Lian Zong: I work hard but let others get ahead of me

Chapter 86 It’s almost time for us to sing

Chapter 86 It’s almost time for us to sing

Xu Zhe'an and Jiang Wanfeng didn't hear the whispers of the two staff members.

The two of them walked into this medium-sized KTV private room and felt the comfort of the air-conditioning, which made them feel much happier.

"It's just a pity that there are too few people and it's not lively."

Xu Zhe'an slapped his mouth, put his hands on his hips and sighed.

Jiang Wanfeng quite likes the feeling of having fewer people. She prefers quietness.

In fact, whether KTV is more fun with more people or less people is a matter of opinion.

There are few people, so everyone will probably listen carefully when you sing.

Once there are more people, they will immediately divide into their own small circles. Those who chatter and those who play dice play dice. No one cares about your singing.

Just like Eason in the "King of Karaoke" MV in another world.

Of course, one advantage of this situation is that you can always be a McMaster.

"Wait a minute, don't take off your mask yet, I'll ask the waiter to bring the fruit plate, wine and other things first."

Xu Zhe'an took out his mobile phone, scanned a QR code, and then ordered a drink set.

The price of KTV during the day is really cheap. Xu Zhe'an spent four or five hours shopping there, which was almost an afternoon. Among them, he gave me some melon seeds, fruit plates and so on.

But if you want wine or something, you still need to buy other packages.

The things were delivered quickly, and the staff was a little strange when they saw the girl in the box still wearing a mask.

Photographer Xiao Li was taking pictures, standing in a corner like a TM and it was hard to be noticed.

Soon, when the staff left the room, Xu Zhe'an turned on the ambient light and randomly clicked a song.

He knew that Jiang Wanfeng was in love with the scene just now, so he randomly ordered a classic Chinese pop song as the background music, and then started to open the bottle of wine.

There are not many drinks in the set menu, but the types are actually quite mixed, including alcoholic drinks like Ruiao with almost no alcohol content, as well as beer.

Anyway, Xu Zhe'an and the others couldn't take these wines away, so they just opened them all, and they could mix and match their own wines and drink them casually.

"Hey, he also gave us two cards." Xu Zhe'an noticed that there were cards and dice on the table, but he was not in a hurry to sing, and asked Jiang Wanfeng to come and play cards first.

"How do two people play?" Jiang Wanfeng was selecting songs on the karaoke machine and came over and asked in confusion.

"Two people have their own way of playing."

Xu Zhe'an picked up the cards skillfully and played a flower cut with his fingers.

Hanakiri, also known as fancy card cutting, fancy card shuffling, etc., is a very cool emerging art that gives life and soul to ordinary playing cards, making them dance gracefully between your fingers.

With a slight movement of Xu Zhe'an's fingers, the playing cards were rearranged in a very dazzling manner.

Jiang Wanfeng didn't expect that Xu Zhe'an could actually cut flowers. He seemed to have studied the cards a bit, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

When the barrage saw that Xu Zhe'an had this special skill, they were also a little surprised.

"Zun Du Fake Du, Xu Gou has also practiced flower cutting?"

"You have a little bit of talent."

"Boys who can cut flowers are so handsome!"

However, just when everyone, including Jiang Wanfeng, began to look forward to Xu Zhe'an's performance again.

Xu Zhe'an stopped showing off.

Just kidding, Xu Zhe'an's three-legged cat kung fu will be discovered if he keeps showing off.

He didn't have time to practice hana-kiri. When he was in college, he thought he was very handsome, so he joined a club. As a result, he studied hard for a month and finally learned the most basic hana-kiri.

He stopped practicing after that, but every time he played cards with others, Xu Zhe'an would show off his most basic flower-cutting skills.

Then it stopped abruptly.

The main thing is that a pretense cannot be exposed.

"It's really impossible for two people to play, so I'll give you a few tricks with cards." Xu Zhe'an had learned a few simple poker tricks in the university club before, which was just right to tease Jiang Wan. wind.

Many magic tricks are either deceptions or mathematical permutations. A few of Xu Zhe'an's simple magic tricks are actually enough. Xu Zhe'an confidently pulled out a card from a pile of playing cards and showed it to Jiang Wanfeng and the camera. It was a '9'.

Then with a confident smile on his face, he asked Jiang Wanfeng, "When is your birthday?"

"number 18."

"Very good." Xu Zhe'an nodded, "9x2 equals 18, just right."


Is this also called magic?
Are you a primary school student?

Xu Zhe'an's magic tricks are very silly and childish, but Xu Zhe'an's performance is very good, and he always looks serious like "witnessing the moment of miracle". In contrast, Jiang Wanfeng doesn't find it boring.

It's just that this style of painting has completely changed from 'witnessing the moment of miracle' to 'look at how I'll get round next'

"This is a napkin, right?" Xu Zhe'an couldn't satisfy himself with playing cards anymore, so he took a napkin and said.

Jiang Wanfeng nodded cooperatively.

Xu Zhe'an tore up the napkin in front of Jiang Wanfeng and put the shredded paper in the palm of his hand.

Then he turned his wrist and a brand new napkin appeared in his hand.

Jiang Wanfeng's eyes suddenly widened just now.

She quickly said: "Do it again."

Xu Zhe'an smiled, knowing that Jiang Wanfeng wanted to expose him, so he performed it again.

This is actually a very simple magic trick. Just fold a napkin in advance and put it in your left hand, and then tear the other napkin in front of others.

Then he pretended to put the shredded paper in his left hand, but at the moment he put it, he actually hid the shredded paper in his right hand and took out the complete napkin in his left hand. The performance was over.

"As long as you have hands"

It's a pity that Jiang Wanfeng still didn't see this little magic trick clearly.

Her interest was aroused, and she felt that it was a very simple and easy-to-debunk magic trick, but it made no sense and could not see the principle.

Under the ambient lighting of the KTV, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more relaxed, and the relationship between the two became more and more natural.

Xu Zhe'an did some small chores, while Jiang Wanfeng drank a small drink and watched Xu Zhe'an's little magic tricks with interest, and gradually relaxed physically and mentally.

In fact, Jiang Wanfeng was not just attracted to magic.

She just felt that what Xu Zhe'an just said made sense.

I came to the show just to relax, there is no reason to be tense all the time.

Coupled with Xu Zhe'an's constant teasing, Jiang Wanfeng slowly and truly relaxed in this state of mind.

Stop thinking about creation and think about nothing else.

She always plans too much, thinks too much, and her mind is sensitive and delicate but also increasingly fragile.

Being happy is the most important thing.

Jiang Wanfeng took a sip of the wine and his eyes lit up when he saw Xu Zhe'an's hand slowed down and exposed the tissue on his left hand.

"I exposed it!"

Jiang Wanfeng finally found the loophole in Xu Zhe'an's simple magic trick, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Xu Zhe'an looked at Jiang Wanfeng's rare smile under the dim ambient light and squinted his eyes.

This iceberg beauty looks really pretty when she smiles.

"I leaked this loophole on purpose, otherwise you think you can find it?" Xu Zhe'an turned his head and started to talk harshly.

When Jiang Wanfeng heard Xu Zhe'an's words, he was not convinced: "Then do it again."

"not coming."

Xu Zhe'an stood up, walked to the singing stage, looked at the little diva who had completely mastered the rhythm by himself, and said:
"It's almost time for us to sing."

(End of this chapter)

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