Lian Zong: I work hard but let others get ahead of me

The script for Chapter 3 was given to him, it was very stable!

The script for Chapter 3 was given to him, it was very stable!
Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Xu Zhe'an suddenly opened his eyes on the bed.

He sat up, put on his clothes, and walked to the bathroom to start washing up.

Although he lay in bed all night, Xu Zhe'an actually didn't fall asleep at all.

Throughout the night, he was sorting out the memory fragments in his mind.

It was okay during the day, and it felt nothing if I didn't actively think about it. At night, those memories poured into Xu Zhe'an's mind like water, and then merged.

This was the case for the few nights I stayed in the hotel.

Every time he closes his eyes, Xu Zhe'an will experience the life of that person living on earth.

The entertainment works from the earth were embedded in Xu Zhe'an's mind like nails, including the backgrounds of these works and even their creators.

Every time he wakes up, Xu Zhe'an will be in a trance, and there are still many melodies from that world in his mind, which makes him reluctant to leave.

"Can you give me the time to sing a song and turn that hug tightly into eternity?"

Xu Zhe'an hummed the songs in his memory and couldn't help but sigh while packing his luggage.

"Tsk, this slurred student Xiao Zhou is really talented."

Xu Zhe'an has always been proud of his talent, but after three years in the music industry, he finally realized the fact that he didn't have much talent.

But it's different now. The extra memories in his mind can be said to be his talent.

There are no singers in this world, so being a copywriter is the mission given to him by these memory fragments.

Let these earthly works bloom with their original brilliance on this blue star.

After almost cleaning up, Xu Zhe'an remembered that the camera was not turned on.

When the photographer is away, all live broadcasts are controlled by the guests themselves. If they feel that their privacy is involved, they can turn it off if they want.

But if there is nothing special, then it is best to open it between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

"The Twelve-Hour Work System for Workers"

Of course, there are photographers during the day, mainly during the two periods of waking up and sleeping, which need to be controlled by the guests themselves.

Xu Zhe'an took his suitcase and came downstairs to the hotel. He took the mobile phone issued by the program team and looked at the time:
It's almost an hour's journey from here to the recording cabin, so it should be enough to arrive before twelve o'clock.

Because he could only use the mobile phone issued by the program group, and this mobile phone had no functions, Xu Zhe'an could only look around in boredom.

I sat and waited. I didn't wait for the guest speaker, but I did wait for the photographer who came to shoot today.

It wasn't until almost half past ten that Xu Zhe'an's eyes lit up when he saw a bright red SUV and a sexy Mercedes-Benz.

Han Zhilan sent him a message, it was a red Mercedes-Benz, this should be it.

So Xu Zhe'an pulled the suitcase and prepared to walk over. The door of the Mercedes-Benz in front of him just opened, and a woman got out.

A woman in her late forties, wearing very colorful and exaggerated clothes and weighing two hundred pounds, walked out.

Xu Zhe'an was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Could this be Miss Han Zhilan?
In the past three years, he has been busy paying off debts and taking part-time jobs, and has not paid much attention to the entertainment industry. Of course, he does not know about the Tarar girl group, which has been very popular in the past year, so he does not know Han Zhilan at all.

Yesterday happened to be the last night of instilling memory fragments. Xu Zhe'an fell asleep very early and did not have time to search for the singer named Han Zhilan.

Therefore, it can be said that Xu Zhe'an has no understanding of this person except for his gender and name.

Oh, and here’s another key piece of information – drive a red Mercedes.

Seeing that although the woman in front of him was overly plump, she was still elegant and dignified, Xu Zhe'an reluctantly smiled and went up to her and said, "Miss Han, I am Xu Zhe'an."

"do we know each other?"

The woman frowned and glanced at Xu Zhe'an, ignored him, and left directly.

At this time, not far away, in a Mercedes-Benz of the same style, a fashionably dressed woman looked numb at the scene in front of her.

Han Zhilan never expected that someone like him, the guest of exchange, could admit his mistakes? ?

Just kidding?
There is no such thing. If you do a little search for your name, you should not be mistaken.

Or is it that the 200-pound aunt looks a lot like me?
Can this program be so effective?
Han Zhilan got out of the car, hugged her chest, and waited speechlessly for Xu Zhe'an not far away to find her.

Today's Han Zhilan is definitely not in yesterday's fitness attire. Her upper body is in a sexy and hot white tube top, with the arcs of the southern and northern hemispheres carved into a very delicate and round shape, and her lower body is in the same white shorts. Her slender waist and long legs are dazzling in the sun, and her height is less than 1.7 meters, but her proportions are like those of a supermodel.

Han Zhilan has always been sexy and hot, and her dressing style has always been the same, which makes her very eye-catching on the street.

Of course, she was wearing a mask and a hat at the moment, otherwise it would be troublesome for passers-by to recognize her, which would affect the filming of the show.

She just stood there, waiting for Xu Zhe'an to find out.

Xu Zhe'an was just wondering when he noticed that the photographer's attention seemed to have shifted, and he quickly followed the photographer's direction.

It’s not right to have such a white car, it’s such a big car.

Not right either.

Only then did Xu Zhe'an realize that he had admitted the wrong person, so he quickly ran to Hong Yanyan's car and said hello: "Hello, hello, my name is Xu Zhe'an."

Han Zhilan shook hands with Xu Zhe'an, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but ask: "Did you really admit your mistake just now?"


Xu Zhe'an nodded.


"Don't you know me?"

Han Zhilan flipped up her hair and asked gently.

You still have to maintain some ladylike style in front of the camera.

"I know you. You are Han Zhilan, one of the members of the famous girl group. I have heard your songs."

"What's the name of my team?"


Of course Xu Zhe'an couldn't pronounce the name, so he quickly looked at his phone and said:
"Hey, it's almost too late. We have to gather before twelve o'clock. Let's go quickly."

After saying that, Xu Zhe'an quickly got into the car, looking as calm and innocent as possible.

Han Zhilan took a deep breath, readjusted his expression, walked into the car, and started the engine.

At this time, some idle viewers who did not have to go to school or work had already come to the live broadcast room and were very happy to see this scene.

Han Zhilan's popularity is still very high, and the number of people who come to this live broadcast room is not a small number.

Seeing that Han Zhilan's exchange singer didn't even know what Han Zhilan looked like this time, and could recognize the wrong person, I couldn't help but start complaining.

"This is so awesome. We know what kind of guy Lan met!"

"I feel sorry for our family Zhilan."

"I think it's a script. How could I not even check the guests who are going to date each other this time?"

"plus one."

"But, I feel like the male guest's eyes really don't recognize Zhilan."

At this time, director Guo Fan, who was watching the four live broadcast rooms behind the scenes, was very satisfied with Xu Zhe'an's performance just now.

Although Xu Zhe'an's "lowering performance" just now was a bit deliberate, the effect was very good.

Look, Han Zhilan and Xu Zhe'an's No. 4 live broadcast room has suddenly become more popular than the other three live broadcast rooms.

The barrage took off!

It's just that director Guo Fan felt a little emotional that Xu Zhe'an's acting skills seemed to be a bit better and he was more suitable to be an actor.

Just now it really seemed as if he didn't recognize Han Zhilan.

That confused, confused, and embarrassed look in his eyes is simply amazing!

Acting exactly like the real thing.

The next male script is given to him, it's stable.

(End of this chapter)

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