Chapter 50 I am extremely righteous!
"Tangtang made me laugh so hard!"

"Hahahahahahaha, our Tangtang's humorous nature is still there."

“It’s so cute, I miss you~~”

"Pfft, this Xu Zhe'an is quite funny, and he really cooperates with our Tangtang."

"It's strange. When Tang Shiying and Zong Zelu were paired together before, why weren't they so funny?"

"Nonsense, Zong Zelu is just there to serve his fans and ignores Tang Shiying. There is no program effect."

Tang Shiying's cuteness was a big factor in the barrage, and she started posting barrages like crazy.

In fact, the popularity of Live Room No. 1 is actually not low, and it is growing at a very gratifying rate.

You know, after Xu Zhe'an's hard work in the past few days, his whole persona has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone knows that as long as they come to see Xu Zhe'an, they will be very happy.

Moreover, with the song "Ming Ming Ji" and the song "Summer Wind", Xu Zhe'an's talented persona has slowly begun to develop, and his charm is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, some passers-by have actually become fans of Xu Zhe'an and come to watch Xu Zhe'an's live broadcast.

What's more, he was originally a fan of Han Zhilan, but he still came to the No. 1 live broadcast room.

Of course, such people are very few.

All in all, Xu Zhe'an is somewhat popular now, and Tang Shiying's popularity is also not low. This has led to the popularity of the No. 1 live broadcast room now.

Today is only the first day, and it has already reached four million views.

Guo Fan stared at the data in the background and touched his sloppy chin.

Somewhat prickly.

Forget it, just touch your smooth head.

My brain is full of wisdom, otherwise how could this program "Sakura of Melody" get better and better?
But what Guo Fan didn't expect the most was that when Tang Shiying and Xu Zhe'an stayed together, the effect would be even more explosive than that of Han Zhilan.

Tang Shiying's character itself is more out-of-the-box and cute, and her words are also very broken. It's a pity that she was with Zong Zelu before, so it was difficult to show her full potential.

It's good now. With Xu Zhe'an here, the effect of the two live treasures should be even greater.

"If anyone wants to place advertisements in the No. 1 Live Broadcast Room during these three days, the price can be higher."

Guo Fan thought for a while and said to his subordinates.

There are always advertisements embedded in the live broadcast room. It may be a game implant like last time, or it may be a banner at the bottom of the live broadcast room.

It's just like the advertisement at the bottom when we watch TV.

These are all priced based on the popularity of different live broadcast rooms. It can be said that the effects of many programs produced by Xu Zhe'an in the past have made this program more and more popular and trafficky.

Inviting big names can only guarantee initial traffic, but good-looking content is the key to ensuring long-term traffic.

In fact, in addition to being interesting and beautiful, today's "Melody of Sakura" has another aspect that attracts many people.

That is, the name 'Yin Zong' is actually not a decoration!

The first performance of the four live broadcast rooms has already become very popular on the Internet. Everyone realizes that this show is not just about daily interactions in love, but there are many things worth looking forward to.

And this kind of expectation began to become heavier and heavier on Xu Zhe'an.

Wait and see.

Tang Shiying coughed, put the books back on the bookshelf as if nothing had happened, pushed the shopping cart and prepared to go to the checkout counter.

"Wait a minute, I still haven't bought lunch yet." Xu Zhe'an said while holding the shopping cart.

It was only after eight o'clock now. If the two of them went hiking after shopping, they would definitely not go back down until the afternoon.

Therefore, you must buy some portable food and take it to the mountain, and have lunch directly on the mountain.

Xu Zhe'an pushed the shopping cart towards the food area and bought some chocolate, bread and other foods.

Referring to his memo, Xu Zhe'an felt that he had finally bought enough and nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing Tang Shiying who was still stuffing things into the shopping cart, Xu Zhe'an smiled and said to her:

"Tang Shiying, let me also perform a special function for you."

"What special function?" After hearing this, Tang Shiying stopped stuffing her things and asked curiously.

Sure enough, Xu Zhe'an is very interesting and has abilities comparable to his own!

"This special function of mine is called - Wallet Balance Disappearance Technique."

Xu Zhe'an said with a sad look on his face as he looked at the expensive things Tang Shiying stuffed into the shopping cart.

It was him who made the arrangements today, and of course he had to settle these things.

He didn't have much money to begin with, so in order to avoid being too fussy about Sosou for the rest of the trip, he specially paid director Guo Fan a day's salary in advance - 50,000 yuan.

A large part of it was sent to my mother, and a small part was left as funds for activities in the next few days.

Unexpectedly, with today’s wave of consumption, my wallet is about to bottom out.

Tang Shiying is really merciless when buying things.
"Oh, what a real male guest."

"Wait a minute, this Xu Zhe'an seems to have said on the first day that he is very poor."

"Yes, I have some impressions, but it was many days ago. Friends who have watched the live broadcasts of Xu Zhe'an and Han Zhilan, tell me if he was so picky before."

"I prove that he was very generous to Han Zhilan before (from Xu Gou fans in the past three days)"

"That's nonsense upstairs! Is that generous? That's simply super generous!"

The barrage was quite happy with Xu Zhe'an's 'wallet disappearing technique'. After all, Xu Zhe'an seemed to have said before that he was very poor and had no money.

And things are indeed not cheap, after all, there are things like mountaineering bags.

As for other barrages, there are a lot of them causing trouble.

These people all followed Xu Zhe'an. Since the fan is a fun person, naturally the fans are also fun people.

When Tang Shiying heard Xu Zhe'an's words, she blinked and said, "I think I can also do this special function."

After saying that, Tang Shiying did not take away some unnecessary things from the shopping cart, but pushed the shopping cart and left.

Seeing that Tang Shiying still insisted on buying these, Xu Zhe'an could only shake his head, took out his mobile phone and followed him, preparing to pay.

Although the balance is running low, I can still hold on.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Zhe'an just walked over, he found that Tang Shiying had already taken out her mobile phone and paid for Xu Zhe'an.

"Hurry and get it for me, there are a lot of things." After Tang Shiying paid, she found that there were too many things to take, and she quickly called Xu Zhe'an over.

Xu Zhe'an didn't hesitate. He went over and picked up most of the things, and the two of them walked out of the supermarket together.

After walking outside, Xu Zhe'an said: "Send me the code and I will give you the money."

After all, it was him who made the arrangements today, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't really make the other party pay.

"no thanks."

Tang Shiying shook her head and said, "I remember you said on the first day that you had been working part-time before going on the show, right."

"Sister, I like to help others the most. I am very generous, so I will help you pay this time."

Tang Shiying's appearance and voice were a little milky, but her tone was very domineering: "If you don't have money in the future, I will take care of you."

After saying that, he patted Xu Zhe'an on the shoulder and walked forward very handsomely.

After taking only a few steps, he stepped back and looked at Xu Zhe'an pitifully.

"It's so heavy that I can't lift it. Please help me lift it a little bit more."

Xu Zhe Anran couldn't help but smile, helped Tang Shiying carry some, and walked in front in a very happy mood.

As he walked, he asked:
"How old are you? You should be younger than me. You call yourself sister."

"Give me the money if you don't scream."

"elder sister."

"Hey, be good~"

(End of this chapter)

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