Lian Zong: I work hard but let others get ahead of me

Chapter 17 Then bring me another bottle of iced tea

Chapter 17 Then bring me another bottle of iced tea
This noodle shop is indeed relatively remote, there are not many customers, and it looks very empty.

The noodles were delicious, and so were some of the other side dishes. Xu Zhe'an and Han Zhilan both enjoyed their meals, slurping away at the noodles.

The photographer, who was idle and bored, became a little greedy when he saw the two of them eating so well.

It's a pity that he has to work hard. Even if he wants to eat, he has to wait until the person who changes his shift comes over.

Xu Zhe'an saw the photographer staring blankly at them while they were eating. After thinking about it, he simply ordered a bowl for the photographer.

"No, I can't eat it." The photographer waved his hand.

During working hours, the photographer must concentrate on shooting. Although Xu Zhe'an and Han Zhilan's positions are now fixed, the photographer only needs to place the camera on the table without moving.

But I'm afraid that if the two of them move temporarily, if the camera fails to capture it, their wages will be deducted.

I don't make much money in total. If my salary is deducted due to negligence, it will be too much.

"It's okay, we will stay here for a while, waiting for you to finish eating." Xu Zhe'an waved his hand and said.

The noodles were really delicious, which made Xu Zhe'an feel much better, so he replied generously.

The most important thing is that I just finished eating and I really don’t want to leave.

Eat and drink enough to go away
When you have eaten and drank enough, it is the best time to laze in the sun and do nothing.

The environment of this small town is good and the temperature is good. Even if there is no air conditioning in the noodle shop and there is only an electric fan, it is still very comfortable.

On such a not very hot summer day, it is such a happy thing to have a full meal and be in a daze, with your mind empty and not thinking about anything.

An empty mind is the highest state of life.

So Xu Zhe'an sat in a very postureless manner, with his legs crossed, as casually as a gay boy, and even picked a toothpick with a toothpick.

Han Zhilan was very envious of her appearance as she didn't care about the burden of being an idol at all.

Although Xu Zhe'an has no idol baggage to begin with.

Han Zhilan must pay attention to her personal image when in public, because she might be captured at some point.

If you want to eat from the public, you must be prepared to be scrutinized and discussed by the public at any time.

Not to mention that there are still cameras filming, and Han Zhilan has to take small bites even when eating.

The so-called goddess always has to be careful.

However, maybe due to Xu Zhe'an's influence, Han Zhilan felt that she wanted to be more casual today.

Although Xu Zhe'an is annoying, it is quite relaxing to get along with him.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Xu Zhe'an was picking his teeth with a toothpick. He saw Han Zhilan looking at him in a daze, so he waved in front of Han Zhilan and joked:
"If you fall in love with me so quickly, the show will not be able to continue filming."

Xu Zhe'an continued to tease Han Zhilan with his talk. He originally thought that Han Zhilan would immediately give him a look or mock him.

Unexpectedly, Han Zhilan instead supported his chin with both hands and said with a smile:
"Yes, my heart is moved, what should I do?"

Xu Zhe'an suddenly stopped talking.

It's over, this sister knows how to play.

He actually flirts back?

Han Zhilan looked at Xu Zhe'an's dazed look and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Oh, don’t think that I will remain passive forever.

Han Zhilan saw Xu Zhe'an's reaction and felt that the other person had very little love experience.

It’s a baby~~
Han Zhilan, who also had little experience in love, looked down upon Dao with a sense of superiority.

At this time, the online audience never expected that the two people who had been acting in a funny style would actually start to pull each other off.

That chest-beating thing.

"Sister Han, don't flirt with him, Xu Gou is not worthy!"

"Tease me, tease me quickly, I'm already so horny!" "I'm so envious that Xu Zhe'an, a bitch who is not a gentleman at all, can sit with the goddess Lan Lan and talk about this, woo woo woo."

"Don't tell me, Xu Gou at least matches Sister Han very well in appearance."

"Bah, you're so handsome, not as good as one of mine."

Xu Zhe'an came back to his senses, thought for a while, sat upright, looked at Han Zhilan and said:
"I don't believe it unless you prove it to me."

"How to prove it?" Han Zhilan asked doubtfully.

"For example." Xu Zhe'an suddenly stood up, startling Han Zhilan and leaning back.

What is he going to do?

I won't play it once in a while, maybe it's too much.

The camera is still filming, what does he want to do!
Unexpectedly, Xu Zhe'an just stood up and greeted the boss.

Then he sat down again, looked at Han Zhilan with a smile and said, "Of course you will help me pay the bill."

The noodle shop owner was greeting other customers and had no time to come over to settle the bill. Xu Zhe'an continued to talk, trying to take back the control of the chat:
"Love without material things is like a plate of loose sand that falls apart after just two steps. Therefore, the best way to prove love is to use money."

Xu Zhe'an talked nonsense with an affectionate look on his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Han Zhilan heard Xu Zhe'an in front of him talking nonsense and immediately retorted.

This kind of wrong values ​​cannot be instilled casually, and it is being broadcast live now.

"I saw it in a bloody novel, it seems to be called the era of quarrels."

As soon as the words were spoken, Xu Zhe'an paused.

He suddenly remembered that this was not a work from their world.

It's a pity that only you can get this sentence.

The two were chatting, while the photographer on the other side also finished eating, and even the photographer who had changed his shift had already come over.

Xu Zhe'an looked at the time. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon. He had to return to the villa before six o'clock, so he didn't have much time.

There are activities in the afternoon.

So he greeted the noodle shop owner again and motioned for the check.

Asking Han Zhilan to pay just now was just a joke, and Xu Zhe'an wouldn't be unable to pay this amount.

At this time, Xu Zhe'an's table was the only customer left in the noodle shop. The noodle shop owner saw Xu Zhe'an's greeting and walked over with a smile.

The noodle shop owner looks to be in his fifties, quite old, and his children are probably not around, so he likes to chat a lot.

He was not in a hurry to talk about money, but started chatting:

"I see this person next to you has been filming you. Are you filming some show?"

"Yes." Han Zhilan replied with a smile: "Boss, the noodles here are delicious. If you change to a lively place, the business will definitely be booming."

The noodle shop owner laughed loudly when he heard Han Zhilan's compliment: "Thank you, but I like to be clean. I just need to make enough money."

"How much, boss?" Xu Zhe'an took out his mobile phone and asked.

"The total is 101. The fraction will be erased. Just pay ."

Although the food here is cheap, after all, the two of them were hungry all morning and ordered a lot, so they still spent over a hundred.

But compared to the restaurant just now, it is already much cheaper. A dish in the restaurant over there costs nearly 100 yuan. If Xu Zhean had not traveled so far to eat here, it would have been possible for a meal to cost 1,000 yuan.

Xu Zhe'an nodded and asked casually while scanning the code: "Boss, if my meal cost is 104, will you also wipe off the change for me?"

The boss was chatting happily with Han Zhilan when he heard Xu Zhe'an's words and waved his hand:
"Of course. I'll give you a hundred."

"Then get me another bottle of iced tea."

Noodle shop owner:?
(End of this chapter)

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