Yuan Zun: Samsara God Emperor, starting from signing in

Chapter 45: This saint clan is the enemy that Master told us to be careful about, remember it!

Chapter 45: This saint clan is the enemy that Master told us to be careful about, remember it!

As Zhao Chen released the power of his soul, all the soil under his feet was moved away.

It didn't stop until twenty meters down.

He looked down and saw a curtain of light appearing on the side below.

Behind the light curtain, there is a bronze door.

Su Youwei had no time to pay attention to this. Her attention was all on Zhao Chen, who was very close at hand.

"Okay, it feels so warm. I really want to feel like this for the rest of my life."

She couldn't help but fantasize and murmured in her heart.

Liu Xi saw this scene, but didn't say anything.

Perhaps, in his heart, he has already recognized the other party.

Seeing that the relationship between Zhao Chen and Su Youwei is getting closer, they also show their "aunt's smile".

Yaoyao glanced at the light curtain and reminded:

"Junior brother, this is the source pattern barrier, and it is a complete special source pattern barrier!"

The special source pattern enchantment requires a specific source pattern to open it.

If it is forcibly opened, it will start to self-destruct.

The power of the self-destruction will make all living beings within a hundred miles radius dead and destroyed.

"Don't worry, we are already prepared."

Zhao Chen flipped his hands and took out a black token, which seemed to have special traces of origin patterns on it.

It looks like parts of it have been worn away by years of erosion.

He handed the black token to Yaoyao and said:

"I have to trouble Senior Sister to repair the source pattern."

There is no way, the source pattern on this black token has exceeded the scope of the third grade.

If you want to repair it, you have to let Yaoyao come.


Yaoyao was shocked. She didn't expect that Zhao Chen had been prepared.

It felt to her as if she had known that there was a complete special source pattern barrier here.

Mainly, she didn't see the other party picking up this black token in the ruins of the Zhan Puppet Sect.

really weird.

Yaoyao muttered and took the black token.

Immediately, a jade-like Origin Pattern pen appeared in her jade hand.

Under concentration, the source pattern pen bloomed with a faint light.

One source trace after another appeared out of thin air.

A special charm pervades it.

As the number of source marks increases, the longer it takes to outline and draw the source marks, the greater the pressure on oneself.

If you are not careful, all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Even Yaoyao is very careful.

After a long time, she just outlined the last source mark.

This extremely complex and obscure source pattern suddenly took shape, blooming with ultimate light.

When Yaoyao pointed it out, the source pattern immediately attached to the source pattern barrier.

Ripples appeared on the surface of the light screen, like waves on the water.

Zhao Chen and others watched this scene, feeling a little nervous.

It would be terrible if even the source pattern drawn by Yaoyao couldn't open the source pattern barrier.

After all, this special source pattern barrier will self-destruct.

Soon, everyone's anxious hearts were relieved.

The light curtain tore open a hole, revealing the passage inside.

"Okay, let's go in."

Yaoyao simply wiped the sweat from her white forehead and entered the passage first, arriving in front of the bronze door that had been closed for countless years.

She took a brief look and saw that there was no other threat.

With his nod, Zhao Chen immediately stepped forward and pushed open the bronze door.

When the bronze door opened, a huge and vast underground palace appeared directly in their field of vision.

Among them, countless black shadows stood quietly here.

For a moment, it gave people an extremely cold feeling.

Zhao Chen swallowed, his eyes shining a little.

"With so many war puppets, you can make a lot of money!"

It turns out that these black figures are all war puppets one after another.

Each war puppet was much more sophisticated than the war puppets they had encountered outside before.

The difference between them is the difference between ordinary and excellent.

The number of these war puppets is huge, roughly estimated to be in the tens of thousands.

Moreover, the core of each war puppet is in a dormant state. No instructions have been set yet, and it is in a state of ownerlessness.

As long as there are people who are proficient in the Origin Patterns and continue to plant core instructions in each of these war puppets and awaken them, then they will have a huge army of war puppets numbering tens of thousands. If a war really breaks out, then this army of war puppets will be simply a terrifying killing machine.

It is difficult to have an army that can hinder its march!

Seeing so many Zhan Puppet, Yaoyao couldn't help but become interested in the former Zhan Puppet Sect.

Logically speaking, the other party is so powerful that there is no danger of destruction in this nearby area.

Ordinary people would have to pay a terrible price if they wanted to destroy it.

To be honest, I really don’t understand how the Zhan Puppet Sect was destroyed.

Could it be that it was destroyed in an instant and that there was no chance to activate the army of war puppets in the underground palace?

While Yaoyao and others were thinking, Zhao Chen had already entered the underground palace.

He decisively moved the golden and white belt around his waist, and the black and white jade stones actually spun at this moment, forming a black and white vortex.

The next moment, the black and white vortex rushed out, covering all the war puppets in the underground palace.


Zhao Chen was not polite at all and directly put all the tens of thousands of war puppets into the small spirit world space.

With his current proficiency in various first- to third-grade origin patterns, he is enough to turn these tens of thousands of war puppets into a terrifying army of war puppets.

Wherever it passes, there will be no grass growing.

This is more suitable for him than Zhao Wangjun, Canglan Army, etc.

When you want to use it, just release it directly.

As countless war puppets disappeared, the underground palace seemed even more empty.

Yaoyao kept scanning the surroundings, and finally landed on the stone platform in front.

On the stone platform, there are three jade boxes.

These three jade boxes are all quite exquisite, with patterns engraved on them, and a special ancient vicissitude.

She followed Zhao Chen and others to the nearby area and looked at the three jade boxes carefully.

"Be careful."

Even Yaoyao feels a little weird here.

Not to mention, these three jade boxes.

Zhao Chen nodded slightly and opened one of the jade boxes.

Among them, there is a crystal stone.

The next moment, light bloomed, forming a curtain of light in front of them.

Above this light curtain, there was an endless scene of countless palaces on the mountains thousands of miles away.

Countless war puppets appeared among them.

There are many figures, turning into divine light, passing across the sky.

The display of the tip of the iceberg is enough to prove how powerful the Zhan Puppet Sect was in the past.


At this moment, above the clear sky, the solid space collapsed instantly.

A ray of light and shadow appeared directly.

The other party's whole body was filled with holy light, and his eyes had no emotion at all.

Between the eyebrows, there is a blood-red vertical mark, as if there is a third eye.

"The genius of the Holy Race died here. He declared this place to be a place of sin. He should be punished by the Holy Spirit. All living beings within 80,000 miles will be destroyed!"

Like the sound of judgment, it resounded throughout the world.

The terrifying pressure was released without reservation, crushing and flattening the surrounding mountains and countless palaces.

A large number of creatures were destroyed.

As the thunder condensed, it descended.

This area of ​​80,000 miles is actually barren of grass, turning into an endless dark abyss.

Liu Xi, Su Youwei, and Wei Qingqing all looked at this scene with horror on their faces.

They finally knew how the once powerful Zhan Puppet Sect, along with other ancient creatures, had been destroyed.

It turned out to be one person who turned the great rivers and mountains into the black abyss they are today.

This is beyond their cognitive scope.

Even Zhao Chen, who had already expected it, looked dignified and serious when he saw this scene.

"Saint clan..."

Yaoyao, who was next to her, saw this scene, and her beautiful eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

In her jade hand, a nine-color lotus jade pendant appeared.

The lotus flower above actually burned with flames.

Zhao Chen looked at the other party immediately. Although it was just a photo of the spirit stone, it was also the first time they came into contact with the existence of the saints.

Just because a saint's genius fell, all living beings within 80,000 miles of the Zhan Puppet Sect were destroyed.

Such a method can be called extremely ruthless.

And in his mind, the words of Saint Cang Yuan before he left also appeared.

And, one’s own commitment.

Zhao Chen stretched out his hand, took hold of Yaoyao's delicate and tender jade hand, looked at the other person's beautiful eyes that he had not noticed were shining with cold light, and said softly:
"This saint is the enemy that Master told us to be careful about. Remember it!"

(End of this chapter)

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