a blind date for me. Canwen found out and rushed to Qingpu to take me away, and then... we went to get a room. I was wrong. I was moved by Canwen's decision to stop me from going on a blind date, so I went to get a room with him. There won't be a next time."

Shishi's attitude is very correct.

Tell everything.

Ye Fanzhi frowned.

No wonder I sent a WeChat message to Shishi last night, but she said she was busy.

Now he looks so pitiful again.

Lou's mother: "Fanzhi, Shishi didn't mean it. Don't make things difficult for her. After all, Shishi has a hard life~"

Father Lou: "We will teach her well. Don't worry, we won't cheat on you again."


Ye Fanzhi thought to herself, this is not the first day your precious daughter has worn it for me.

"You go on a blind date, Canwen rushes to break them up for love, and then you go to a hotel and get a room. Is that fun for the whole night?"

"Don't think too much, Fanzhi. He played games all night."

"Shishi, you are getting better and better at lying. Ask your parents if they believe you."


Mr. and Mrs. Lou looked embarrassed.

Finding an excuse for Chanwen to get drunk is better than playing games.

He went to a hotel with a beautiful woman and played games all night, but his parents didn't believe it. If they believed it, they would be lying with their eyes open.

There is no way to defend poetry.

Ye Fanzhi smiled and patted Lou Shishi on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's just that little thing, what's the big deal, it's fine for me."

Shishi: “Really?”

Ye Fanzhi: "Of course."

Mr. and Mom were shocked.

It doesn’t matter???
Ye Fanzhi looked at the time and said, "I'm very busy today, so I asked you to help me. Come on, get things done for me tonight, and I won't hold you responsible. If you can't get it done, haha..."

Ye Fanzhi sneered.

Shishi was startled and nodded quickly: "I will help you get it done."

“Uncle and aunt, we’re leaving first. Don’t worry, Shishi may come back safely tonight.”

Ye Fanzhi pulled Shishi into the car and left.

Maybe come back safely?

If the proposal is successful tonight, then last night will be considered as the last bachelor party for Shishi and Canwen.

If the proposal fails, Shishi and Liang Canwen will suffer.

Grasshoppers on the same rope!


Liang Canwen returned to Sands and continued playing games.

After a while, there was a commotion outside. Liang Canwen walked out and saw a middle-aged wealthy woman arguing with Li You at the front desk.

Liang Canwen: "What's the matter?"

Li You whispered, "Ms. Gao's husband brought a female college student to our store yesterday to recharge her membership. Ms. Gao found out and came to our store to yell at us to give her the name of the card that was used to recharge. Membership is private, so how could we give it to her? She started a quarrel here, affecting our business."

Jinsha is open for business, whether it is a rich lady with a little wolfhound or a rich man with a vixen who comes to apply for a card, Jinsha will process it, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, you are doing business, you have no right to control who they apply for the card for, it is just like running a hotel, you can't say that only couples can book a room and others are not allowed.

Sister Gao is making a fuss now, and Liang Canwen has to deal with it.

"That's easy. I'll do it."

Liang Canwen walked up with a smile: "Hello, sister-in-law~"

Ms. Gao: "Don't give me that crap. Tell me, which vixen did my husband top up his card for yesterday?"

Liang Canwen: "Your husband said to keep it secret."

Ms. Gao: "Secret? If you don't tell me, I will make sure you can't do business today. Tell me or not."

"Uh... okay, let me tell you, actually your husband brought his mother to our Sands yesterday."

"My mother-in-law?"

"Yes, I brought your mother-in-law with me. At first your husband said he didn't need it, but your mother-in-law said you worked hard for this family, so she asked your husband to apply for a card for you as a surprise. How did you know about this?"


Liang Canwen patted Sister Gao on the shoulder and walked out of the store.

"Of course it's true. You see, there are surveillance cameras here. I'm not lying to you. Your husband just wants to give you a surprise. He's such a good man. How could he have a vixen outside? Just go home and wait patiently for your husband to give you a surprise."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Mr. Liang."


"I'll go home and wait for the surprise."

"Walk slowly."

Sister Gao went home happily.

Liang Canwen called Mr. Wang’s husband.

"Boss Wang, you're in trouble. Your wife found out about you charging your card at our Sands yesterday."

"Ah? What did you say?"

"I said you were topping up your wife's card as a surprise for her, so you could just get away with it. Your wife is now back home waiting for a surprise, so you should hurry over here and top up another 100,000 yuan, get another card for your wife, and report back."

"You need to do something else? I...oh, okay, okay, I'll be right there."

Mr. Wang hung up the phone and hurried to Jinsha.

Li You gave a thumbs up: "Great, killing two birds with one stone."

Liang Canwen: "Although I can't stop people from finding mistresses, I can make sure the original spouse gets the treatment they deserve."

Li You suddenly asked: "If you were married, would you find a mistress outside?"

"Get married? Ha~"

Liang Canwen shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Li You was shocked.

Could it be that the boss still doesn’t want to get married?
(End of this chapter)

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